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Hi Everyone , 

I'm kinda new to this game and today i wanna share with u a story , 

It starts in Elektro , where I went to the firestation , i met a dude , He salutes me and i do back ( I'm a friendly player ) , our ways separate , then i went to the mall and i met a man with a M14, I ask him not to shoot me , he doesn't and we take out the zombies together , we then go to the other station we i find a M1014 , we wanted to go to the school when i got shoot by a sniper , I was 4k left blood i bandage myself and then I take out the zombies , he says to me to go to the School , and i go to the school , after 5 mins waiting , i then met with the guys that shot me previously , he finishes me off .

I respawned at Elektro's factory where I say him to meet me at the hill , i found a corpse with a DMR so i take it , we then go to Rog's Castle when we find a M4 CCO and I gave him the DMR i took the M4 , i shoot him by error and he starts bleeding , i bloodbag him and then bandage him , we continue to Staroye where he got hit by a zombie and starts bleeding but no more bandages left , we go to the farm we find nothing , give him painkillers and biotics , I went to the residential to find some bandages , cause i knew he had 100 bullets lefts with his DMR , I found one , i say to him , he shoots me in the back

and gtfo with my M4 CCO which was kinda empty , I hope that guy died.

I'm bored of this community , but i still wanna be a hero , but I feel like everyone will kill me if they have the possibility , I want to be a bandit , because I'm pissed of them kids , I don't know what to do ...

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didi you have bandages on you? maybe he wanted those..i thin kyou had a pretty friendly experience there...you shouldn't have hang so long in elektro i think..playing with unknown people can be fun but dangerous aswell..you did really good, don't be upset for a betrayal in emergency situations..most of kills are consequence of panic shots i'm sure..you'll find yourself in these situations, in danger of death, in need for something to save your life that someone could carry..unless you get the bandit skin giving everyone the moral excuse to kill you on sight, you can play as you prefere as the situation requires..just think before acting time to time. being a hero is not a bloodless path and doesn't come in minutes..it takes a lot of work and a lot of deaths in elektro.

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Something it isn't clear here. He was bleeding and you were talking about bullets? Not a good reason for killing you, but you made him hopeless then.

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People suck, but you have to go through a lot of them to find the best ones.

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I said him I had this bandage , and i didn't leave him in a bad situation i gave him my lasts bullets of DMR , he was in the farm , zombies were coming in front of him , I would have prevent him if he was in danger , they was slowed by the building , I don't get why he just shot me , I did a lot for him , I didn't want to get him alone , as he was still bleeding , i wasn't going for long to find something , what pisses me off is that he perfectly knew that i was gonna bandage him , he prefered to die alone as live as 2 , this community is getting myself sick é___è


PS : When i said i found one i was meaning bandage ^^ , sorry i'm not that good in english and it was a misinterpretation from you , but ofc it wasn't rly clear

Edited by Septhunder
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Cus dis is dayz...

No, but seriously, I was never betrayed after a several minutes of playing with a person. If they betrayed, they did that at the beginning. I am also quite untrustful towards players I met for the first time.

Being friendly is cool, but also annoying as hell. And please, dont become bandit hater :). From my experience, those who betray after some time the most, are grey mice survivors.

I also played friendly at the beginning. Good ol' dayz...

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Well, I'm sorry you got that, no idea why your companion did it. Anyway, I don't think banditry is the solution to your - on the spur of the moment - lack of trust. Bandit or no, a lot of people shoot on sights, though, another group of people is backstabbing at the first occasion...

Edited by BrutoDetestsSB

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I think personally, you pushed you luck. You got lucky to start with finding someone who wont kill you only for the fun of it. Let alone someone not willing to kill you for loot. I'd say if you can, teamup, then just run off into the forest at first chance once you two grab some loot and they arent looking.

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Let's face it lads this is DayZ shit happens, you lose your gear.... Rinse and repeat.... Then get revenge

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Wait....wait hold up there. There's a mall in electro?



I love betraying people, its always fun  :P

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  1. Avoid trust
  2. Follow above instruction
  3. Follow instruction 1.

Follow mah guidelines

I never traitor

Edited by Inception.

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