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I had a dream last night...

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Telling others what kind of dreams they should and shouldn't be having is a sure sign of being a douche.

Sounds harsh.. thats because it is.

Nice editing OP, dream about what you want, screw the haters! I dreamed about using my hand in the shape of a pistol as a gun in DayZ once. Even in my dream when I said "pew" it didn't shoot or kill anything. My dreams obey basic laws of physics and common sense..



douche... a word I do not recognise. can you provide some other alternatives that are more suitable for grownups.

Edited by Walking Wounded

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douche... a word I do not recognise. can you provide some other alternatives that are more suitable for grownups.

Carry on like that, you have not made one comment relative to the OP.

Spam/Flame/Troll, I've got you on all three.

Stop it.

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13 Euro? nah that is a great price, i hate to think of the americans who miss out.

He is referring to the fact that it has a comma instead of a dot between 13 and 99.

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My dreams obey basic laws of physics and common sense..

HA i have lucid dreams I can fly and can usually stay asleep when falling :D

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I check Steam every other hour now...you can never be sure  :|




This is real sad, unless your handicapped and have nothing else in life.  I come here maybe 1 every couple months, get a life dude. Alot of excellent and better games out there, check them out, There's a good chance you may be dissapointed anyway if it ever comes out at all.

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This is real sad, unless your handicapped and have nothing else in life.  I come here maybe 1 every couple months, get a life dude. Alot of excellent and better games out there, check them out, There's a good chance you may be dissapointed anyway if it ever comes out at all.


Everyone makes their own decisions, dude.

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Everyone makes their own decisions, dude.

But dude, you should live your life on the grounds of what I think is normal.. dude.

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OMGGGGGG OMFG I SWEAR THAT LIKE 5 days ago i had a dream that the standalone is out but i checked on google anyway because i check every day but OMG I SWEAR I HAD THIS DREAM this is so wierd I'm not laughing i am serious

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