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Setpiece traps/deterrents

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So, I've seen booby traps suggested in a few threads, but nothing comprehensive or really coherent. Just 'put bomb in can!' or 'dig pit and put spikes!'


For the standalone, I'm thinking homemade deterrents, not just 'booby traps'. I'm not talking about spike pits or IEDs by the roadside, but rather, simple 'traps' that you would expect to find in post-apocalyptia. Think more 'fallout' than 'anarchist's cookbook'.


The kind of traps that are mitigated by careful observation rather than luck, meaning that exploration takes on a hint of careful finesse rather than 'sprint to that building, shoot the zombies AND SEARCH EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY!'


Cans on a string draped over a door so that pushing it open causes them to rattle. This has the advantage of attractive zombies and alerting nearby players with the sound of the cans. The way to counteract this would be to open the door slowly, rather than using the context action to just shove it open.


A grenade clasped in a slightly-ajar doorway with the pin removed and spoon held by the door itself. This would require a visual inspection to spot (or the fact that the door is slightly ajar to begin with). Also attracts zombies. No easy way to defuse, and even if you get the grenade in your hand you still have to throw it somewhere and blow it up or just... carry it around in your hand forever.


Simple line of cans. Also attracts zombies. Step over these/go around.


Some kind of system to drop a lit flare when the 'trap' is activated. Not dangerous at all, but provides a very bright light that would be very visible at night time.


'String based' explosive traps. Always popular since someone figured out you could have a string arm/set off an explosive when someone opens a door. The trick to opening this door is to open is slightly, and look for the string, and cut it. The same could be done for traps that use sound as a means of attracting zombies. For instance, just setting down one of those 'canned air' alarm klaxons so that if the door is opened too far, it hits the button on the top, and every zombie within 600 metres is now chewing on the intruders face.


Even a simple 'pressure switch' attached to a shotgun shell with some kind of arming system. No actual shotgun, just the shell. Designed to punch a hole through the door and through a hasty intruder.






I'm suggesting these traps mainly as door stoppers. Traps designed with simplicity in mind, using simple tools and practises to deter the 'smash and grab' nature of gameplay. No more sprinting into buildings to avoid zombies and picking them off as they run through doors. No more throwing a door open and looking at the floor for a trap.


All of these traps would have to be context-sensitive. They go on the back of doors. And since they're contextual, they'll always be the same. People will start to learn, by trial and error, what a trapped door is. Open it slightly, looking for the strings. Open it enough to slip through, check the back for any traps. Move inside, look around, loot. It won't be a 'game of chance' where any door you open can kill you. It'll be the careless and uninitiated that get blown away. Or those that are being chased by zombies and don't have time to check a door before barelling through it.


It'll feel 'authentic', because you can bet, if the world goes to hell, those that survive will most definitely do this. They'll have string traps set up with shotguns and satchel charges, no less.


Nothing crazy stupid. Just avoidable traps that can be attached to doors, to slow us down even further in our never-ending search for loot. Death lurks around every corner and every door, and that is no more true for the hasty and the uncaring. I think DayZ should punish players for being careless and hasty (not to say that I'm not one of those people).


Not to mention that there will be a certain sadistic thrill the first time you watch a hapless noob blow himself up on your trap by opening a door without carefully inspecting it.




So looting would come down to picking a good building you think might be safe, inspecting the doors, peeking in the windows to make sure that the door has no visible traps on it, and then carefully making your way inside.




Compare that to looting now.




Also, if traps persist after server rests, certain 'worlds' would become just littered with traps, in much the same way as certain servers had barbed wire stretched across the entrance of every goddamn building in the city. This would make that specific world feel distinct and 'old'. Newer servers would feel like just after the start of the infection, before the entire world goes crazy and the old coots go insane and start stringing traps everywhere.


"Hey man, wanna go on America 79?"


"Are you fucking nuts? There's traps on every building!"


New players wounldn't last long on these servers, while more experienced players would be more adept at avoiding/disarming traps and not have such a problem with them. Question is... would bandits want to hunt the more experienced players with likely better gear? Or would they stick to servers where the pickings are easier?



Vote for traps for a better Chernarus!

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Love it.

Maybe there should be a thing where if a player isn't on for a certain amount of time his traps disappear to keep the servers running smoothly.

Bear traps were just glitchy, too rare and pretty much useless overall.

I wanna see more of a focus on this crafty patient gameplay where the kills are few but funny, unlike bandit As 50 sniping in Churno.

Another idea for a trap would be... Something resting atop a door like a armed bear trap.

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Love it.

Maybe there should be a thing where if a player isn't on for a certain amount of time his traps disappear to keep the servers running smoothly.

Bear traps were just glitchy, too rare and pretty much useless overall.

I wanna see more of a focus on this crafty patient gameplay where the kills are few but funny, unlike bandit As 50 sniping in Churno.

Another idea for a trap would be... Something resting atop a door like a armed bear trap.

I don't see why not. They already do that with tents.


Perhaps if it isn't 'used' after a certain amount of time, it just decays.


Just like a real improvised trap like that would after a while.

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I don't see why not. They already do that with tents.


Perhaps if it isn't 'used' after a certain amount of time, it just decays.


Just like a real improvised trap like that would after a while.

Maybe with part open doors zombies may pop in feeling that there has been survivor activIty there.

Once its tripped it should de spawn rather quickly.

With all traps you should get a bit of warning.

Like the spoon coming of the granade making unique sounds and it visually rolling around.

Unlike invisible bear traps.

The more expensive the more effective and less obvious.

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I agree 100% and I think its safe to say we all loved the fallout trap finding experience and dayz needs this kind of thing definitely  

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Good idea! Bear traps were meh and this sounds sweet

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I was thinking the cheapest way to make a rigged shot shell.

Either something spring loaded in a strong suitably sized pipe.

Or something that can be triggered and send a charge, like a battery powered motion detector linked right into the side of a shotshell.

Put something tough over the back and activate with caution.

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