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905 Clan Recruiting Skilled Bandits (Currently recruiting for origins/overpoch)!

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905 Clan

~Hated by many, feared by all~




Hello thank you for showing your interest in the 905 clan, first off I will tell you that in the 905 clan we expect better then average play from every team member having everyone in our team be able to rely on each other in a combat situation is critical. we all realize that people can make mistakes and that is what this clan is for if you die you can rely on your team to back you up but an important part of making a mistake is to be able to own up to your mistake and say "yea i made a mistake" I invite every person that reads this to leave an application below we are an experienced BANDIT clan in terms of gameplay and communication. Not only do we provide a fun group in game we are also a great group of guys that love to joke around at the appropriate times, we are not one of those multi game clans we specifically play dayz yes some of do play other games on our off time or when were taking a break we are a tight knit group of players that love dayz and are looking for others to join! so keep reading and hopefully 905 is a good fit for you!




Clan Roots: 

905's roots trace back to the vanilla DayZ mod with public hive servers but when private hives became a popular way to prevent hackers we switched over to a Taviana server known as Tactical Taviana we remained on that server for about a year subsequently we went on play just about any popular dayz mod that came out on dayz commander including dayz overwatch, dayz epoch, dayzero, dayz + and finally now dayzoverpoch.



To begin when you are initially accepted in 905 you will be put on a 1 week trial to see if you are a good fit during that time your name should follow this format 905yournameTrial once your one week trial is up it will be decided if you are not only a  good fit or not but wether you can be trusted with sensitive information like base codes and safe codes.
Actual Rules:
1. Respect 905 Members and Leaders as you are a trial
2. 905 must be your only clan.
3. Obviously all the simple shit like dont shoot teammates and what not but I expect future 905 and trials to know that already.


Application ( please answer all questions)
Requirements to join:
1. Be atleast 16+ years old exceptions may be made.
1. do you have a mic and be on teamspeak while playing dayz?
2. how long have you played dayz for?
​3. how often are you available to play dayz?
4. are you a good navigator/driver/pilot?
5. are you dedicated to 905?
6. what do you think you can bring to the clan by having us recruit you?
7. have you been in any other clans?
- Thank you for showing interest in 905 hopefully we are a good fit for you!
Edited by 905Tristan

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Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing):9

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): cthmasjr

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one):Sniper/Scout

What do you bring to the group?: I bring another person that has played the mod from almost the start. Im older so I will not cry or get mad because it is just a game.

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Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing):8.5

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): Jowenbra

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one):Sniper/assault

What do you bring to the group?: Another body for the fields :) I have played day z for a long time so I know the ropes, I am reletively new to epoch but I know what its all about and how to do stuff.

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Here goes



Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing): 7-8

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): Leverloos

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one):Can use any wepon to good efficiency. Prefer rifles. Good pilot.

What do you bring to the group?: I am a veteran Arma player since arma 1. I played/play in an arma 2 ACE realism group and I know how to take orders. I can bring you a good helicopter pilot with a trackIR headtracking device.


I have played dayz before but stopped. I was mostly solo or with a friend, I think playing as a group would be a lot more fun.

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Hey, I dont want to feel pushy. you guys look like great guys to play with. I already started playing on the MGT server and having lots of fun already. got myself a fuel truck and a whole rack of guns.


Havnt done anything that has to do with epoch though like the crafting.

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Age: 16

Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing): 9, been playing for a year and had lots of firefights

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): don't like posting that info in this. So i don't get spam

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): sniper and assault

What do you bring to the group?: I have over a year of experience and have been playing epoch for a while

Edited by sam2

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Main timezone of your members?


Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing): 10, I'm new to Epoch however I've never build a base before so bare with me.

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): jordy_wvl

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): I can be anything your group requires.

What do you bring to the group?: I've been playing DayZ since the beginning.

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  On 10/28/2013 at 11:44 AM, 905Tristan said:


sorry if im stupid, but what does bump! mean?

Edited by sam2

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If anyone is interested now is the time to apply! looking for a few more people 


-update very well setup gear wise and vehicle wise, base is in the process of being constructed 

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Age:15 - If my age is a problem, you let me know.

Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing):10

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): PackingPunch

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): All

What do you bring to the group?: I generally play alone, but prefer a group, I owned my own clan, TS, and website for a majority of the summer, but had to give it up due to school. I can handle myself, I do not need a team, but I would prefer to be in a team. I can give and take orders when needed. I stand for myself, when a bad call is given I will give my feedback. I am a long time DayZ and Arma 2 player and I feel I know what I am talking about.

P.S. if this is a clan that likes to play on really low pop servers with few people on them, then count me out. I love the thrill of interaction, firefights, and competitiveness with opponents. 

Edited by Reverence

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Age: 15

Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing): 8 

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): max.obm plus do have ts

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): assault + sniper

What do you bring to the group?: i bring enjoyment 

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Age: 22

Skill level (1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being amazing): 8

Skype(we do use Teamspeak but this is just to get in contact): krisnewland

Role (Sniper, Assault, Scout, Pilot. Can choose more then one): sniper scout pilot

What do you bring to the group?: know how to navigate with map, combat tactics, able to use mildots on a scope, decent pilot(still crash every once in awhile), willing to be bait if the loot is good :)

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