tacticaljim 28 Posted June 20, 2012 Simple fact is that you cannot just simulate the survival side without simulating a bit of the human side. People lose their humanity when they play video games (gta anyone?)...you must simulate the urge to group in such a situation along with the urge to solo. Reinforce those urges with positive and negatives and the game will flourish....ignore them and the game will be a simple hunter gatherer fps.Provide avenues of communication. Tradeable walkie talkies that when traded between players automatically group them. Provide cb broadcast radios both equipable and stationary for general broadcasting perhaps making them repairable. Group play already has incentives for loot and survival. Enhance them alittle by increasing areas of high zed counts that can pretty much only be accessed by groups...add loot that is highly prized (forts for the groups, custom uniforms, bestest guns, etc.)There is also already natural incentives to bandit...stealing peoples shit. But where are the disadvatages? People , minus sociopaths, show ptsd and worn looks from killing over and over again innocents. Others see this and would be wary to team up with these types of persons...so make it where Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jorden 63 Posted June 20, 2012 so make it whereMAKE IT WHERE WHAT? WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO SAY? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tacticaljim 28 Posted June 20, 2012 Cont.... Where people can sense the waryness. But add a feature where the bandit becomes a psychopath...void of emotion and oddly calm...and unable to group with anyoneSorry, tapatalk no work with dayz forum...cell phone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
imagelesskjc 35 Posted June 20, 2012 My dyslexia read "Stimulator? then stimulate"I was wondering how the hell this would relate to DayZ.For the future, you should put your suggestions in the "Suggestion" section of the forum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tacticaljim 28 Posted June 20, 2012 Thanks for the input Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dove 1 Posted June 20, 2012 Jim, it is nice to see you... In any case, I think it might be a bit hard to bring about the loneliness meter... How exactly you want to change the game could change the lone mountain hermit into becoming a paranoid schizophrenic who rushes into town for food and drink and human contact. We all know that those types can be trouble... Consider the idea of a crazy man coming into town for the purpose of killing humans just to get rid of the flashing red human contact meter. If the guy does not kill them, then I guess we would end up seeing a number of stalkers on the loose... And, Jim, I know a number of our guys would not take kindly to seeing a strange mountain hermit following them throughout the woods....The idea of radios would be great. I think having relay stations or a system of communication through a world would be nice. Long distance communication is very interesting, but dangerous as well. Have you considered what might happen with stationary radios had to be used... You would end up having to deal with defending a position that could be located in a hot spot or city full of nutty survivors... Well, to be honest, we don't want to start having the hallucinations or flash backs that can come with PTSD. It can be bad enough when we have a panic attack while fighting zombies... We don't need to see stuff that doesn't exist, so consider it lucky that we don't see giant zombies or pink elephants going through the air during battles... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turin (DayZ) 3 Posted June 20, 2012 Agreed. The mod seems to be heading in this direction already, but more can definitely be done to promote group survival instead of PvP deathmatching. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tacticaljim 28 Posted June 20, 2012 Dove, Thanks for the reply but I think you read into it alittle too much. I am simply proposing the following:1: Toolbelt equipable walkie talkies that, when traded with another player, automatically group you and that player into the VON group chat. You can add others to your walkie talkie network so that your group can grow.2: CB Radios: fixed locations and/or fixable/deployable asset. Gives access to the SIDE channel allowing you to send/receive on it. Extremely valuable...could even add in speakers into the gameworld so that when people turn on a recieve only radio inside an apartment they can hear persons voices on direct channel in VON.4: Grouping: provide incentives to grouping by making highly valuable items pretty much out of reach to lone wolf players (still possible but very very very hard).5: Banditry: Kill too many innocents (players that don't also kill too many innocents) and your humanity falls. This creates worn looks in the face (requiring face to face encounters with people to even notice) and other indicators that you guys can think of. Nothing over the top but just enough to throw a hint out.6: Psychopath: Becoming a damn good bandit should have rewards too...when people are very good killers they lose the human reaction (worn face etc. from 5) and become very calm. They are zed and pvp killing machines due to being very calm (no panic response) These persons have the lowest of the low humanity.... Psychopaths loose the ability to trade walkie talkies and there for, the best of group play...because honestly, who wants to group up with a psycho? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aitloian 11 Posted June 20, 2012 Dude, you guys are throwing down some legit ideas.I like the one having a really hard place to get to that requires a group. How about a barracks or one of the castles but put 200 zombies around it? You would need a group.The walkie talkie idea is sweet as well as the cb radio giving you like a broadband general chat. So you could get yourself a CB and be like breaker breaker one nine looking for friendlies in cherno haha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
racecar 0 Posted June 20, 2012 I'm sorry, are you suggesting that the dev team attempts to simulate human behavior? Are you not a human? Is your behavior not inherently human?P.S. Tons of people are playing in groups. They just aren't grouping up with random strangers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Virfortis 111 Posted June 20, 2012 How this has not devolved is beyond me, maybe the community is turning around.Basically, feeling needs to be added to DayZ, but adding an arbitrary system of kill or not is difficult. We've already seen what happens with arbitrary systems, I have a heartbeat right now because survivors shoot at me on sight (and since they only have a pistol, fail miserably) and the same happened with bandit skins. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BurritoBandit 24 Posted June 20, 2012 I'm sorry' date=' are you suggesting that the dev team attempts to simulate human behavior? Are you not a human? Is your behavior not inherently human?[/quote']Its called alter ego, learn about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dove 1 Posted June 21, 2012 Jim, the biggest part about your suggestion that currently seems profitable to the players would be the improvement or implementation of the communication channels via the radios. Leaving the possibility of personality and humanity factors alone, the option to keep contacts that are else where would be beneficial for long term coordination. In my opinion, the use of radios for verbal communication would prevent the inexperienced player from broadcasting his thoughts throughout the entire Psychic network. We all know that global communication and side channel communications can be very annoying for players to listen to when they are taking a nice nature walk. Who wants to hear some guy by the shore screaming for his life as he runs from a zombie horde? I will give you an example scenario of what could be used. If players on one server group in a Team Speak server but are divided in different sub-channels, we can use the radios to act as communication between the multiple groups of players that are normally in different TS subchannels. Now, some will cry "no need since you can make whisper lists", but honestly, this makes it easier to communicate between groups that don't all use the same 3rd party chat service. This will make users into radio operators and not worry about the extra hassle of TS controls... I am behind the idea of radios, but the idea of a system of altering your personality or body would only make you worse of a target as too many people would not want to get close enough to identify your personality type... Heck, if you did change in appearance, have your clothes start to fall apart because you have survived for a while or got into things that you should not have... At least then you could look like you have been in the wilderness and make it look like mud or dirt depending on where you have been... Image that forlorn and shipwrecked brother looking to take heart again... as he crawls around in tattered clothes... Just then we would need to learn how to get new clothes which would be strange, just like the raiding of pre-war business attire and such... I would need to consider the personality thing more, as I am finishing up my break before I get back to programming... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tacticaljim 28 Posted June 21, 2012 i disagree racecar...you automatically lose some humanity when you start playing a game (when you play grand theft auto for instance...90 percent of the time...especially after you have beaten the game...you end up on going on rampages and farking stuff up...its fun...but not sustainable). You have no real life to lose in a sense...you have no real friends to lose...you have no heaven...you have no hell...Some simulation must be added to push people towards these things...and unfortunately, unless you are playing on a server which requires people to role play (which are few and far between) you will not see this on a regular basis.I understand that groups are forming...but for the most part they are forming out of game, in programs such as teamspeak. This is great for the persons in the group but overall detracts from the gameplay. A group on teamspeak has no incentive to reach out to strangers in game. Whats the point? I can call up my buds on TS and look at an offline map and have them meet up with me anywhere on the map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted June 21, 2012 Dove' date=' Thanks for the reply but I think you read into it alittle too much. I am simply proposing the following:1: Toolbelt equipable walkie talkies that, when traded with another player, automatically group you and that player into the VON group chat. You can add others to your walkie talkie network so that your group can grow.[b']No.Group making should be something like;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2XQdVkU4lMHowever no one else should be able to see other 'groups'.[b/]2: CB Radios: fixed locations and/or fixable/deployable asset. Gives access to the SIDE channel allowing you to send/receive on it. Extremely valuable...could even add in speakers into the gameworld so that when people turn on a recieve only radio inside an apartment they can hear persons voices on direct channel in VON.Great idea! Might be hard to implement.4: Grouping: provide incentives to grouping by making highly valuable items pretty much out of reach to lone wolf players (still possible but very very very hard).Also provides incentives for people to screw groups over for good loot. A be all end all grouping mechanic should come slowly. About the same time when our NAMES are forced to our characters.5: Banditry: Kill too many innocents (players that don't also kill too many innocents) and your humanity falls. This creates worn looks in the face (requiring face to face encounters with people to even notice) and other indicators that you guys can think of. Nothing over the top but just enough to throw a hint out.EH? not really worth it.6: Psychopath: Becoming a damn good bandit should have rewards too...when people are very good killers they lose the human reaction (worn face etc. from 5) and become very calm. They are zed and pvp killing machines due to being very calm (no panic response) These persons have the lowest of the low humanity.... Psychopaths loose the ability to trade walkie talkies and there for, the best of group play...because honestly, who wants to group up with a psycho?Already done a little. The HEARTBEAT mechanic for extremely negative humanity is a clue in for groups. Beyond that I don't think you should EVER restrict a player of any kind from joining a group. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Regicide 111 Posted June 21, 2012 5: Banditry: Kill too many innocents (players that don't also kill too many innocents) and your humanity falls. This creates worn looks in the face (requiring face to face encounters with people to even notice) and other indicators that you guys can think of. Nothing over the top but just enough to throw a hint out.Me rike. Finally a realistic way to indicate a person's humanity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites