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Lets go back to the classics...

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I miss the classical dayz maps, the good old ones. Like namalsk, lingor, tavi, and panthera. I look at those servers for those maps and all i see are 1000+ heli servers, which imo are no fun.


So this is a post hoping to get people back on the classic vanilla maps. I find few vanilla servers, about 4 players in each and thats no fun. Ive never tried thirsk, panthera, sahrani, or even a good vanilla tavi server.


This angers me, dayz is about immersion, so why play n 1000000000+ vehicle servers?


Its just my opinion anyway, so its not like anythings going to change.


Whatever, thanks for your time anyway fellow dayZ players.


I hope to see you guys on the good ol' classics 

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To be fair, 1000 vehicles in a small country is kind of realistic. But I definitely see your point and agree with it. 

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  On 10/19/2013 at 6:52 AM, Statik said:

Good God.


A survival Lingor server... I'm weak at the knee's.









Someone do it now.



I feel it. Yes.

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Vanilla Namalsk, now that is a challenge!

Edited by MoOnKat
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Yeah they were good times, when the no.1 mod was DayZ origins, and breaking point was having competition with it, but dayz vanilla was yet the most played. :thumbsup:

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I really don't get the hate on high-vehicle private hives.  


For one thing, as someone has already mentioned, it's quite realistic to expect a 225 sq. km. area to have several hundred cars.  The only reason people get upset is that it is no longer the arbitrary challenge to which they're accustomed.  A vehicle isn't supposed to be a reward for patience and determination in a game, that you park out in the trees and never drive.  It's supposed to be one tool, which you can choose to utilize or not, for survival.  IMHO, the higher vehicle count servers are more realistic.  


Using one is also kinda a pain in the ass, especially if it's not your server.  You have to park it outside of town, and leave it unattended while you scavange (no piles will spawn near you while you're driving it, see). One slip-up in the kludgey vehicle physics while you're driving, and it's flipped over.  Or has major damage.  The fuel economy is also COMPLETELY unrealistic.  Even the shitty cars likely to be in Chernarus would get better gas mileage than these cars actually get.  


So I don't see it from either angle.  The angle that it's giving away something which used to take effort is silly to me, because the original effort was unrealistic.  The angle that it gives an advantage right away is equally silly to me, as it takes considerable effort to effectively use a vehicle, and hang onto it if others play that server.

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Having several hundred cars on 225 km²?    Maybe.


All repaired like they usually are on those server?   Definitely not.


Autorefuel and unlimited fuel?    Definitely nein.



It's not the fact that there are that many vehicles, it's the fact that those servers usually have them all fully repaired and fully fueled with all the jazz that doesn't even require you to have a brain to keep it running.

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  On 10/22/2013 at 10:01 PM, kichilron said:

Having several hundred cars on 225 km²?    Maybe.


All repaired like they usually are on those server?   Definitely not.


Autorefuel and unlimited fuel?    Definitely nein.



It's not the fact that there are that many vehicles, it's the fact that those servers usually have them all fully repaired and fully fueled with all the jazz that doesn't even require you to have a brain to keep it running.


Agreed. I don't hate "higher vehicle" servers I hate servers edited by people who don't know how (or don't want to) make vehicles spawn broken and in need of repair I wouldn't even mind if a FEW worked on spawn. heck not every vehicle in you neighborhhod would spontaneously break down if everyone were gone for a few months now would it? But these guys who are just trying to steal impatient immature players from one another to whore donations with "ZOMG 5000 Vehicles!" "Attack helis!" "SPAWN WITH A FRIGGEN TANK!" its all crap and ruins the challenge of suriving when you can be a boss within 15 mins of spawn with everything you need. and that brings up another thing- its not just the Vehicles it all the other crap those servers typically have Like donors spawn with DMR, etc. it all leads to an environment where theres no incentive to actually play smart and careful at all.

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  On 10/19/2013 at 9:22 PM, MoOnKat said:

Vanilla Namalsk, now that is a challenge!

Do you if there is an active namalsk server without or much reduced blood suckers.

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