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Make killing an option... allow us to knock out fellow survivors :)

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It would have to be a melee weapon. Such a dangerous and annoying thing as being knocked out should NOT be used from afar.

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This is basically a forced 'surrender' mechanic - so I like it from that point of view, but I would also like to see a surrender mechanic that player could toggle on themselves if they find themselves in a hopeless situation - improving communication.

I mean getting close enough to knock someone out without them trying to fire on you wouldn't be so easy (which is cool, makes it a challenge) and might be more effective for lone-wolf style play - while ambushing a player from the scrub and shouting at them to go into surrender mode lets the ambusher give the 'ambushed' a chance to surrender from relative safety - if they dont enter the surrender animation they take their lives in their own hands...the ability to 'knockout' a player would also be very handy in making your escape after you have forced a surrender!

There is already a surrender animation... Go into options and controls, then set it as a button.

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Yeah it was suggested alrdy... same reponse as back then: +1

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I totally support this idea and think melee weapons and tranquilizer bolts for the crossbow would be the best solution. Have my beans!

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maybe using your flashlight if u have no wood so new gamer's can have at least some loot on there first day. Also hitting them from behind while in crouch then once you have chosen the ''knock out'' then your person will stand and hit them square in the back of the head. but the victim can not move or counter this after you have chosen to ''knock out'' :beans: :thumbsup:

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Knock out female survivor.

I like where this is going.

Can we also add ropes? Maybe cuffs?

Can we drag the unconscious body?

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Can we drag the unconscious body?

You can drag people that are unconscious

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You can drag people that are unconscious

Yeah but even if we knocked the person out ourselves like OP is suggesting?

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