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Lone wolf tips?

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Get a hatchet.


That's it.


Greatest weapon ever.. Even destroys vehicles in a couple swipes.

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OP says he wants tips to play lone wolf style. Most replies are "shoot everyone you see". Isn't that a bandit's approach? There's a difference people between a lone wolf and a bandit. I'm not saying it's all rainbows and roses, obviously you're gonna get betrayed by players pretending to be friendly and then shooting you in the back, but still, lone wolf =/= bandit. Anyhow, some tips.


Gear: Get at least an alice pack, matches, hunting knife, hatchet. Pack as many water canteens as you can. Always keep an empty tin can with you in order to boil it and avoid infection. Food is easy to find, looting villages and hunting, water is more scarce. Also carry at least 4 bandages and 2 morphine injectors. Breaking a leg in the middle of nowhere is the worst thing that can happen to you. Antibiotics are worth their weight in gold.


Movement: Always stay in the treeline, plan your routes, use the map, do quick in and outs when looting, use freelook when running across fields, always use cover. Scout areas you're about to enter with binoculars, looking for players, zombies chasing players, etc.


Player interaction: I've come across hostile survivors and friendly bandits. Don't judge players by their skin. Always use direct voice chat. Don't turn your back even on friendly players till you get to spend a couple of hours with them and get to know em. It's always a risk, sometimes it ends up with a nasty betrayal, other times with a helpful encounter.


Looting: Head up north, check barracks, firehouses, hangars, military tents. Look for bases/tents near ponds/lakes and across the map's borders. Don't spend much time near said camps, in and out quickly.

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your best friend may just be your hatchet.

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When I go it alone in Vanilla DayZ. First thing I do is figure out where the nearest Industrial loot spawn is in either an out of the way spot or on the outskirts of a city is. I go through them fairly quick and my main goal is a hatchet. I won't pass up guns/food/water or even a Jerry Can, but that is my first goal. From there I head away from the coast and start to hit every deer stand that is not overlooking a major hot spot. If you need a backpack a place like one of the castles can actually be easier to loot than a grocery store but it is still a quick in and out sort of thing. 

I tend to stick more to the East than the West when alone simply because Stary and the NW airfield are huge PVP areas and the only water around is close to them. Hidden in the woods to the east is water and a lot of lonely lesser loot spawns that are easier to sneak into and loot for single players. In Stary, Cherno, Elektro, and NWAF you really should have backup. 

Meat is your friend. Stick somewhere near water, a forest, and a Deer Stand. You can often find animals in the fields near deer stands and once you have a Hatchet(industrial), Matches(deer stand), and Hunting Knife(deer stand) you are set up for food and Water Bottles also drop in the Deer Stand so in short order you should have what you need to survive. Always boil the water and cook the meat and your chance of infection should be very low. From there you can strike out further and further from your "base" of operations.

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If you spot another player first, bandit skin or not, never expose yourself to them to ask them if they are friendly. If they have a bandit skin, I would say don't even waste your time asking if they are friendly because it's probably a stupid question. But regardless, never expose yourself. Voice through direct communication and let that player know that you see them and you have them in your sights. Then you can ask if they are friendly and decide your next actions because they won't know exactly where you are. You can ask that the player drop their gun too, but I doubt it will work. Most players will tell you to piss off if you tell them to drop their gun.


But honestly, like everyone else said, you can't trust anyone in this game. Atleast not 99% of players anyway. If you do find someone friendly and willing to actually tag along and/or help you without shooting you in the back of the head, consider yourself lucky. Majority of players get a chubby when they kill you, regardless if you even posed a threat or not. It's even worse so on servers with death messages enabled because then everyone can see who they killed and with what weapon and distance.


Off topic, death messages are dumb in my opinion. I don't have a problem if it just says who the victim is, and the weapon used, but it seems too much like a, "Hey, look at me, I just killed this new guy! Now everyone can see what a epic player I am!" kind of deal. A lame way to flash your virtual penis around for pointlessly killing another player.

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The thing with death messages is they give too much away. Say you fire on someone that you feel very sure is alone and the death massage says "BigChef was killed by Jvalor" you can run right down and start looting the body because the message says I'm dead. Now without that message you've fired, I went down but if your view is obstructed you had better proceed with caution because you're unsure if the player is dead or wounded or in the instance your weapon has high recoil you may not be sure if you even hit me and could walk right into a bullet your self.

Death messages...not so much

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Shoot heroes, shoot bambis (Give them a good Impression to know that you are NOT to be fucked with) and always try to work towards your advantage, be an asshole also try to decive.


Best tips for lone wolfing IMO.

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Killing everyone in sight is not a good way to let someone know you are not to be fucked with. All it's going to do is get more people angry with you and more likely to team up against you and then troll you once they do kill you. There is no way to gain enough reputation so that other players avoid you or don't fuck with you. They will just spawn and eventually work their way back to where you killed them and more times than not when a bandit kills someone, they don't leave the area. And eventually that bambi who you just killed like 3 times in a row with your DMR when he only had a Makarov or nothing at all, is going to catch you off guard and kill you and take your shit. And it's funny as hell when it happens.


Moral of the story, you are not invincible, regardless of how many players you killed. Your time will come. Now I am not talking down on people who shoot and kill everyone they see, but it is satisfying as fuck when I see or read that some new player just killed the dickhead who has been camping Elektro for hours and killing everyone. Because nothing puts a wad in a veteran player's underwear more than to be killed and looted by some FNG.


And as far as deceiving people, only people that fall for the, "I'm friendly, let me put some cokes in your pack", are brand new, first day players and people with no common sense.

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Talk to yourself using different voices... it may give the illusion your part of a large gang and more of a threat to anyone looking for an easy kill.

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Or just run around with direct communication permanently on and yell "I Am Friend!" every 30 seconds or so, like MaximusBlack does.

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Any backpack you pick up is -10 items, because your hatchet is going in the first pack that can fit it so you can 'quick swap' (just be careful about moving ammo)...alas my hard won tip is going to be irrelevent soon :(

Edited by Trizzo

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Off topic, death messages are dumb in my opinion. I don't have a problem if it just says who the victim is, and the weapon used, but it seems too much like a, "Hey, look at me, I just killed this new guy! Now everyone can see what a epic player I am!" kind of deal. A lame way to flash your virtual penis around for pointlessly killing another player.


Yeah, I completely agree. It serves no purpose except for encouraging murdering just to see the death message, and actually benefits the murderer afterwards because without the death message the only reliable way to know if the victim is dead is to check the body, which makes them much more vulnerable to a clever victim playing dead and waiting for revenge.

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I always do better as a team instead of lone wolf...but you can't trust everyone in DayZ so I want to start going lone wolf? But whenever I go lone wolf I go to the nearest town and either A.) Get shot by a bandit. B.) Get attacked by 50 zeds or C.) Get run over by a car. 

any tips?


Lone wolf ftw :)

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meat pie saying ''type'' makes me remind that being able to use voice chat can put you in advantage..talking without having to stop aim can save your life in casual encounters, especially when you are in big towns, or if it happens you get close to people in the north..(less)

Yeah, this will save your Bacon. There are still some decent people out there. You can pick mics up cheap these days. Plus razor sound is free so you can get simulated surround. It works really well.

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