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I thought I was a nice person...

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Turns out I'm an axe murderer?

I understand myself more now - turns out the only thing needed to push me over the edge of becoming an axe wielding maniac is the fear of imminent starvation.

Here's the story:

So, I'm a couple hours into this character. I've been pretty lucky, I've got good medical supplies, some sodas, an upgraded bag, some army camo, and an axe.

One thing I don't have? Food. I've looted almost the entire factory sector of cherno by this point, and have yet to find a single can of beans. I'm starting to get hungry.

I get so desperate for food that I'm at the point where I decide to just take advantage of my axe's unlimited ammo, and literally RUN throughout cherno looking for beans, hacking through any zombies in my way. Stupid, I know, but it was really late IRL and I was getting desperate for beans or a hunting knife.

After 20 minutes of this, no luck. Then I round a corner and see another player, unarmed.

I didn't even hesitate. I just ran straight to him and hacked him to death without even thinking about it.

It wasn't until after I did it that I realized really what I'd done. That was a totally cold blooded murder. He didn't have any weapons, or any food, so it was all for nothing.

A minute or so later, I enter an apartment building. I hear footsteps, but I'm not sure where they're coming from, and don't hear a response to my direct comms. Then I turn around to go back up the stairs and right behind me was another survivor.

He scared the crap out of me, and I just started hacking him with my axe while apoligizing and letting him know how scary he was over direct chat. Another murder. What have I become? Moments later another surivor heads down the stairwell, this one armed with a pistol. "Oh god. He's going to see that I killed this guy who is probably his friend. He'll want revenge... I have to kill him first." So, again, with no hesitation, I start hacking at him, apologizing copiously over direct chat all the while.

After my first murder, I had committed two more murders within the next 5 minutes. I felt like a horrible person. Is this what it's like to become a bandit? Am I a bandit now?

Is this what I'd act like in a real apocalypse situation?

The thing is, that third guy I killed? The one with the pistol?

He had beans.

Was the price worth it? I don't know.

But I survived.

I've got the experience recorded here:

(A lot of dead air in this 30 min video - the real action happens at 19:30 and 21:30 or so.)

Edited by z310
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Nice Story. Loved it.

You did what you had to do to survive my friend.

I love it when you have a moment of clarity after the third kill.

"Man I am sorry I am just hungry... OH YEAH HE HAD BEANS."

I laughed real hard.

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Hah, thanks for the support guys. Looks like Karma came to roost though - I died on my next night of play after heading out to the wilderness and encountering another player.

At least the beach looks pretty...

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IS it wrong that I almost died laughing? I've got tears in my eyes.

The first guy made me chuckle, "Really?!...Fair enough" then he dies.

The second guy was pretty funny, "YOU SCARED ME" HACK HACK HACK, I'm sorry man....Im just really hungry.

The best though, that had me rolling. Was the third guy. "I probably killed your friend and now I have to kill you to." - "HES NOT MY FRIEND" Hack hack, "I'm so hungry, I'm sorry....OHWAIT HE HAD BEANS YES"

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"I'm so hungry' date=' I'm sorry....OHWAIT HE HAD BEANS YES"


That's the part that sold me as well. I was just cracking up so bad.

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I would of offered you food..


I'll admit I'm a noob and might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but no way am I naive enough to trust someone named "Mr Trust"

I mean, that's just asking for trouble!!

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Bro, BRO. You could have asked those poor souls if they had some food first! Was a funny vid though, FOR THE BEANS.

I wont hesistate to put a bullet between your eyes though if i see you, although i am friendly :D

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why i would trust him

*tinfoil hat on*

You would trust him? Who are you? Are you a plant' date=' come here to convince me to trust Mr Trust? How can I trust you telling me who to trust? I don't know man, I'm freaking out here!

I wont hesistate to put a bullet between your eyes though if i see you, although i am friendly :D

Thats totally fair. In playing a little bit more, I've settled on a policy of sorts.

First policy: I'm the friendliest guy you've ever met if I don't have a weapon.

Second policy: I'm also pretty friendly if you don't have a weapon and I do.

Third policy: If you have a weapon, and I have a weapon.... I'm not quite so friendly. The paranoia sets in.... so better keep your distance!

Fourth policy: I reserve the rights for starvation and paranoia to change other policies on the fly.

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I really enjoyed that. It's actually really dark when you think about it. After a minute or so into the first murder, you just realize "Holy shit, I just killed someone."

I was laughing my ass off at "Man I just killed your friend so now I have to kill you too. I'm sorry. I'm just really hungry."

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why i would trust him

I loved this story! I would love to see more players using direct communications now that side chat is gone. It makes for some interesting interactions. I realized this myself as I kept speaking in direct communication with a mic only to realize that the reason the other player wasn't responding is he spoke russian. =D

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You brutally murdered these men.

How can you look at yourself in the mirror anymore ;(

You weren't even that hungry :c


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How can you look at yourself in the mirror anymore ;(

You weren't even that hungry :c

I totally can't look myself in the mirror at all... I tried but so far haven't found a bathroom or any sort of mirror in the game :(

And yeah, I realize now that I wasn't actually that hungry. Last night I broke my legs fighting a "Barn Stairs Boss" and crawled for a good 40 minutes on red then flashing red thirst. I didn't realize you could go so long with red and flashing red indicators until last night. (I'm still not sure quite how long it lasts because I eventually died to zombies not thirst)

I was just a noob and thought I was hungrier than I was!

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by far the best story i have read so far xD!

i laughed so hard, and i don´t know... with only an axe equiped, i had rather asked for beans than "hunted" them xD

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by far the best story i have read so far xD!

i laughed so hard' date=' and i don´t know... with only an axe equiped, i had rather asked for beans than "hunted" them xD


Yeah. I really shuolda just asked the first guy for beans at least before hacking him to death. That was some sort of instinct reaction I didnt even think about it just freaked out and killed him. He did have a really nice backpack though...

But the 2nd and third murders. That second murder was just an instant reaction from fear and paranoia. Maybe I woulda asked him for beans if he hadn't scared the crap outta me. And the third guy, well that was like what happens in the movies when someone commits murder, then gets walked in on. Can't let a witness live....

I now understand how becoming a bandit is a bit of a dwindling spiral.... because you kill, you have to kill more, and then you're paranoid that people will kill you on sight because maybe they know about all those other people you killed already and are coming for revenge.... so you gotta kill them too. It's awful

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Turns out I'm an axe murderer?

I didn't even hesitate. I just ran straight to him and hacked him to death without even thinking about it.

He scared the crap out of me' date=' and I just started hacking him with my axe while apoligizing and letting him know how scary he was over direct chat.

"Oh god. He's going to see that I killed this guy who is probably his friend. He'll want revenge... I have to kill him first."[/quote']

You sir, are absolutely terrifying. Apologizing while hacking him to bits... That's dark!

That said, reading the panicked logic behind the 3rd kill still made me laugh.

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Dang. Got ruined by archlite. If any of the folks who commented are still around, you can fix the archlite issue by just hitting edit then post - I still link this thread to people sometimes and your replies were all great - would love to be able to read them again.

Edit: It looks like posting this additional reply to the thread fixed everyone's formatting up! Nice!

Edited by z310

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