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Deathwind (DayZ)

Best Way to Raid a Heli-Crash Site (Solo)

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So in my times of playing this game, I have raided my fair share of crash sites. Those notorious beacons of smoke that hold mounds of high-tier booty that takes ownership over any other source of loot. But many people don't know smack on how to effectively raid these caches. This is a step-by-step hand written by a long time player guide to achieving ownership over what these crash-sites have to offer. 


Scenario: This will be a typical scenario for a crash site that will allow for open pointers. The crash site is in a funnel of smoke smack in the middle of a field. A shield of trees surrounds the enclosing, with a shallow hill to one side. The crash site is freshly spawned and untouched. Average number of zombies surrounds the site.


     Step 1: Observe

Very self-explanatory step that makes a big distance. You would want to jot down brain notes on the surroundings, possibility of hostile players, key escape points and shrubbery or places that could provide cover. This is a very important step!


     Step 2: Evaluate

After making observations, you must then evaluate yourself. If the crash is near a place of active player count, ask yourself if a weapon would hold against armed bandits or even packs of roaming hostiles. Ask if you are even at a point in experience that you should be raiding helicopter crash sites. Then look at your objectives and current inventory to see what your desired loot is from the crash site.


     Step 3 *Optional*: Mark Loot

Using any sort of binocular, scoped weapon, or source of long-distance viewing, plot out desired firearms or articles of gear you are interested in. Then you would have an idea of how much you have to clear for Step 4.


     Step 4: Inventory

If ranged viewing was not available for Step 3, just clear enough space in your backpack for what you think will be found loot-wise. I like to place all the loot at my escape point so if I don't fill my bag with crash-site loot, I can take whatever I want back and head out. If you come upon the site, find that AS50, and then have to make room for it, that takes time. And wasting time leaves you in the headlights, the exact position you are in no matter how well you scout before raiding a crash site.


     Step 5: Circle

Kind of optional. Just do a quick circle around the perimeter to check for snipers or what not. No need to be super thorough.


     Step 6: Approach

From the time you approach the crash site, to the time you depart/escape, speed is essential. You should approach at a crouching stance but keep moving, pacing yourself at top speed in this position.


     Step 7: Zombie Combat

Zombies are not to worry. I would just down around 3-4, giving you time to search around. Circling around the chopper really slows them. Chances are if you keep circling and using developed skills from past events, you should be fine.


     Step 8: Grab

After circling the crash-site a couple times, decide on what you want to take. Make a quick crouch and stash. Never stop circling and moving though, because stopping could allow that sniper to finally line up his cross heirs. And usually there are snipers.


     Step 9: Bolt

Sprint for your escape, but make sure to zig-zag. All the while, decide if you need to make a quick stop to load up any spare slots with the pile of gear you cleared from your backpack at Step 4. When you crouch to load up any of the items, make sure you strafe left and right. Trust me, it annoys the snipers and makes it hard. If the sniper tries to hit you and misses, just run. You have what you need.


     Step 10: Label Clear

Though it doesn't matter, I like to just slap a marker on the location of the site saying 'Crash Site Cleared'.


If this guide was at all helpful, I'm quite hungry for some beans. Nah, its fine. I really hope this helps anybody who reads. Thanks!

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this is way more than i do usually.


i just scout for players, scope the loot and go in with a smoke grenade at hand..firing zombies' legs if for example i'm going in to improve my winny with that colt rifle laying down there.


if i already have a military gun i just run in, scrolling mouse wheel, searching for range finder or nvgs..killing pilots to be sure and deaggroing on some hill/forest.


i don't bother with fal mags..when they finish i just drop the rifle..raiding sites solo can be really dangerous and you don't know from how far there is someone following the smoke.

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I've found that going a bit overboard doing a "mission impossible" type of advance works great. You know, run 10 yards, stop, prone, roll left 2 times, crouch run for another 10 yards, stop, prone, roll right 3 times, stand, straffe left 4 steps, make 4 quick 1/4 turns, run another 10 yards, prone, roll, rinse and repeat til you get there. I think it makes whoever's watching you laugh to much to aim and pull the trigger.  :thumbsup:

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i'm thinking about the concept: infected roam in player's general direction, as you all know, they roam towards flares the same way..it could be interesting to see if flares can help you during that kind of careful stealthy approach.

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I usually throw a couple of smoke grenades - these are abundant, and chances are, you'll find more smoke grenades on that crashsite than you came there with, so don't hesitate to use them.

I also turn my "objects detail" setting down to "very low", makes items lying on the ground be seen easier.

Edited by S.Maelstrom

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