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This is why we need more first person servers

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Yes! I love first person, especially in DayZ it adds so much to the immersion.


Sadly most of the community doesn't give two shits about immersion or realism, otherwise private hives wouldn't all consist of huge amounts of vehicles and spawning with military grade weapons. I recently played on a first person only server on DayZero, it had no side chat and proper dark nights. It was extremely scary to loot Cherno, and I almost shat my pants when someone fired their m16. I haven't had an expierence like that since the early days of DayZ.

Edited by Plexico
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That was a great video and summed up the salient points very well.


59% (468/798) of the players that have joined my server leave within 1 minute and 72% (573/798) leave within 5 minutes. My guess is they just can't handle mercenary level difficulty. But that's OK with me, it's my server and I like it this way.

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A huge problem is also many people maybe can't play first person because they get dizzy even with head bob off.

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I love driving and shooting in first person. I find driving down hills much easier in first person 

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