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Does anyone else think the tractor is hilarious?

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I keep hearing this but I have driven an ATV from Ballota up past Devil's Castle into the hinterlands zig zagging all over the map looting places on the way. I've also never damaged a tractor that badly although I have wedged one between two trees. Maybe it isn't the paint or brush, but the artist. 



There is only one outcome


Maybe two.

Edited by Castle

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Incorrect. I've flipped an ATV once... and it was literally launching myself off a steep drop off I didn't see coming. I didn't die, and was able to get back on the ATV and keep going although it needed serious repairs. They are not nearly as bad as they were at first. 

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Incorrect. I've flipped an ATV once... and it was literally launching myself off a steep drop off I didn't see coming. I didn't die, and was able to get back on the ATV and keep going although it needed serious repairs. They are not nearly as bad as they were at first. 


That video is after the ATV change that made them not the worst vehicle in the history of time.


That is the destiny of crossing a bridge on an ATV.


They still flip over from sharp turns, you can just flip them back now.  Sometimes after 5 or 6 attempts before it really works.

Edited by Castle

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I find the tractor to be a beautiful piece of equipment.


  • It's undesirable by most people, so they will leave it alone more often than not.
  • It's faster than running.
  • It's a tractor!

The main thing though is people find it undesirable. I lent a guy a tractor once and he hid just behind the factory near Polana, just over the crest of a small hill, and it was untouched for a day and someone no doubt saw it.

I saw a guy get in one once, probably his first time, and he drove it 100 meters before getting out and going back to his business, deciding it wasn't worth it.


It's an ugly duckling, is all. The only disadvantage is its tendency to explode at the slightest provocation, but if you're hitting things that often you shouldn't be driving.

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