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the woodbury discussion:reloaded

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so lately mods of the dayz mod(inception) have come out where you can,guess what,


now i while back ive made a topic about player run trading post and some of us discussed how it could or could not work,

now with my crappy pc and lack luster grades i cant play dayz so i cant get a idea on player interaction but this seems to work out great.

survivors or bandits and maybe even a hero or two rest, eat and talk at no fire zones enforced by actual players who run the outpost.

now this isnt perfect but it gets the job done of having everyone chill a little bit while desprately fighting for survival and its an excellent way to meet up with friends.

some of the good parts of this is trading and interactions between the players and they may end up as allies where in other situations they would be slitting each others throats.

in the previous discussion i was wondering how they would make safe player interaction possible in the standalone (which we are still waiting for!) while not just forcing players to lower their weapons and keep the element of danger. which is something the stain that is warz face planted on.

so will they be using this type of player building and interaction in the standalone to promote more teamwork?

or will they just ignore this ripe idea(which would have to given at least some credit to the modders) and just have it the same?

comment your thoughts and as always.........

 Stay frosty!

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I would say that for a 'safe zone' that's enforced by players you would need a clan dedicated to doing just that.  Lets say a group takes over Balota airfield and uses that as their base (using one hanger to store vehicles they're selling, as well as stashes of items, with tents in between the two hangers protected by barbwire)  My estimate is they would need at least 3 marksmen on duty at any time with one in the ATC tower and the others roaming/camping, and 1-2 players on the ground patrolling the area.  That'd be 5 players just to protect the base, not counting any merchants or medics I would say you'd need a 'boss' as a floater.  Now of course thous 6 are going to have to sleep at some point or another so you'd need additional shifts.

If I had that sort of clan and I was in control of it, the bulk of my 'forces' would be tied up just defending the base, that's not counting pilots, scavengers, medics, and the like.  And since I had an airfield I'd be actively using it, sending the scavenging teams and medics out via plane or heli.

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