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shadowolf (DayZ)

what have you done with a RPG in dayz

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hello again, i would like to hear your storys about using a rpg. i know the frist time i did i was very new to the game and had found the base of some people that had given me and some friends some troble and someone gave me a rpg for a light machine gun i found [don't remember the name] and wait until night fall as they were talking about some plans and i said on voice chat "revenge motherfuc#ers" and blew them all up, i think there were 10 to 14 deaths that night all i can say is that i got some good dam loot from that



note its called revenge not KOS okey

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...do you mean RPG as in roleplaying game or RPG as in rocket propelled grenade? It sounded like the former at first...


Anyway, as far as what I've done with an RPG? I spawned one in for DaiZy (singleplayer DayZ) and shot an AI helicopter, which crashed into my car. >.>

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I only found one 1 time. I blew up a zombie with it.


C4 on the other hand ...


I've held a free gun giveaway event in Elektro, hiding guns in a bunch of buildings, and then exploded every enterable building in the city.

Edited by Weedz
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with an RPG i pissed some people off in the trader city in epoch, no one died because it was god mode, but when i was done the place was a smoking pile of rubble

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