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Now that DayZ has been on two major gaming sites..

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Perhaps it's time to upgrade the vps/server the forum is hosted on? :P

(If you do not mind me asking, what's the specs of the forum/master server, and are they located on the same box?)

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Several topics on this already. They're working on it as fast as they can.

Oh I know, I've read them. However, there wasn't much information.

I can tell you deploying a higher end VPS and migrating a forum is something that can be done in less than 24 hours without rush.

I'm just wondering how many active connections they have, and how many database queries/second and http/second they are getting.

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Forums seem to be quick as hell right now' date=' I don't know if they changed something, but if they did, THANKS! :)


Definitely a lot faster than they used to be. For me at least...

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The forum is hosted on one of our most powerful servers. It's a physical server. I believe it has 8 cores and is full of SSD's.

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I spoke too soon! Whatever you did with the forums, props! It's zippy quick now.

Thanks Rocket and team.

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Whatever you did with the forums' date=' props! It's zippy quick now.

Thanks Rocket and team.


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