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parakon (DayZ)

How to make the game more fun and less frustrating with a few small tweaks.

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In their current form bleeding and bones breaking is pretty annoying. Random hits can cause you to bleed and if you don't have a bandage, say goodbye to that character unless it stops itself, which is pretty unlikely. Now I always keep bandages on me but even when I have them it's annoying how often your skin erupts into blood geysers because you were hit once but what I can only assume is blunt force. It isn't very realistic and is generally a nuisance.

What I would suggest is to have it so if zombies hit you consecutively you start to bleed, it makes a whole lot more sense then having it do a random roll every time you get hit.

Secondly zombies breaking your legs is THE most annoying thing currently in-game for me. Having breaking bones in as a feature is fine, but zombies causing your legs to break due to a random roll is honestly idiotic and I can't believe it's currently a feature. If you're out of morphine and no wheres near a hospital, good fucking luck, enjoy the respawn. Not to mention just how simply unrealistic it is which I assume this mod is all about, realism. Please explain to me how a pile of rotten flesh can snap your bones so easily? A strong human couldn't break your legs by haphazardly punching them, so how does a zombie do it?

Keep it in for being shot because bullets can shatter a bone no problem. But unless our legs are made out of bread sticks I don't see why zombies should be able to break them.

In short having bleeding be caused by multiple hits would make a whole lot more sense and make the game more realistic and enjoyable, and zombies being able to break bones is simply ridiculous and should be removed. These are interesting features that were implemented awfully, it's honestly pretty lazy to just say "yeah, lets just have it do a random roll for a scenario that could potentially kill the player and ruin their current playthrough."

I'm aware it's an alpha and this would probably happen sooner or later, but i'd much rather get this out of the way ASAP.

Also why are zombies, rotting flesh piles, faster than healthy humans? They should be as fast or slower. Varying speeds would be nice to simulate states of decomposition.

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These are not Zombies - they are Infected people which means sick, highly strung and pissed off. This would make them very fast. Have you seen 28 Days Later?

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I think the idea was that you're here to survive.. So you take items with you deemed necessary.

Lets face it, 'realistically' morphine inst going to do jack for your broken bones. Now, i know that the bone breaking feature is broken itself (you can break yourself, and even kill yourself by walking into tiniest of the rocks/walls). But nevertheless, lets leave 'reality' out of this.

I actually dont mind all that much the way its designed right now, you have high chance of bleeding, smaller chance of shaking from pain or having your bones broken. So therefore, you should carry high number of bandages, and smaller number of painkillers and morphine.

If you will have very small chance of bleeding/broken bones from zombies - you will remove their threat. Right now, it's scary to be caught by multiple zombies when you have limited ammo, or are in a high danger zone. Because you might not be able to get out alive from that encounter (experienced that last night, i ran away from them, but at a price of half my blood).

Game is meant to be challenging, not a walk in a park.

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Zombie/infected says " oh the tears!" " Now let me Eat your brains...mmmm..taste like chicken!"

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In their current form bleeding and bones breaking is pretty annoying. Random hits can cause you to bleed and if you don't have a bandage' date=' say goodbye to that character unless it stops itself, which is pretty unlikely. Now I always keep bandages on me but even when I have them it's annoying how often your skin erupts into blood geysers because you were hit once but what I can only assume is blunt force. It isn't very realistic and is generally a nuisance.


Zombie attacks could very well cause severe lacerations. Clawing, gouging, and biting-- all skin break worthy. It doesn't take much to sever a major artery-- just the will to do the damage.

What I would suggest is to have it so if zombies hit you consecutively you start to bleed, it makes a whole lot more sense then having it do a random roll every time you get hit.

I feel the unpredictable lethality of attacks from zombies trains the player to fear the zombies.

I understand that as one's patience wanes, constantly respawning and dashing into zombie ambushes can get frustrating... but ideally the whole thing teaches you to better value each respawn's life and play as though your personal investment is at stake.

[snip]Not to mention just how simply unrealistic it is which I assume this mod is all about, realism. Please explain to me how a pile of rotten flesh can snap your bones so easily? A strong human couldn't break your legs by haphazardly punching them, so how does a zombie do it?

Not piles of rotten flesh-- infected human beings.

Breaking a bone is not terribly difficult. It just takes a good solid hit-- even rolling on a joint with your own weight can snap and crack bones retained by connective tissue (as anyone who has broken their ankle can attest to.)

I know I have personally been debilitated by a broken ankle, and all it took was a spill while running.

I think games should be fun and not necessarily super realistic-- but this feature is probable.

It's just the morphine insta-cure that I disagree with. Though I imagine I would loathe the disability afforded by actually modelling broken bones in that after you break one, you would be pretty much stuck at a hobbling limp.

"yeah, lets just have it do a random roll for a scenario that could potentially kill the player and ruin their current playthrough."

There's a solution: avoid activities that will break your bones and open your arteries. IE- don't agro zombies unless you have a good fighting position. Don't expose yourself to bullets, clawing hands, teeth, generally pissed off zeds.

Also why are zombies, rotting flesh piles, faster than healthy humans? They should be as fast or slower. Varying speeds would be nice to simulate states of decomposition.

Finally, I would actually prefer the typical undead zombies-- I like the notion of shambling hordes. I'd like to weight my ammo supply against insurmountable odds of slower zombies and risk getting stuck in a building where every entrance is swarming with them.

Mixing up the zombie types-- so there is sort of the 29 days later sprinters, walkers on par with The Walking Dead, and then just mobs of slow moving zombies would really spice up the dynamism.

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Here's a few tips to make the game less frustrating for you.

1) Carry bandages

2) Carry morphine

3) Avoid aggro unless you are in a position to defend yourself. Choke points, buildings, anywhere that your flanks are not exposed.

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Having broken bone a feature is nice. From zombie it's horrible! I just ran across 2 city to get my buddy up from a bike fall and it was great! However, running across a city to go help a buddy that got hit once by a zombie is crap. Bandage are annoying too. After getting hit a lot is ok, but after one hit it gets really painful.

Agreed with OP

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in addition, please make the zombies stop doing that "intelligent" Zig zag movement while running. Thats probably something i would do if i would run as fast as zombies, but zombies being mindless corpses... they should just try to run straight at you.

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in addition' date=' please make the zombies stop doing that "intelligent" Zig zag movement while running. Thats probably something i would do if i would run as fast as zombies, but zombies being mindless corpses... they should just try to run straight at you.


They aren't that kind of zombies(!!!)

But yes, the zig-zagging screams of bad pathfinding rather than "design choice." Which, as I understand it is a pathfinding issue.

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If you will have very small chance of bleeding/broken bones from zombies - you will remove their threat. Right now' date=' it's scary to be caught by multiple zombies when you have limited ammo, or are in a high danger zone. Because you might not be able to get out alive from that encounter (experienced that last night, i ran away from them, but at a price of half my blood).

Game is meant to be challenging, not a walk in a park.


What I suggested wouldn't change that scenario at all, you were caught by multiple zombies who could land consecutive hits and thus still cause bleeding. Getting hit once by a zombie I turn around to shoot and causing me to bleed out is just bad design.

If you people are defending bleeding being caused by a random roll on every attack you're an idiot. It's just a lazy piece of code. And i'll bet my idea will in someway be implemented later on. Half of the responses are just strawmen, this would just make gameplay generally better then "whoops i got slapped oh god all my blood is gone"

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Walked over a fence, broke my legs, all of my what.

There goes my NVG, Le En, all that ammo, and compass.

Fall off of control tower in Balota, nothing happens to me. Of course this happens when I had nothing of value.

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Stop taking the limited animations so literally. Blood squirting out of your neck is an indicator that you are bleeding enough to need a bandage. A zed trying to give you a high-five means they are attacking you, not necessarily with blunt force.

As far as the bones breaking, I find it a nice touch; although, I think that it happens way too frequently and should only happen with repeated hits. Would also be nice if falling 2ft and closing doors wouldn't break bones.

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Well, since there are not that much zombies and they're down very fast it would be just to easy, if they had to hit you continuously to harm you.

I mean, the only reasons that a zombie would stay alive very close to you could be that you ran in masses of zombies without care (or fighting them with something like a mortar^^) or you're out of ammo or afk.

And concerning the thing about breaking legs... it's not that difficult to break legs. Well more easy by kicking than by hitting but nevertheless it's realistic. And I think it is a great feature that supports the atmosphere of the game.

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