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Since you claimed it, it would be your job to link a video. ;)

If you thought it would be the job of your opponents to prove your theory, you are wrong. It's always the one who made up a theory who needs to backup his claimes. Otherwise there's no need to take someone serious, btw.

If there are lots of youtube videos proving your experience, fine, it should be easy for you to link 2 or 3.

Well, at least, despite of your doubts, his tactics seemed to work.

Anyway, there are lots of possible playstiles. The sneaky way, the rush or a mixture of both. Rushing through a town now is a bit more difficult than before since you'll aggro more Zeds. On the other hand, the sneaky and slow playstile always has been complicated a lot by PvP folks. Glad, to see them complain most.


Go find them yourself lazy ....there all around youtube or better yet go test it in-game (get swarmed run into a barracks or something and hatchet the zeds down you'll see what i mean) Nothing beats actually experiencing it yourself. And for the record ...all his video proves is that it took him 9 mins to get from tree at shore outside chern to reach orange brick house :lol:. If he was to spend that much time sneaking around like that on a full 60 man pvp server hes dead....its that simple. Yes he did prove one thing that you can sneak past zeds....that's easy but its very time consuming and nonviable.


Im actually done repeating myself ...people aren't reading all the previous posts or don't fully understand what is being said and just jump in with there half assed attempt at a reply without any thought or meaning. All the info is in previous posts so go there for reference :)

Edited by Massicor

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Go find them yourself lazy ....there all around youtube or better yet go test it in-game (get swarmed run into a barracks or something and hatchet the zeds down [...].

That's what most of us are doing.


And for the record ...all his video proves is that it took him 9 mins to get from tree at shore outside chern to reach orange brick house :lol:. If he was to spend that much time sneaking around like that on a full 60 man pvp server hes dead....its that simple. Yes he did prove one thing that you can sneak past zeds....that's easy but its very time consuming and nonviable.

Im actually done repeating myself ...people aren't reading all the previous posts or don't fully understand what is being said and just jump in with there half assed attempt at a reply without any thought or meaning. All the info is in previous posts so go there for reference :)

Frankly, I don't really care. I'm playing how I think it's best for me. So does you and so does he. I'm also not very interested to play on a 60 slot PvP server. This just is not the point of the game for me. And allow me to add: You pvp dudes are neither the hub of the universe, nor the only wise folks who know the correct way to play.

Edited by Ken Bean

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I will not, however, guarantee no aggro at all in Cherno. Cherno is a big town and considering the layout it would be nigh on impossible to get no aggro at all. Cherno, Elektro and Bere... NWAF, Balota... they SHOULD be hard to do with no aggro. I will do my best, though. And I'm willing to bet I can get minimal aggro and will be able to deal with it quickly.

You need to remember that zeds have tunnel vision. A very narrow FOV... so, they will always spot you better at a distance than up close. Learn to work the angles.


However once you agro one zombie, you agro them all so why even bother trying if it's an impossible task? Might as well just run through from the get go.

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Here's about 30 minutes of me going through Cherno with very little aggro.  Again, with the city's layout and the tunnel vision of zeds getting NO aggro is not really possible.  But, if you can deal with the aggro quickly, you should have no problem.


There was more, but, apparently, Twitch or Xsplit stopped streaming...  I can do another one if people want - maybe 1st person... AHHHH!


Stealth in Cherno


Point is... it's possible to do and it makes the game more interesting.

LMAO 3rd person!!!



No wonder :rolleyes:


Thanks for uploading though - I should have made it clearer.

Edited by Jexter

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OK....Now it's twice that a release date has been posted and yet, no update! If you don't know for sure then don't get our hopes up again and again. Just say it's TBD and suprise us one day when it pops up in DayZ Commander. That's all we ask. If you don't know, just say so!

Oh lord they are getting like someone else we know let burn this place down lol...No for real I hope it's out today but if not we will have before the weekend and that's all good with me.

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Release is planned for monday 16th.


Now planned is a crucial word here. It doesn't mean that it will be released on monday.


Your'e welcome.



Captain Obvious

A lot of people do not understand this tho,these things aren't like Madden or Nba when you know the date every year and hell with them games you are lucky to even get an update patch.

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Release is planned for monday 16th.


Now planned is a crucial word here. It doesn't mean that it will be released on monday.


Your'e welcome.



Captain Obvious

 lmao, if only people could understand or comprehend the simple meaning behind PLANNED. One thing that amazes me in this day and age people start out


<hey dev mind giving us a planned day of release.>


<dev responds we have a planned idea of when it might be out, this release date is planned to be on or around the 16th>


<then the 16th comes and people are like wtf dev lied he said it would be out. but in reality he said its planned and might be out.>


so then you have developers releasing half completed glitchy shit.....


people need to calm down shut up and learn patience/ i mean come on most you whiners out there sit at walmart the night of a midnight release in line waiting for 8 hours but a game that is possiblity of release not even guarantee of will yell scream kick spit hit slap and bitch out anything and anyone if the possiblity bypasses the suspected time that it might have been released at due to complications developers might not have foreseen

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 lmao, if only people could understand or comprehend the simple meaning behind PLANNED. One thing that amazes me in this day and age people start out


<hey dev mind giving us a planned day of release.>


<dev responds we have a planned idea of when it might be out, this release date is planned to be on or around the 16th>


<then the 16th comes and people are like wtf dev lied he said it would be out. but in reality he said its planned and might be out.>


so then you have developers releasing half completed glitchy shit.....


people need to calm down shut up and learn patience/ i mean come on most you whiners out there sit at walmart the night of a midnight release in line waiting for 8 hours but a game that is possiblity of release not even guarantee of will yell scream kick spit hit slap and bitch out anything and anyone if the possiblity bypasses the suspected time that it might have been released at due to complications developers might not have foreseen

he did say it would be out by the 16th the other day. im not going to check through but he did say the 16th. im not too bothered if it is or not as i know its not ready to be released . releasing if with he bug that were in the latest build would be quite silly as they are game busting bugs not little ones.

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he did say it would be out by the 16th the other day. im not going to check through but he did say the 16th. im not too bothered if it is or not as i know its not ready to be released . releasing if with he bug that were in the latest build would be quite silly as they are game busting bugs not little ones.


What bugs would they be? just looking over all the forums from testers and i don't see your name once did the team miss a post explaining the bugs or are we still talking the sneak stuff you have been talking about the past 5 pages?


Might just be quicker to say the version you tested.

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ive tested every version and told you about the bugs over the last few days actually just fell like uninstalling the game after what you just put as you dont even notice what i have put and i have been specific about the bugs .


ive played all the patches upto now . unless you have another build which hasnt been released. which i couldn of tested.



ive been testing the builds that have been on the public test server on BM ive been on there ever since it went up :rolleyes:



I HAVE TESTED ALL 1.8 PATCHES AND BUILDS YOU HAVE DONE ! just so you dont miss it this time :lol:

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What bugs would they be? just looking over all the forums from testers and i don't see your name once did the team miss a post explaining the bugs or are we still talking the sneak stuff you have been talking about the past 5 pages?


Might just be quicker to say the version you tested.


Although it would be great if you did take another look at zeds and sneaking etc ...me and dgeesio actually posted a few bugs such as players being invincible (whilst bleeding and having broken legs) ...players not dieing when you shoot them whilst they are unconscious etc ....did you fix those bugs ?

Edited by Massicor

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this is the normal response to anyone who differs from the i love dayz blindly and its great no matter squad .


what some of you may not know me and death dealer have probably put in 30-50 hrs on the test server testing this patch and played dayz the actual mod probably 2000 hrs ! so we arnt new we can easily live survive in dayz. . as normal cause people dont agree "you cant play dayz you must be new blah blah bug dont exist " :rolleyes:


so while we havent been trying it :rolleyes: and putting in the time looking for bugs and things that need fixing to make the game better i guess there is no point when everytime you put a response or see something that needs fixing tweaking people put these type fanboy responses learn to play dayz yadada yadada yadada .


Okey we got it. You ain't got a life. You proved your point. Now go to sleep.

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some bugs i have experienced in the builds


invincible god mode , bleeding but not dying, running with broken legs, not blood bagging, not bandaging, players knocked out invincible (other invincible was because of bodyshots) zombies hitting through walls ,


the bloodbagging i think may of been related to being invincible but i couldnt also eat or drink or bandage when invincible.

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Okey we got it. You ain't got a life. You proved your point. Now go to sleep.

no the point is people have different views i accept that you dont and others try to use derogatory responses to justify your playing procedure. just be honest but dont come with the play better you cant play dayz cause your view is different thats low .

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some bugs i have experienced in the builds


invincible god mode , bleeding but not dying, running with broken legs, not blood bagging, not bandaging, players knocked out invincible (other invincible was because of bodyshots) zombies hitting through walls ,


the bloodbagging i think may of been related to being invincible but i couldnt also eat or drink or bandage when invincible.


From what the testers have reported they should all be fixed. The two issues we know about is the FPS on low end systems and the action menu sometimes need the player to zoom in on the object. Based on reports from testers

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Yep all them got fixed in -E and had no reports of them not being fixed.



Ok good ..i saw some other bugs but cant remember what they where ...hopefully they got fixed :)

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k will check to


From what the testers have reported they should all be fixed. The two issues we know about is the FPS on low end systems and the action menu sometimes need the player to zoom in on the object. Based on reports from testers

cheers ! will see if can see any others.

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Okey we got it. You ain't got a life. You proved your point. Now go to sleep.

Montana.  Can you try to put some more thought into your posts please, there's no need to throw insults around or make inflammatory posts just because you disagree with someone.


Many thanks.

Edited by Fraggle

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okay just pickup up baseball bat wouldnt reload or enable to be used had to drop pick back up. shortly after went to get a axe while had bat and it said i had to wait before picking axe up. is that right or bug ? waiting to pick item up. actually said message on screen wait before picking up.


zombies were walking through school walls in circles and at  shop back but this isnt really patch related.

Edited by dgeesio

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Yeah I encountered a bug with zombies, sometimes they will aggro to you, run away and then stand on a certain spot not moving until you move again



Also, you know the little yellow house (the rare enterable one),, yeah I went in to fight some zombies off and they stood outside the front door not coming in, so I could easily dispatch them.


I left and came back to see if it did it again, fired a lee enfield and ran inside, the horde just stop outside without attacking while I casually cut them down with a hachet

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I have one major grip with the patch... Whats with the food spawning all over? Not very apocalyptic food everywhere, other than that its the best patch ever.

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I have one major grip with the patch... Whats with the food spawning all over? Not very apocalyptic food everywhere, other than that its the best patch ever.


Yea we are working on that for the next patch in fact we have already started working for the next patch. As crafting comes into play you should start seeing the food balance out. But as it stands with the zeds kicking shit out of players that food helps so much :-). As we start to balance loot around the new crafting system and to phase out alot of the military weapons for more home made system as well as balance the new loot system (if you had not noticed we no longer spawn 2 items the same in piles and the piles are more random) everything should start to level out. Its just going to take abit of time to get balance issue nailed.

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