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Got banned from battleye "GameHack"

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Soo i got banned yesterday from my favorite dayz server called "Official DayZ Origins #GX Zombiegeschnetzeltes, BBier und Weiber Active Admins .." cause i accidently had cheat engine on cause i tried something before in a game called "CubeWorld" and then i got banned luckily just from this Server but i wont change server cause all my friends play on it and wont change so my question

Could you please forgive me and unban me from the server cause i really wanna play on it 



#The sever name is :   Official Dayz Origins #GX Zombiegeschnetzeltes, Bier und Weiber | Active Admins | TS3 (1.7.6/103419) [4h Day/Night]Hosted @ GTXGaming.co.uk

Edited by milon2

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these forums have a very low tolerance to hacking of any sort.


Now I know that all these damn new servers have some anti-hack that is very invasive and scans your computer

(and could potentially ban you for having cheat engine open)


However this topic is iffy.


Learn your lesson 

don't do it again.

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Learn your lesson 

don't do it again.


Sooo i didnt hack in dayz or in online multiplayer games just in cube world trying to get a pet which i couldnt find so yeaa. but i look after it so i dont have it open again

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I was writing a long post about how stupid it is to cheat...

And i deleted it on purpose.. Why? because i can.

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Can you know please unban me cause i dont hack and just accidently had ce open thanks

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Hello there


Whilst it may be frustrating not to be able to quickly get what one wants in a game the actual reward one feels when one finds that "pet" etc is what gaming is all about.


You've had a close call, I personally would uninstall any cheat program you have and start to play fairly. It's harder but in the long run its more fun.


Next time you may get banned from another game. You wouldnt want that would you?


I do hope it was a legitimate mistake as if you do try to script in DAYZ, Battleye *will* catch up with you. It's far better than folk would have you believe.






EDIT: No one here can unban you. You need to grab the attention of the server admins.

Edited by orlok
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But the Server admins said i have to ask you

Then they're wrong :p

This is the Dayz mod forum :) maybe they meant the cash whores at Origins

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You need to contact the server admin(s). Explain your situation and maybe they will unban you.

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Got banned from battleye

i accidently had cheat engine

You need to contact the server admin(s). Explain your situation and maybe they will unban you.


No you need rebuy the game

Cheat on BE server : source : http://www.battleye.com/support.html



It doesn't matter if you only cheated on your own private server. Cheating on BE-enabled servers is forbidden, period.

If you cheated you will have to live with the consequences. Global bans are permanent and no exceptions will be made.


Edited by GuitZ

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OP, I'm confused here as to whether or not you got banned by battleye like your title says, or got banned from a server like your post says.

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and then i got banned luckily just from this Server but i wont change server cause all my friends play on it and wont change

It's not a global ban (yet), either way he's a cheater and they piss me right off when they attack servers, why help him ?

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If they told u to talk to the guys on these forums.. Then you are hopeless. It would mean that there is nothing they can do, which means that you need to contact battleeye or buy the game and mod again with using a different steam account.


God may help you.

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Regardless, no one here can assist you. Its out of our power.


If it's an Origin server I suggest you try their forums.





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