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evilcoookie loot patterns

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Anyone else feel like chem lights, flares, random ammo and hatchets are spawning way too much? I've scavenged on near empty servers for nearly 3 hours today and couldn't find any handguns, compasses or maps, matches etc.

I found tons of handgun ammo, food water and medical supplies, but i can't find consistent sources of the other stuff. I've been checking, houses in cherno, firestations, grocery stores, barns, warehouses everything.

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as someone who isn't afraid of night servers (anymore) i love all the light sources spawning

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Makarov in Kamehka, AKM in a deerstand, Double-Barrel in barns, Winchester in barns, and a Makarov/Winchester and buttloads of ammo in a supermarket.

If anything, the patch just encourages you to search more places. I haven't had any issues finding firepower. Now Morphine on the other had, that stuff is like the holy grail. Used to be everywhere, can't find any now.

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Anyone else feel like chem lights' date=' flares, random ammo and hatchets are spawning way too much? I've scavenged on near empty servers for nearly 3 hours today and couldn't find any handguns, compasses or maps, matches etc.

I found tons of handgun ammo, food water and medical supplies, but i can't find consistent sources of the other stuff. I've been checking, houses in cherno, firestations, grocery stores, barns, warehouses everything.


I think it's fine.

I recently died and went to elektro, 1st run got me :

Box of matches

M1911 (with tons of ammo, 5-6 clips at least)




Winchester (also found 2 double barrel shotguns, and 1 crossbow)

Czech backpack

Wood pile


Camping Tent


I didn't even go into the hospital, I think the spawns are PERFECT. It should be spawning food/water/guns/ammo more then anything else, because when you start that is the very FIRST thing you need. I don't want it to be any harder to find guns or food

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Its hard to judge this without a bigger sample as luck is such a factor.

Some days I can only find things I don't need, others days I find a sweet setup in 10 minutes.

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I definitely feel like the loot complaints are from not properly searching all the enter-able buildings. Some of those small houses actually do have decent loot (Like FOOD!) from time to time. If you're careful, they are always worth a check.

Just because it's harder to find loot, doesn't mean the loot isn't out there.

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I found am ak47 in the firestation at elektro last night but that was about it :(

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One thing I have noticed is nearly every Heli site I find now has a Fal, and usually with little to no ammo. I found one that had 3 Fals and a BizonSD with no ammo and no other loot.

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First, I died recently after accumulating upwards of 800 zombie kills (only killing to get through places). I would say that character was alive at least a week or more. What did I die to? Some guy who killed the whole server, but I digress.

I started a new character and headed to Elektro. I searched every single fire station, church, orange building, brown building, barns, etc. I did not find a single firearm. I found a few axes, and lots of ammo. What did I find the most? Empty cans and empty whiskey bottles. I killed myself and respawned near Cherno. The same exact loot almost. I switch servers, and again, I find almost nothing but empty cans.

Now, I haven't respawned a new character since 1.7.0, but I don't remember ever going through Elektro or Cherno without at least finding a primary and secondary. I'm not sure if the loot tables are bugged, but there is clearly something wrong.

When I died, I was actually kind of happy to be back on the coast because being up north so long was getting extremely boring. To my dismay, the coast seems so much worse. I see so many people just running around with a train of zombies behind them because they have nothing to fight back with. The cities seem so quiet now because you don't hear people defending themselves against zombies.

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The spawn rate is fine, i think the problem here lies with players crippling themselves by not searching farther afield, in one thread i actually read a post saying something like "wow there are deerstands...but they are so far away"

People need to take more of a risk, on spawning move inland, don't just rush to Cherno or Electro, the rewards are there for the adventurous.

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I haven't had any issue with loot from the 20 people I've killed today. Most had more than enough ammo and supplies.

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Dunno then, I've mostly been in North side looting chopper crash sites and stuff with my teammates. Can't remember when was the last time I've been in Elektro or Chernogorsk. We call the South cost The Macaroni Coast (altough it practically isn't anymore since players don't spawn with Makarovs :D) If I happen to die and spawn at the beach they'll come and pick me up with a vehicle, thus I'll be in North in less than 30 minutes again.

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It feels as if pistols and rucksacks have become less common, and deer stands now rather often than not seem empty despite "fresh" Zombie spawns.

Nothing too bad though.

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I hate spending time on the coast so I head directly inland. Haven't had too much of an issue getting primary and secondary weapons and ammo. My best stuff came from Stary. It was night, not a soul around. Ghillie suit, M9SD, PDW, M24, AK47, ammo and supplies. Just gotta stay away from the coast. Berezino was pretty good for loot too.

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Big ups for Berezino! I got heaps there too.

Obviously a lot of people are raiding elec and cherno often and just leaving the crap stuff.

Barns/fire stations/airports...

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The spawn rate is fine' date=' i think the problem here lies with players crippling themselves by not searching farther afield, in one thread i actually read a post saying something like "wow there are deerstands...but they are so far away"

People need to take more of a risk, on spawning move inland, don't just rush to Cherno or Electro, the rewards are there for the adventurous.


I spent over a week up north. Yes, we all know there's good loot up there. The point is that it's boring as hell up north. You rarely run into other survivors unless you are camping Stary or NW AF 24/7.

I did the survival thing up north already. I'd still be doing it if the whole server wasn't mass killed. Frankly, I'm tired of that now. I want to spend time on the coast because it's riskier especially when my mission is to kill as many zombies as possible. It's a bit difficult to do that when all I'm seeing is empty cans, chemlights, and flares.

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I walked through Cherno in a verrrry low pop server and all I found in just about EVERY loot spawn was tin cans, etc...

This went on for a couple hours and even noticed the same thing on across multiple servers.

I don't know if this was intended or if it is a BUG. The reason I say this is because when I looted a medical box that had 1 painkiller in it and then returned every box that I had emptied was FULL of blood bags, epi-pens, bandages, etc....

After this I would completely empty a loot spawn area of tin cans and later return. Almost every time I would find fresh GEAR. Ammo, weapons, food, etc...

Maybe there is a tin can bug?

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Maybe there is a tin can bug?

Well if there is it will have plenty of food. Hopefully we can kill then and cook them for food (animals in towns).

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I've noticed that loot spawning correlates with server pop.

I've found the best gear in full servers and junk in low pop.

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There are way to much medical supplies spawning at one place. In Cherno with the millitary tents you will certainly find around 15 bloodbags, 10 epi-pens, 10 bandages etc. Its ridiculous

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