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New California Republic Tactical Military Realism Group Recruiting Now! |Vanilla| |Epoch|

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Name: Calvin (People call me Ace)

Age: 15

Time Zone: Mountain Standard

Country: US

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes

Preferred Job: NCR Pilot, NCR Trooper, NCR Heavy Trooper

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: Well I've been playing dayz for about a year now, been playing Arma 2 for almost 2 years now. I know that I deserve a chance to become part of the team. Hopefully I will be part of the team someday.

Edited by fores505

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Name: Calvin (People call me Ace)
Age: 15
Time Zone: Mountain Standard
Country: US
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes
Preferred Job: NCR Pilot, NCR Trooper, NCR Heavy Trooper
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: Well I've been playing dayz for about a year now, been playing Arma 2 for almost 2 years now. I know that I deserve a chance to become part of the team. Hopefully I will be part of the team someday.


Application Pending, Look forward to seeing you in our Team! Please look for G-Easy or Mike in our Teamspeak, TS INFO:

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Name:Trent Sellers: IGN(Sellers)


Age: 15


Time Zone: Eastern Timezone


Country: United States of America


Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes i am ready to commit to NCR.


Preferred Job: NCR Trooper or NCR Military Police


Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR:

  • The friends i usually play Dayz Epoch do not play dayz at all or not as much and i like to play with other people.
  • I would also like to be in a structured clan who dayz epoch.
  • I think it would be a good experience playing with  you guys and that i would learn things.
Edited by turtlestrent

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Name:Trent Sellers: IGN(Sellers)
Age: 15
Time Zone: Eastern Timezone
Country: United States of America
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes i am ready to commit to NCR.
Preferred Job: NCR Trooper or NCR Military Police
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR:
  • The friends i usually play Dayz Epoch do not play dayz at all or not as much and i like to play with other people.
  • I would also like to be in a structured clan who dayz epoch.
  • I think it would be a good experience playing with  you guys and that i would learn things.


Pending join the teamspeak and look for Mike or G-Eazy TS:

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Name: Tianlord

Age:  25

Time Zone: PST

Country: USA

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Indeed.

Preferred Job: NCR Combat Medic or Trooper

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: Token Asian

Edited by Tianlord

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Thankyou for the offer, though we already have a dayz epoch server to play on.

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Name: Entruder

Age: 26

Time Zone: -5 EST

Country: USA

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:Yes

Preferred Job: NCR Trooper / Combat Medic

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: Because I have prior real world military experience as a machinegunner in the marine corps. thus being well versed and familier with tactics such as room clearing and building approaching. Also been playing Dayz (Mod) for about a year and a half so i know my way around and how to do things. not to mention i plan on moving to cali soon (within the next year)

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Name: Entruder

Age: 26

Time Zone: -5 EST

Country: USA

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:Yes

Preferred Job: NCR Trooper / Combat Medic

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: Because I have prior real world military experience as a machinegunner in the marine corps. thus being well versed and familier with tactics such as room clearing and building approaching. Also been playing Dayz (Mod) for about a year and a half so i know my way around and how to do things. not to mention i plan on moving to cali soon (within the next year)


Application Pending, Please look for G-Easy or Mike in our Teamspeak, TS INFO:

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Time Zone:UTC+0


Country: UK


Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Sure am!


Preferred Job: NCR Pilot, I am a extremely excperienced pilot, I can land anything anywhere, with speed, safety, and of course, without autohover! 

I'm currently also trying to get better with planes as well. Also, I would say i'm good with snipers, so which ever job you use one with, i would be interested.


Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I've been playing DayZ for a while now and I can pretty much take 

on any situation and I think I would be a good addition to your clan. I know when to get down and serious and when to have a good laugh. I Don't moan and whine when I die, and I love a challenge.

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Name: Seasalt

Age: 17

Time Zone: EST (UTC-5)

Country: United States

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes.

Preferred Job: NCR Pilot / Ranger / Medic

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: The NCR seems to have its head screwed on its shoulders. It's a good quality and I'd like to be a part of it. I think I could hone my skills even better in this clan, and make a few friends whilst doing so. I'm in for a challenge, too.

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Time Zone:UTC+0
Country: UK
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Sure am!
Preferred Job: NCR Pilot, I am a extremely excperienced pilot, I can land anything anywhere, with speed, safety, and of course, without autohover! 
I'm currently also trying to get better with planes as well. Also, I would say i'm good with snipers, so which ever job you use one with, i would be interested.
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I've been playing DayZ for a while now and I can pretty much take 
on any situation and I think I would be a good addition to your clan. I know when to get down and serious and when to have a good laugh. I Don't moan and whine when I die, and I love a challenge.


Application Pending, Please look for G-Easy or Mike in our Teamspeak, TS INFO:

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Name: Seasalt

Age: 17

Time Zone: EST (UTC-5)

Country: United States

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes.

Preferred Job: NCR Pilot / Ranger / Medic

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: The NCR seems to have its head screwed on its shoulders. It's a good quality and I'd like to be a part of it. I think I could hone my skills even better in this clan, and make a few friends whilst doing so. I'm in for a challenge, too.


Sorry, your application has been denied.

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Name: f0twenty

Age: 30

Time Zone: East Coast 

Country: USA

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:Sure 

Preferred Job: Veteran Ranger/Officer

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: Because I am the elite of the players that have applied.  I have played with creators of various MODS (Origins, Redux, Overwatch) and I have the knowledge of how groups whether small or large run.  I have lead many groups with ease and have no problem giving orders.  Anyone shows insuboordination, they are disciplined to the fullest.  The game is about having fun but also not being a deutschbag.  If my fellow mates have pulled such dbaggery, I was quick to personally kill them myself.  

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Name: f0twenty

Age: 30

Time Zone: East Coast 

Country: USA

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:Sure 

Preferred Job: Veteran Ranger/Officer

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: Because I am the elite of the players that have applied.  I have played with creators of various MODS (Origins, Redux, Overwatch) and I have the knowledge of how groups whether small or large run.  I have lead many groups with ease and have no problem giving orders.  Anyone shows insuboordination, they are disciplined to the fullest.  The game is about having fun but also not being a deutschbag.  If my fellow mates have pulled such dbaggery, I was quick to personally kill them myself.  


Application looks great, We are looking forward to meeting you in our teamspeak. Which the ip is

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Name: BFS CodePro (Josh)

Age: 15

Time Zone: EST

Country: United States

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Most Definately

Preferred Job: NCR Pilot

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I am a very well rounded ArmA player, when it comes to flying in ArmA I am an incredibly skilled pilot. I believe this would help the group in it's times of need. I have played several DayZ mods and probably 100's of ArmA mods in general, I am even currently working on my own DayZ mod called DayZ Commune, Commune Website.

Edited by BFS CodePro

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Name: bbruins (on forums) Plague (on dayz and arma) Aaron (irl) 

Age: 15

Time Zone: MST 

Country: United States

Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Definitely!

Preferred Job: Anything you throw at me!

Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I feel that I deserve to be in the NCR because I'm a dedicated DayZ player, and have been with the game for a little over a year. I have many skills that I could bring onto the battle field like sniping, using various weapons to take down multiple opponents etc. To sum up who wouldn't want to be with the NCR.. They're the bad asses of the Mojave wasteland haha. Hope to hear back,


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Name: BFS CodePro (Josh)
Age: 15
Time Zone: EST
Country: United States
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Most Definately
Preferred Job: NCR Pilot
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I am a very well rounded ArmA player, when it comes to flying in ArmA I am an incredibly skilled pilot. I believe this would help the group in it's times of need. I have played several DayZ mods and probably 100's of ArmA mods in general, I am even currently working on my own DayZ mod called DayZ Commune, Commune Website.


Application Pending, Please look for G-Easy or Mike in our Teamspeak, TS INFO: Good look with your mod!

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Name: bbruins (on forums) Plague (on dayz and arma) Aaron (irl) 
Age: 15
Time Zone: MST 
Country: United States
Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Definitely!
Preferred Job: Anything you throw at me!
Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I feel that I deserve to be in the NCR because I'm a dedicated DayZ player, and have been with the game for a little over a year. I have many skills that I could bring onto the battle field like sniping, using various weapons to take down multiple opponents etc. To sum up who wouldn't want to be with the NCR.. They're the bad asses of the Mojave wasteland haha. Hope to hear back,


Application Pending, Please look for G-Easy or Mike in our Teamspeak, TS INFO: Someone has  to protect the wasteland! :D 

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