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Looking for a new server, Vanilla + Private Hive

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Arrrggghhh, mid game the server I have been playing on for last 3 weeks goes down....20mins later pops back up as a damn Epoch server. I need a new home lol


Only things I want are -


Vanilla Dayz

Private Hive

Some regular players

And...most important...one that's not going to be swapping to some other mod anytime soon 


Thought id post here, so any new players looking for same thing can check it out.


Any suggestions?

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Is there a reason for the private hive aspect if all you want is vanilla?  TMW owns 2 public hive servers (US1503 and EU2419) so you can check those out if you like, but our private server is currently Taviana with AI and will cycle maps sometime next month.

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I prefer private hives for tracking player movement an stuff. bit useless if they can join anywhere on map with any gear ;)

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AWA HARDCORE - If you're somewhere near the UK.


Go to http://awkack.org/index.php?page=whitelist to register and whitelist first.


I Started there a couple days ago, and it's a really fun server. There were about 5 new players last night and ther are 16 playing right now (soon 17 with me included)


Except for the fact that you can commit suicide if you do posess a pistol, and choosing a spawn point( if u click Chernarus it's one of the normal random places), it's 100% vanilla.

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Just posted this on other thread too:



Try the awkack.org DayZ Server.


Whitelisted, private hive, and as vanilla as it gets. All they have done is added a few more cars (nothing excessive, they are still quite rare to find), and about 3 more buildings on the map. Also there are some cool changes (you can shoot from the passenger seat of a bus/truck) and lowered the spawn rate of things like DMR's and Ghillies. Also there are no waypoints unless you have a GPS.


Not completely vanilla, but the changes they have made improve the game and make it more 'realistic' and vanilla in a way, rather than 8,000.000 new guns and starting rocket launchers.

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I host the Wolf Pack DayZ Server. It's a DayZ Epoch, which IMHO is a much more in-depth refined version of DayZ.

Server Details: 
TEAMSPEAK: ts52.gameservers.com:9314
[WPD] - Epoch Chernarus Server:
Website: http://wolfpackdayz.enjin.com/

Forum Post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/144974-epoch-chernarus-30-exciting-immersive-locations-added-airfields-no-running-zombies-ai-missions-crafting-redone-traders-much-more/

Some Features:

Map Markers and Addons







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Is there a reason for the private hive aspect if all you want is vanilla?  TMW owns 2 public hive servers (US1503 and EU2419) so you can check those out if you like, but our private server is currently Taviana with AI and will cycle maps sometime next month.


The main reason for playing on private whitelisted hives is to play without cheaters. Public servers are rampant with cheaters.

[AWA] Awkack currently has the best (almost) vanilla DayZ whitelisted servers. Although to be fair I haven't played much DayZ lately so don't know if new ones have popped up (which they do every half a year).

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