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New 3-player team tips

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Tomorrow two of my friends and I are going to start playing Day Z. Yes, we are new and we do plan to try and meet each other and team up.


We have been reading starter tips but I have a few questions


1. How will we find each other? Should we follow the coast?


2. What will be the advantages and disadvantages of having a three person group?


3. Are there any tips for us? Like squad roles or just general info?


4. Since we have a group would it be better to stick to the wilderness or towns?


Thank you for your time, that is all the questions we can think of for now.

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1) Find eachother by contacting one another through something besides Side-chat. Everyone can see Side-chat and it'll give your positions away.


2) Advantages are definitely more firepower when in gunfights, more loot if you guys loot individually, faster repairing of cars, etc.

Disadvantages would be needing more food/drink/meds in order to support the group, and that's basically it. More usually means better in DayZ.


3) Don't trust people. You won't really need to if you're in a group because as a group you can do things better than one person can.

If one dies and there's no cover, use the dead body as cover. Yeah it's weird, but it works, bullets don't go through corpses.

Have fun and try not to argue over sharing loot, there's so much to go around!


4) It doesn't matter, you've got to go into both regions sometime, just don't be careless in big towns.




(By the way, sorry for being a douche-canoe, but if you need a server, try this one:


There are a lot of awesome people and it definitely would help you guys as new players.)

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Hey man! Welcome to DayZ :)

1. You could follow the coast to meet up it will say where you spawn in the bottom right so that way you should be able to know where you spawn here's a loot map that will help you find your location and some good spots to loot :) http://dayzdb.com/map#2.072.079

2. Advantages, You're always stronger in numbers what Welch said is very accurate in my opinion. Disadvantages: You're a much bigger target when rolling in a group, if you all run next to each other and behind each other it will just take a person with a DMR to just fire into you're pack and you will all dead, I really recommend spreading out by a tiny bit so that the sniper has to change targets, if one of you goes down I suggest running in all different directions, that way at least maybe one of you will get away.

3. I would suggest when going into a town or a city get a vantage point and look over the town or city if I am alone I would do this for 3 or so minutes but as you're a group of 3 I suggest you do this for 2 or so minutes as you have 3 sets of eyes compared to 1. If you come across someone that isn't one of you guys don't shoot straight away, just look at them if they have a sniper I think you should shoot them as if you do not and you lose eyes on them they could shoot you, I mean if they have like a Enfield or a Winchester just leave them but if they have High end gear shoot them otherwise you may put your group in danger. Also if being chased by zombies a good trick is to go into a pine tree, the zombies will lose interest and walk away.

4. As Welch said you're going to have to go in both try to keep your shooting to a minimum in Cities and Towns though as you will just attract zombies.



Thanks, I hope this helps you learn the basics.

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1. Meet up on the coast, if one of you spawns at the east coast then you will have to meet up with him in the middle or north.


2. Advantages is more manpower and firepower, allowing you to acquire loot faster, have an advantage in firefights and more carrying capacity. Disadvantages is that you won't be as stealthy, but people will think twice before attacking you, so you'll be safe unless you bump into a individual survivor or a bandit group spots you.


3. Always have different sort of guns. They can use the same ammunition, but you will always need some guy who has a long-range weapon, usually some guy with a close range weapon, and if you can find one, a guy with a machinegun. Don't argue over loot. Give it to the one who needs it the most. Rangefinders for a spotter/sniper or designated marksman of your squad, for example, and a compass for a leader if you have one.


4. Keep yourself close to towns usually.



It's easier to trust individual people, as long as you don't follow what they suggest. Example: "Hey, follow me to my camp, I have stuff for all 3 of you!" and you follow him, and get ambushed by his friends.


An example of where you can trust them is by trading, fighting together etc. since he would not turn on you unless he has enough firepower and manpower to do so.

Edited by dollon

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If you can get all three of you on Skype, you can talk to each other w/out anyone else in the game listening in. Also by cycling through the chat channels (press ,) you can choose "Direct Communication" and speak to each other if you are within...what is it 75 meters??? Don't worry I will be corrected shortly if I am wrong. Good luck and don't become discouraged when you are killed...and you will be killed.

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Too lazy to read other replys so heres a few tips:


1. How will we find each other? Should we follow the coast?

When you log in, you can see your location on the lower right corner of your screen, use that to locate yourself on a map of day-z;



2. What will be the advantages and disadvantages of having a three person group?

Huge advantage versus solo players, you can cover each other,someone can stay behind if you think you're being followed.

One person can loot while others cover.

3 players have alot more of firepower in fights vs. 1 player


3. Are there any tips for us? Like squad roles or just general info?

3 person squads should propably have these roles in it:

Zombie killer (quiet (silenced) guns)

Sniper or LMG gunner or both, just for firefights (guns with power)

Looter (maybe scout/medic at the same time)


4. Since we have a group would it be better to stick to the wilderness or towns?

You're better off in the wilderness, playerkilling with a squad is fun. You do have people covering you if you'd like to loot a town, up to you.

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1.like everyone have said look in the lower right corner the only thing is there are two names (if im not mistaking) the name in the middle shows you current location (like kamenka,komarovo,airstrip,wilderness) the one on the top say chernarus wicht is the map that a lot of new player seem to look at and they get confused. http://dayzdb.com/map this is a huge help when you start and dont have a map (dont belive in all of the car spawns a lot off them are arnt acurrate or false locations)


2. pros: more firepower, and a lot goes faster and more fun :) 

    cons: people will less likely dont trust a 3 person group (i only trust two or one survivors groups)


3. stay away from elektro if possible (if you spawn try to avoid the hill north-east usually where the snipers are) and try not to run between elekro and cherno (cap golova becouse many snipes new-spawns atleast before)


4.you should move as a group but with some distance when you enter a town and someone watches over the city so if one gets killed the other one has a better chance of killing the one who killed you


sry if what i wrote did make any sence :)

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