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Dayz YouTube story idea

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Hello all, this post is petty much an appeal for help with a little idea I've been knocking around for quite a while.

A while back a guy posted on here about doing something similar, but he has gone quite and my idea differs a fair bit from his.

Instead of a natural thing, I would be trying to create a scene and act it out. I'd like to say this is very much a prototype and a lot of you might whole heartedly disagree, but I'm going to try it out for the first "pilot" episode.

The thing starts with s guy in a helicopter, it's shot down, then bandits appear, he finds a group of survivors, discovers a war is going on and is torn on which to help. This is still very much open to change, as well as a fair few sub plots going on. The characters are really going to be developed and explored. What I'm pretty much trying to do is shoot a tv show on dayz. Sounds stupid, I know, but I'm into that sort of stuff and would love to see if it's possible.

To make this thing happen, I am going to need a lot of stuff, and I dunno if I'm going to get it. I need about:

Six to eight people to help with the filming, basically actors.

A server owner who is willing to corden off a section of the server and let us use various things we need(I don't Know about the server side of things, is it possible for the owners to spawn in things? If so, that would great. If not, a server with lots of vehicles would be best)

I am fairly confident in my editing skills, as well as my camera skills. I really really want this thing to take off, as I think if it works, it could work really really well. Of course if it doesn't work, which is a very real possibility, it could be a huge fail fest. Still, have to try. I have tomorrow off so I will be organizing most of it then, if you want to help post here, my skype name is IrishHugo, add me there as well and we can get talking.

Just a note, it doesn't matter how your voice sounds for the acting, for the first episode I'm going to try do most of them myself, as there aren't that many, and try to edit them together. So if you want to be an actor but don't like your voice, apply anyway and we'll talk.

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Wow that is a lot of work,


I'm in,


I am away from my gaming rig until mid october but I can write scripts, provide input if required?

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Lol yeah it is a fair bit of work, but everyone loves a challenge right? Your help with story would be great, do you have a skype so we can talk about ideas? What I'd really like is for you to listen to my ideas and give me your opinion, as well as any changes you think should be made.

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Not sure how cinematic you want to go, but he editor might be yours best bet for certain scenes. Also, make sure the people can act. I've seen stuff like this before, and the horrid acting butchered it.

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Not sure how cinematic you want to go, but he editor might be yours best bet for certain scenes. Also, make sure the people can act. I've seen stuff like this before, and the horrid acting butchered it.


Was thinking for a few cinematic shots, like intros, outros that sort of thing, use the editor, but I was also toying with the idea of keeping the series in 1st person. Would be interesting anyway, I'll see how it looks.

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I'm in, I'll be on skype this weekend,

Here is the shot out of a cannon: dayz epoch.

More vehicles with keys, traderzones make getting materials for the show easier, bases to show raids and scouting between bandits and survivor bases and to display proggession of the groups powers. 

Find an empty dayz epoch server, post on their forums, use their TS3 and chat with an admin. Use their server with their permission as they can spawn things if they are given the right admin powers.

Edited by callsignBravo

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That is a pretty great idea, it has exactly what we need for the show. I've never played it though, can it be installed with playwithsix? Are there any changes to the HUD?

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That is a pretty great idea, it has exactly what we need for the show. I've never played it though, can it be installed with playwithsix? Are there any changes to the HUD?

no changes in the hud. I use Dayz commander so i have no idea if it can be run through playwithsix, i uninstalled that shit along time ago dayz commander is much much better in my opinion

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Ok, editing software is sorted out, so is capture software. I also have found a server, the only thing I need is four more actors. At the minute, I'm planning on shooting this saturday, anyone else willing to do it? It will probabl be an hour, maybe more, and you guys will all be credited in the credits. If you want to do it just send me a skype request, IrishHugo is the name. 

Edited by IrishHugo

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