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[SA] Meele System - Ideas & Discussion

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Since the meele system is beeing reworked right now, maybe it'd be good to gather your current ideas & thoughts on this topic here.

Wouldn't it be good to see a meele system similar to Mount&Blade:Warband or the Elder scrolls Series?


So we could have directional attacks.


So you have different attacks depending on mouseclick+ the direction you move your mouse.



-click+mouse move left/right = swing to the left/right

-click+mouse move up = stab

-click+mouse move down = hack


Also how long you click&hold down should affect the whole thing.

I'd imagine holding down the click resembles how far you reach out before swinging, thus making the blow harder & more effective.


Also: Parring & Blocking.

There should be a block key. (right mouse button for meele weapons?)

Applying the same directional rules like attacking, you have to move your block into the direction of the oncoming attack to effectively block it.

So if an attack swing is coming from the right, you have to block to the right in time to block it, otherwise you get hit.

EDIT: the above system can still also be very simple.
You could still just wildly click left mouse btn and thus hit with your weapon.
Your character would just randomly slash/hack.

The only difference would be that if you encounter someone with better meele skills, u might get in trouble.
Just like in RL.
Everybody with a sword can be serious danger. But if he meets somebody who actually has some tactics on how to use it, he will have a hard time.

So simple meele for those who just want to hack away their zombies, and something to master for those who seek it.

It works really well in Mount&Blade:Warband.

You can march into battle with zero knowledge and just swing your blade around, no problem.
But if you meet someone who is really trained, you have to pack some skills into your moves, look what he is doing and dodge his tactics.

so everyone could be happy and we have some deep fantastic meele system going on here...


Meele fights could really become something where people can show skill & tactics opposed to just "who clicks the fastest wins".



waddaya all think?

What's your ideas?

Edited by ponc
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Nah. I want simple melee instead of this. We're just risking nobody using it because it's hard to use. Also if i did a hard swipe with my mouse, my character would turn around several times..

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Ah begorah what? In Teh Eldy Scrolls, I just move and hit stuff wiv' me axe laddy, sure tis' too complicated if ya've sumtin like da

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Ah begorah what? In Teh Eldy Scrolls, I just move and hit stuff wiv' me axe laddy, sure tis' too complicated if ya've sumtin like da


In English. Please.

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In English. Please.


He said he is a "Button Masher" and does not bother to use any of the controlled swings in those games. 

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Simple melee would work just fine for this kind of game. The melee should be more accurate than it is in the mod. And it would be nice to have crosshair in melee so you can really aim for your blows. It would be simple and effective if your blow hits where you aim with crosshair only need to be in range. Thats all im asking.


If there is gonna be more complex melee i would like to see kick/push, you would be able to knock back zombies/players. And if you hit with an axe it could stuck on the target and it would take few seconds to get it off and start swinging again. This would make melee easy against one zombie but hard when there is more in proximity. Basically i want it to be really easy kill a single zombie in melee fight but really hard against multiple zombies.

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I think (I may be wrong) that most people would be happy with a fairly simple system, but one that just works well.  


Personally I wouldn't want to see anything too elaborate, just a a simple satisfying swing with a satisfying crunch would keep me happy.

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How about left click = punch, hold in left click = push?

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Improved melee, adding hand to hand, and a whole range of possible P2P interactions will be great to see, if done well.


It was also suggested that every item have some limited melee capability.... Imagine beating someone with a shoe, or a can of beans.


If we can push.... I want to be able to sneak up behind a zombie or bandit at the top of a flight of stairs, and push them down the stairs with appropriate results.


Possible range of random outcomes: merely being knocked down a flight of stairs and having to stand again > broken neck insta-death.

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As log as I can cut off zombie heads with my machete, I'm happy.

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I understand the desire for a directional melee swing, especially considering how difficult is has been to land a vertical swing on a zombie that's constantly moving around you.  Given the changes to the zombies, I believe a single directional swipe, from upper right to lower left, would be sufficient.  The one element that makes a lot of sense to me and seems more or less essential in a zombie survival game would be a block/push option.  I love some of the ideas regarding push/block listed above, and think it would add a whole lot to both PvE and PvP interactions!!

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the thing is: the above system can still also be very simple.
You could still just wildly click left mouse btn and thus hit with your weapon.
Your character would just randomly slash/hack.

The only difference would be that if you encounter someone with better meele skills, u might lose a fight.
So simple meele for those who just want to hack away their zombies, and something to master for those who seek it.

It works really well in Mount&Blade:Warband.

You can march into battle with zero knowledge and just swing your blade around, no problem.
But if you meet someone who is really trained, you have to pack some skillz into your moves, look what he is doing and dodge his tactics.

so everyone could be happy and we have some deep fantastic shit going on here...

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Why not just take the system off war of roses or chivalry or something.

Medieval games do melee the best.

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that's why i mentioned mount&blade

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that's why i mentioned mount&blade

I would like the system where a hack/ slash is dependant on how you're moving and can be charged.

I would also like jabs somehow.

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why make a melee system like this if the guy just shoots you before you even get near him?

Because everybody wants guns to be rarer meaning more up close confrontations where players must be right next to each other before engaging meaning harder work for bandits instead of just run in room and spray from door at bean collecting new spawn.

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