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[POLL] Are you going to Kill on Sight with new item degradation system ?

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I selected other.

I wouldn't say I'm going to specifically go out of my way to KoS but sometimes you are just thrown into a situation where there are two armed people staring down a barrel at each other and you have to shoot.

It is all dependent on whether you want the gear that the other player has, I'd be more likely to scout and try to minimise potential damage rather than just shoot at them if I wanted to loot the gear for my own use.

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WHY ? please can we just let these topics die. as soon as a month long debate finishes someone else opens the KOS wormcan again.


YES i kill everyone now and will then. makes no difference what system is implemented. please carry on debate for next month. (no i didnt vote)

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WHY ? please can we just let these topics die. as soon as a month long debate finishes someone else opens the KOS wormcan again.


YES i kill everyone now and will then. makes no difference what system is implemented. please carry on debate for next month. (no i didnt vote)

That's why he has created a poll.

Rather than making up things he will have actual data to support it.

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Vehicles tend to work better, nobody can resist going for an abandoned vehicle that is badly 'hidden'.

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Vehicles tend to work better, nobody can resist going for an abandoned vehicle that is badly 'hidden'.


On a road with a big ass neon sign pointing on it saying "This is not a trick"

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On a road with a big ass neon sign pointing on it saying "This is not a trick"

If people go for that they deserve to be shot.. you'd be surprised how many people WOULD still go for that :P

Just putting it next to a building as if you are trying to hide it makes people bee-line directly to it, it's pretty funny.

Poll seems to be filling up quite quickly, interesting results so far.

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interesting results 99 percent of dayz players wont vote in it just forum nerds trying to argue about KOS. totally useless.

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interesting results 99 percent of dayz players wont vote in it just forum nerds trying to argue about KOS. totally useless.


Posted this on reddit too, why so negative ? if u dont care just go away...

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Posted this on reddit too, why so negative ? if u dont care just go away...

He knows he his wrong and his opinion isn't the be all and end all that he wants it to be.

Both the forums and Reddit have a very diverse player base with people on both sides of the fence - it's not exactly skewed to a single demographic that either supports or rejects KoS.

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Posted this on reddit too, why so negative ? if u dont care just go away...

not being negitive its the 1000th thread related to KOS . what cant people understand you cant stop or help stop KOS. i know lets make another thread on KOS maybe the 1001 thread will solve the issue :rolleyes:


also just because a small number on here post it doesnt reflect the gamers who play dayz. most i know dont even visit this or any forum related to dayz.


lol post it on reddit even less percentage of people who play the game even visit reddit. only reason people visit it is because rocket for some unknown reason uses it.

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not being negitive its the 1000th thread related to KOS . what cant people understand you cant stop or help stop KOS. i know lets make another thread on KOS maybe the 1001 thread will solve the issue  :rolleyes:


also just because a small number on here post it doesnt reflect the gamers who play dayz. most i know dont even visit this or any forum related to dayz.


lol post it on reddit even less percentage of people who play the game even visit reddit. only reason people visit it is because rocket for some unknown reason uses it.

Statistics must confuse you - it DOES reflect the gamers that play DayZ.

If you get a random cross-section of users to provide data it can be extrapolated with very accurate results - it really doesn't matter if it's not the entire DayZ playerbase that votes - the forums/Reddit are in no way biased to either KoS players or friendly players, it's a fairly diverse group of players that support both stances.

How do you think medicine is tested and declared safe if they don't test everyone in the world?

How do you think they can tell what a % of the population of a country supports or dislikes?

According to the poll as it currently stands there are a number of players that would outright stop KoS due to the proposed mechanic and players that would insist on scouting out the area and waiting for a sufficient window to attack from a shorter distance to minimise the potential damage towards the gear.

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He knows he his wrong and his opinion isn't the be all and end all that he wants it to be.

Both the forums and Reddit have a very diverse player base with people on both sides of the fence - it's not exactly skewed to a single demographic that either supports or rejects KoS.


So why do we need a poll then ? Polls are representative only to the people who take part in the poll ...a very small minority of the full dayz player base but whatever lets keep the votes coming.

Edited by Massicor

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It depends on the game mechanics and how it's implemented which is why it's kinda hard to answer without actually playing the game with the new system and all. People who KoS will vote yes because that's what they do in the mod, it doesn't mean all of them are going to end up doing the same in standalone. Not everyone who kills on sight in this game had already decided to kill everything that moves before even playing DayZ. Personally, I mostly kill players in self defence, or if they're bandits but sometimes I do end up killing someone for gear. Item degradation system will have an effect on my play. How much and in what way, impossible to tell right now.

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So why do we need a poll then ? Polls are representative only to the people who take part in the poll ...a very small minority of the full dayz player base but whatever lets keep the votes coming.

As I stated before, if you get a data from a sufficiently random cross-section of a population the data can be extrapolated to provide an accurate representation of the population as a whole.

Extrapolating data from a cross-section of a population is a very common and cheap method of research.

The answers for the poll (although slightly biased TOWARDS KoS by not differentiating between KoS for loot and KoS for gear which seems to be the question posed) are very straightforward and require no compounded data to provide an accurate representation of the outcome.

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The answers for the poll (although slightly biased TOWARDS KoS by not differentiating between KoS for loot and KoS for gear which seems to be the question posed) are very straightforward and require no compounded data to provide an accurate representation of the outcome.


There is no difference ...KoS is KoS no matter if its for loot or gear....so slightly biased ? no :)

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As I stated before, if you get a data from a sufficiently random cross-section of a population the data can be extrapolated to provide an accurate representation of the population as a whole.

Extrapolating data from a cross-section of a population is a very common and cheap method of research.

The answers for the poll (although slightly biased TOWARDS KoS by not differentiating between KoS for loot and KoS for gear which seems to be the question posed) are very straightforward and require no compounded data to provide an accurate representation of the outcome.

what if 90 percent of the dayz players dont come on here and play kOS servers ? boom ! this is exactly what i mean.


those who come on here are mainly hardcore dayz fans trying to be more envolved the game masses or majority of gamers dont give too shits about forums related to the game they play they just play !


all the biggest busiest servers are KOS servers showing you the main populated servers are KOS and so are the players. you are the minority. now you are going to do a poll based on a minorty of hardcore players and ignore the simple biggest thing which is most wont vote. so the whole poll is pointless. your trying to gather numbers which wont show the true reflection of the " ACTUAL " players . only the players who visit this forum and actually vote.


the only way this would work was if you voted through the game. so on that note im out.

Edited by dgeesio
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Ill not only kos ...ill leave peoples gear and body and wait for some other people to come along and try loot it ....ill then kos them too. :)

Only way to go lol

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I vote 'other' ;)


I try make pure headshot if possible but if guy running around make problem for me I going full auto break gear no care B)

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I'm not a bandit and usually live and let live, until they see me. If I see someone who points a gun in my general direction I kill them unless they have a pistol or hatchet and move away from me. I used to be nice and naive then I died one too many times. That being said, I have never killed someone for their gear or their food so I couldn't care less if what they have is broken. People keep saying stupid shit like, "good luck with that! bullets gonna be super rare!". So what? It usually only takes a couple bullets to kill someone anyway. If its die and lose everything I have or kill and maybe break all of their gear at the cost of 2% of my total gear I have no doubts which way I would lean in that situation. 

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what cant people understand you cant stop or help stop KOS.

Actually you can help stop KOS

When my group had over 120 members we locked down 3-4 servers at a time hunting bandits and helping people

Those who KOS were hunted over and over until they left and gave up

We made a lot of friends

Only reason we gave up was being harassed by hackers taking a liking to having 20 clan members on a server and nuking use over and over

This just proves that only the community can change it and not any game options or punishments

Ill never KOS, but DONT say it can't be done when you don't have a clue just because all you know is KOS

Have you ever got a group together and spent weeks in a server gaining a reputation and trying to help those that only KOS out of fear?

I doubt it, so you don't know if it can be done

And just to clarify, in not attempting to stop KOS and banditry

I'm just trying to REDUCE it and help those who are borderline or killing out of fear and want a place to call home

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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Ugh.. Are you crazy? OF COURSE I WILL, it's in my nature to cause harm onto others.

Heck, I'd even shoot an unarmed person or a freshly spawned player :P

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