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High FPS = More Zeds???

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Hi guys, I have just come back to dayz after a break. When I play massive amounts of zeds are spawning everywhere I go (and I mean a lot, seriously like 50 in eye shot at any one time in any town). I remember the changelog on the new patch said the amount of stuff that spawns is related to your FPS. I have a good computer and get very good FPS rates, my question is am I also getting a lot more zeds spawn because of my good FPS rate???

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negitive. the zed spawns have been upped A LOT. and different types of zeds too


infected ones will make you infected. thers about a 15-30% chance perhit 

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Zombie/item spawning is dynamic by FPS now. So higher FPS = more zombies.

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  On 7/27/2013 at 11:47 AM, Applejaxc said:

Zombie/item spawning is dynamic by FPS now. So higher FPS = more zombies.

.....now im confused....  ...thanks for confusing my...  ...erm...   ...raisin sized brain...

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  On 7/27/2013 at 11:50 AM, GoonSquadCentral said:

.....now im confused....  ...thanks for confusing my...  ...erm...   ...raisin sized brain...



You know the car wrecks, trash roadblocks, and all that other gunk in the cities and town? Well that's not part of the Chernarus map, and they cause a lot of lag on bad PCs.

DayZ tries to detect your FPS, and if it's low and there's no one else around, it doesn't load a lot of those objects, or as many zombies.

So essentially, lower FPS = easier game for driving and surviving, but harder against other players, who are the only real threat anyway.

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Thanks guys, is there an upper limit to the zed spawns because I am getting heaps? I literally can't fire a 1911 in a house because 20 zeds turn up after the first shot, there are so many zeds the game is almost unplayable. Is anyone else experiencing this???

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  On 7/27/2013 at 11:52 AM, Applejaxc said:

You know the car wrecks, trash roadblocks, and all that other gunk in the cities and town? Well that's not part of the Chernarus map, and they cause a lot of lag on bad PCs.

DayZ tries to detect your FPS, and if it's low and there's no one else around, it doesn't load a lot of those objects, or as many zombies.

So essentially, lower FPS = easier game for driving and surviving, but harder against other players, who are the only real threat anyway.

so that's why I'm getting consistent 20 instead of 10-15

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  On 7/27/2013 at 12:55 PM, RekliSnipez said:

so that's why I'm getting consistent 20 instead of 10-15

Exactly. :) 

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  On 7/27/2013 at 12:59 PM, Applejaxc said:

Exactly. :)

what if another player comes within view distance, will the random debris only load for him (causing me to be able to see him hiding behind it) or will it force me to load some?or will it just not appear for me?

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  On 7/27/2013 at 3:13 PM, RekliSnipez said:

what if another player comes within view distance, will the random debris only load for him (causing me to be able to see him hiding behind it) or will it force me to load some?or will it just not appear for me?


Because of the object is physical (stops bullets, etc) the items will load for both of you.

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  On 7/27/2013 at 5:13 PM, Applejaxc said:

Because of the object is physical (stops bullets, etc) the items will load for both of you.

so as soon as i see my fps drop 10-5 frames I know to be cautious....huh.

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  On 7/27/2013 at 11:52 AM, Applejaxc said:

You know the car wrecks, trash roadblocks, and all that other gunk in the cities and town? Well that's not part of the Chernarus map, and they cause a lot of lag on bad PCs.

DayZ tries to detect your FPS, and if it's low and there's no one else around, it doesn't load a lot of those objects, or as many zombies.

So essentially, lower FPS = easier game for driving and surviving, but harder against other players, who are the only real threat anyway.


I can confirm this. I play most of the time at 8 fps and zombies pretty much ignore me all the time. And most of it also the roadblocks doesn't appear so I can go with my cars through big cities w/o even having to slow down :D

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  On 7/27/2013 at 12:03 PM, schrapple said:

Thanks guys, is there an upper limit to the zed spawns because I am getting heaps? I literally can't fire a 1911 in a house because 20 zeds turn up after the first shot, there are so many zeds the game is almost unplayable. Is anyone else experiencing this???


There are so many zeds the game is fucking awesome. Few nights ago me and 2 friends shoot a Makarov inside a Church just to kill 1 zombie because "bah, too much hassle swiching to the hatchet having to drop the primary weapon momentarily, lets just shoot it"... BIG MISTAKE. Almost 200 zombies entered the church in a rage horde, we spend almost all our stanags on them, and all of us ended infected, but it was worth. Because it was FUN.  And we learned a valuable lesson.

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  On 7/27/2013 at 11:52 AM, Applejaxc said:

You know the car wrecks, trash roadblocks, and all that other gunk in the cities and town? Well that's not part of the Chernarus map, and they cause a lot of lag on bad PCs.

DayZ tries to detect your FPS, and if it's low and there's no one else around, it doesn't load a lot of those objects, or as many zombies.

So essentially, lower FPS = easier game for driving and surviving, but harder against other players, who are the only real threat anyway.


So in theory if you have low FPS you can tell if there's anyone else around by how many of these objects and zeds spawn? :S

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I have to say, I'm not really happy with that new system. Firstly i never saw the reason for all these roadblocks and garbage anyways, I always thought that was from the original game, because rebells wanted to stop the military from just rushing them. why would you build road blocks when there are infected everywhere? The car crashes are logical and obvious, but why road blocks?


This new spawn system explains a lot actually. Get a grasp of this: When i played with my buddy and we drove around in our new car a lot, with me driving. And these damn roadblocks always appear like 50 meters infront of the car, and usually I can dodge them. This one time we just spend the last two days to fix a car, by the NWAF, and so when we got it half-way fixed, we told ourselves : "Let's head down to berenzino to get some spares and fully repair the fueltank". Well, while rushing down the road all the sudden a roadblock pops up right in front of me and I blow out two tires. Luckily we survived and grabbed our gear. Now here is the thing: his PC is way more powerfull than mine. When I barely get 20 fps (cities) he has like 30 to 40.


It's ovious what happend right? He must have had a lot of lag, and spawned that f**ker right in front of me! Since then he always drove. Now that I play alone, I noticed that these blocks spawning into my face don't occur at all.


I think the road blocks and whash machines must dissapear! They make no sense, and with this dynamic spawning they are just plain dangerous! The car wrecks should stay tho.

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  On 7/27/2013 at 6:42 PM, mZLY said:

So in theory if you have low FPS you can tell if there's anyone else around by how many of these objects and zeds spawn? :S



If you're in one of the small towns, you can guess nearby players if your suddenly drop 5 frames and objects pop up that weren't there previously. (Like if you're walking down the road and BAM! roadblock spawns)

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  On 7/27/2013 at 5:48 PM, p4triot said:

I can confirm this. I play most of the time at 8 fps and zombies pretty much ignore me all the time. And most of it also the roadblocks doesn't appear so I can go with my cars through big cities w/o even having to slow down :D

Yeah, zombies are pretty harmless... I actually have a really awesome set up where I've only got 20-30 FPS, but that means there's no zombies bothering me and my PC is *just* good enough for fighting other players.

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  On 7/27/2013 at 8:33 PM, Applejaxc said:

Yeah, zombies are pretty harmless... I actually have a really awesome set up where I've only got 20-30 FPS, but that means there's no zombies bothering me and my PC is *just* good enough for fighting other players.


That's just it, at 20FPS zombies probably are pretty harmless, at high FPS the bloody things are everywhere. It is absolutely crippling the game for me, every single zombie spawn point has 2 or 3 zombies on it, every building (and I literally mean everyone) has zombies in it, you literally can't get loot without killing at least 2 zeds, which is a bigger problem because firing even the quietest gun bring at least 30 zeds to you. You can't sneak anywhere because there are so many zeds you get spotted, It's driving me nuts. Is there anyone else who is having this problem? and does anyone have a solution to it?

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  On 7/28/2013 at 9:02 AM, schrapple said:

That's just it, at 20FPS zombies probably are pretty harmless, at high FPS the bloody things are everywhere. It is absolutely crippling the game for me, every single zombie spawn point has 2 or 3 zombies on it, every building (and I literally mean everyone) has zombies in it, you literally can't get loot without killing at least 2 zeds, which is a bigger problem because firing even the quietest gun bring at least 30 zeds to you. You can't sneak anywhere because there are so many zeds you get spotted, It's driving me nuts. Is there anyone else who is having this problem? and does anyone have a solution to it?

Get sneaky. Learn to lose the zeds in trees and bushes and looting towns becomes relatively easy (until you make a mistake or a bandit comes into equation)

This is zombie apocalypse, adapt or die.

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  On 7/28/2013 at 11:28 AM, S.Maelstrom said:

Get sneaky. Learn to lose the zeds in trees and bushes and looting towns becomes relatively easy (until you make a mistake or a bandit comes into equation)

This is zombie apocalypse, adapt or die.


I've been playing this game for quite some time now and I understand how to sneak, the problem is that there are literally to many zombies spawning to do anything. You can't sneak because even the smallest collection of buildings will have at least 30 Zeds spawned around it (you literally can't even crawl in to town because there are so many zeds they walk over you), it is impossible to move anywhere without being seen, then on top of that every zed spawn point inside a building has at least two zeds spawned at it waiting, it's not possible to sneak into a building when zeds are standing on top of the loot inside.


I'm trying to find out if anyone else is having this issue and what they done about it?

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I don't even bother sneaking, just run into a building > collect loot > run out the other side or around them and back out the same door to lose them :/

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What a broken system.. I still cannot believe that the current system we got in the mod is like that... So if you got a nice PC, you will suffer.. And if a player with a bad PC would appear behind you, he will experience 1-2 FPS instead of 10 FPS cus of the loads of zeds that are generated due to your awsum GPU and CPU..

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  On 7/28/2013 at 12:42 PM, SoulHunter said:

What a broken system.. I still cannot believe that the current system we got in the mod is like that... So if you got a nice PC, you will suffer.. And if a player with a bad PC would appear behind you, he will experience 1-2 FPS instead of 10 FPS cus of the loads of zeds that are generated due to your awsum GPU and CPU..


Yeh, I don't really like the sound of it either but tbh I haven't even noticed, was only added in 1.7.7 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/129843-dayz-mod-177-patch/


Old system was 40 per client and +10 for each player within 400m I think.

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  On 7/27/2013 at 11:39 AM, GoonSquadCentral said:


infected ones will make you infected.

would you care to explain the logic behind this? :D

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