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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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Can we get a fix for the server time zone issue in the next hotfix please? Can't play on any lower ping servers due to it being NIGHT when it's actually DAY here (GMT-4) and servers I join all state GMT-4 to GMT-9 and no matter what server I join, even ones I've joined in the past that I KNOW should be daytime, it's pitch black night.

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- Spawn Rate is bad. I searched barns, supermarkets, houses. You find plenty of ammunition, but almost no weapons. Spawn rate in V1.7. was way better.

- broken bones and no injectors.

- Zombies glitching through walls, ansd respawn timer way too high.

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Zeds attack through walls they swim out if you go into water and stand on the water and attack you they run far to fast for words they react far to fast without giving you a clue they are close or even aware of you which is an issue when they are hopping or low crawling or it's at night and are generaly warping around and causing you headaches....also spawning zeds in barnes and all over loot drops is a problem please make zeds that might pursue a character into a house or loot area leave after they de-aggro so others are not weaponless and starving while 7 zombies dance around a handgun and beans in a barn...spawning them in tight places where stealth won't work because of the sound design is a bad idea generally zombies indoors outside of you leading them there is a bad idea....

The zed sound aggro mechanic needs work....why is my walking on a floor inside a house enough to aggro a zombie outside? I can blast a stereo in a house without the neighbors hearing more then a dull rattle of music it's not like I am wearing acordian shoes....pls fix it so that sound in a house stays inside teh house and the collision detection so that if you low crawl your feet sticking through a wall won't aggro the zombies outside....

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Weapon spawns seem a bit more rare now even on deerstand etc.

Also I had hard time finding canteen or two :).

Now in search of tent, no luck after 3-4 shops...but almost every shop had an Alice pack and Czech backpack.

Performance wise it seems ok for me though I did avoid zombies most of the time.

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Possible bug

- When trying to put primary weapon into backpack (having more then enough space for it) it dissapear.

Seems like the only way to put your primary into backpack, you need to drop it first. But it also has a chance to dissapear.

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The build is running nicely for me.

Got to test out the night time and - it will keep you thinking you saw something in the shadows, plus hearing Zed's grunts as you walk and moving the flashlight to make sure they don't sneak up on you kept the tense at a 1-10 as a 12 =)

One thing, i would see player killed here or there in the text box and was thinking i never hear any players actually scream in pain or cry-out as they are being killed/eaten by a Zed or a cry out if a player was killed with a non one shot kill.

It would be great to be wondering in a forest and if you are close enough to the player getting killed/eaten by a Zed, to hear a final death scream echo out. Not every death but ever so often.

I posted a thread talking about this, but unsure how easy it would be to do.


Great work!

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I've played about 3h now. No new bugs to report. Just feedback.

The new hatchet weapon is a good alternative as long as the player is looking for a gun. So the game turns much more to be playable. In my opinion, the hatchet is a bit too powerful. If you are lucky, you can put a zed down with one swing. Rocket, maybe there ist a way to power down this weapon.

Loot system seems to be o.k. Still food and water is rare, but it's there. But guns? I am still looking. There is plenty of munition, but guns are really rare.


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Hey Rocket,

So my character is invisible - I found out that I can shoot people and they die. I don't spawn zeds - I don't aggro zeds - and player's can't see me.

I've tried killing myself - and it respawns me exactly where I was with my equipment.

I've tried jumping off buildings to die - nothing happens.

I then tried respawn and a disconnet - however now I'm stuck on the "creating character" screen and can't play.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Character "tdavis" steam profile "ds3_tdavisV2"

Thanks for any help you have.



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loot spawns seem a bit low, they also seem to be extremely slow. It seems like you have to crawl there to have the loot spawn before you, otherwise you need to run away and come back.

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Hey Rocket' date='

So my character is invisible - I found out that I can shoot people and they die. I don't spawn zeds - I don't aggro zeds - and player's can't see me.

I've tried killing myself - and it respawns me exactly where I was with my equipment.

I've tried jumping off buildings to die - nothing happens.

I then tried respawn and a disconnet - however now I'm stuck on the "creating character" screen and can't play.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Character "tdavis" steam profile "ds3_tdavisV2"

Thanks for any help you have.



[/quote']Have you tried a different server with the latest Beta patch? I've seen weird things like that before but going to a different server usually fixed it.


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I've played about 3h now. No new bugs to report. Just feedback.

The new hatchet weapon is a good alternative as long as the player is looking for a gun. So the game turns much more to be playable. In my opinion' date=' the hatchet is a bit too powerful. If you are lucky, you can put a zed down with one swing. Rocket, maybe there ist a way to power down this weapon.

Loot system seems to be o.k. Still food and water is rare, but it's there. But guns? I am still looking. There is plenty of munition, but guns are really rare.



Why would you want to "power down" the hatchet and put an unrealistic limit on the effectiveness of the hatchet? If you were to encounter a lone zombie, why would you NOT be able to put one down with one good swing and connect? ....especially if you connect with the neck/head area or eviscerate it by slicing open its mid-section? Now try that with multiple zombies attacking you at once, then you'll be in a bit of trouble because these zombies do a good amount of damage when they hit you now. I think its pretty much in line with the reality of the fiction that is being portrayed here. In most Zombie fiction, one or two zombies are not the danger. Its the horde of zombies that usually makes the situation problematic.

I say the hatchet it fine as is.

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Im having the hardest time finding food, and seem to find six or seven cokes before a can of food will appear. The hatchet works great, i'm not sure if its any different from the crowbar, friend of mine who was using a crowbar said it took him multiple swings to make a kill. For me hatchet was two at most so i'll have to find a crowbar for myself to compare. Also whenever I pick up a weapon I seem to randomly drop lots of items in my inventory, even when theres room for the bullets that come with it. Other than that its very playable so far. Spawning with no gun makes it more fun imo.

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Hatchet should be a 2-3 hit kill in most cases.

If the Hatchet is doing one hit kills then it needs to be lowered. Hatchets are aimed for taking out that one Zed in the building blocking you from getting your loot.

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A HUGE improvement over the last 2 releases.

There are still plenty of bugs, but myself and friends played for almost 5 hours straight last night and enjoyed every bit of it.

Definitely a step in the right direction. It's very nice to be able to move again without pissing off 10 zombies.

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Hatchets are fine. Against the lone zed its easy, but get multiple zeds on you out in the open and you are dead. This is especially true now that zeds either knock you down or break your legs in 3 hits.

If you bottleneck them into a building its really easy, but it would be in real life too...

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6hrs has just flown by, congrats on the new version!

Can I suggest that we should be able to drink from lakes without having a bottle, it seems logical and it would help with survival every once in a while.

Hatchet is the weapon of choice for Z's, silent and effective. I haven't quite worked out where to put another primary, I guess I need a better pack.

Z's seem to be back to somewhere around 7.1, but I'm still erring on the side of caution when in town.

Thx for all the hard work!

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Please ignore those saying the hatchet is OP. This is a totally ignorant statement made by people who are not playing this game to its fullest and examining all of its potential scenarios.

By using the hatchet do you become proficient at killing zombies? Yes!

Do you become proficient at shooting that guy who just emerged from a bush in front of you? No!

It's become a beautiful game of Rock, Paper Scissor now.

Axe wielder kills zombie.

ZombieS (the key being plural here, since the noise of a gun will bring a horde, which is when zombies are at their deadliest) kills gun wielder.

Gun wielder kills axe wielder.

You have to make a decision about whether to have a melee or a primary weapon. I am blissfully aware that as I chop zombies down with my axe that I will be totally outclassed by anyone with a semi-decent primary weapon and a half-decent aim.

Its a gameplay choice.

Axes are fantastic in their current form for clearing small towns. But you'd need to be an idiot to use one in a hot zone.

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Just played for a few hours and had this happen on multiple occasions. I was be a few buildings and then a downed helicopter and it was all the same....i kill the 5-15 zombies in the area and when i shoot and kill the last one a fresh batch of 5-15 zombies just respawn immediatly. i saw 2 down helicopters very close and couldnt make it to the vehicle because zombies just kept respawning as i pick them off. Alpha :(


Zombies spawn rate seems too fast' date=' they literally POPUP in front of players eyes.


I thought this insta-respawns issue got hotfixed the other day, yet I keep seeing people saying it's still happening. I won't get a chance to play till tomorrow night so I have no idea (haven't played all week). Are respawn timings still out of whack around deerstands, too??

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I've tested the FPS issue and I think the zeds are still causing it.

I entered the city of Brezino to get some morphine and once the zeds spawned the FPS went down one by one during getting closer to the town. When sneaking through it the FPS went down to around 10 for me.

Surprisingly on my way out there were hardly any zeds around and my FPS said the same. Solid 20 when walking through the town.

Tomorrow I'll test some more scenarios to narrow the issue down.


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Can zeds morph through walls? Crawling behind a wall I can hear the zed on the other side; next second there's a zed behind me (makes me jump 10ft in the air); happened a couple of times.

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Please fix the zeds. They still continually spawn so you cannot go into a small barn of something and clear the zombies and then loot. Or shoot the zombies and run in and loot and get out. They continually spawn. I like how they agro now. Also please nerf their bone breaking capacity. So sick of no spawning morphine and 1/3 of all zombie hits break your bones. It is getting to be less and less fun with every patch that buffs the zombies.

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I've tested the FPS issue and I think the zeds are still causing it.

I entered the city of Brezino to get some morphine and once the zeds spawned the FPS went down one by one during getting closer to the town. When sneaking through it the FPS went down to around 10 for me.

Surprisingly on my way out there were hardly any zeds around and my FPS said the same. Solid 20 when walking through the town.

Tomorrow I'll test some more scenarios to narrow the issue down.


I still have the same problem with performance, it's not as bad as it was before, but when fighting multiple zombies (around 5 or more) the FPS drop considerably

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