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nanotech (DayZ)

Help please banned trying to play game again

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Well I'll be honest I hacked got banned a year ago because I never thought I would have a high end gaming pc well I want to play again but this time legitly can somebody point to me to a tutorial or walk me trough the steps on what I have to do.

Edited by nanotech

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1: Go to Bohemia Interactive's website (or the Steam store)
2: Purchase another copy of ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead

3: Install

4: Set up OA and A2 with @DayZ the way you would normally
5: Launch the game

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1. Punch self in dick.


2. Repeat 1.


3. Buy new copies of the games.


4. Dont do dick punch worthy things.

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Don't hack and learn to use punctuation.

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1: Go to Bohemia Interactive's website (or the Steam store)

2: Purchase another copy of ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead

3: Install

4: Set up OA and A2 with @DayZ the way you would normally

5: Launch the game

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