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Gaining hero too easy?

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Been a while since I played, was hustling about to get some gear, found myself another tractor (SQUUEEEE :D) and noticed a group of heroes just sprinting down the middle of the street.


Seeing as they were good guys, I went up to them and asked if they needed help, for them to promptly attempt to hatchet my beautiful maiden-skin to death.


DMR vs Hatchets was pretty retarded. Looted their bodies, one happened to have DMR mags. Woo~

Continuing, heading north in my tractor, end up in Berez and see more heroes, but these two in a firefight. One kills the other, turns to me, and once again find myself in a fight with a "hero".


Bottom Line, a shit ton of these heroes are just bandits in disguise, and notice poor little nooblets dashing to them in hopes of safety for them to die for bandages and painkillers.

Also, actually play dayz to help people, and seeing people parading about in what is supposed to be a reward for my good deeds and then doing the opposite kind of deeds dampers my ego on my hero-clad beauty, at least in the game.

Any chance in future updates or standalone that heroes will actually be heroes?

(Secondary question, is there even hero skin in standalone or is all clothing just lootable?)

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I'm on the fence about the current hero skin. It is too easy to get for grouped players, but making it any more difficult would make it impossible for solo players.


There is currently no humanity system in the stanalone, just lootable clothing. Who knows what Rocket has planned though. A more subtle humanity system would be lovely.

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Yea, speak of the devil mate.

Just now I was driving and saw 2 noobs shooting eachother in the foot, then bloodbagging it, and magically one became a hero.


Shot them both in the face, I feel like my skin is whoring itself out ;~;


Also thanks for the standalone answer, beans galore~

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This was especially the case when they first implemented the hero skin again a couple months back. A lot of people glitched to get the hero skin, in the hopes of fooling others to get their guard down. As it stands in the mod, the skin itself is so conspicuous and noticeable in the wilderness that I tend to shy away from it. 


In terms of a "reward system" like a humanity system...I'm ambivalent. I'm a medic because I want to save people. I don't really care about having an elite skin or perks. 

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In terms of a "reward system" like a humanity system...I'm ambivalent. I'm a medic because I want to save people. I don't really care about having an elite skin or perks. 

Yea, the skin isn't much, but I feel like the reason it has been given was so people look at you and know you're a good guy, so its up to them whether to shoot you or not.


The skin has had some perks for me before, while running solo I ran into a group looting a hospital, and when they saw me in the bushes they invited me over and let me take most of the bloodpacks and morphine, saying "You'll put it to WAY better use then us."


I feel like people falsely wearing the skin shouldn't get those perks, even if said perks are based entirely on social interaction, maybe its just me.

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Never been a fan of compulsory skin change when humanity hits a certain level.


For me we should be free to wear what we want and look how we want. And Standalone will do just that.


The best bandits are those you don't suspect.  If you were a bandit and you had a choice would you really advertise your intentions or blend in?

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I now  play with hero skin - is true more guys are stop to think before shoot me ;)


i kill more player too, is my friend who give to me one account because he stop to play till SA is come, i start with 12000 + humanity but now is something like 8000 :D


but i am nervous for time when i am again bandit skin, it mean is too much hard to make hero skin again for solo guy who no cheat or make exploit  :(


edit like demongroove say SA make new way, is better game with zero skin imo, this way nobody know :ph34r:

Edited by KoS

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The best bandits are those you don't suspect.  If you were a bandit and you had a choice would you really advertise your intentions or blend in?

Well most bandits I've met talk about how hardass they are so I'm gonna presume the first, but your message implied the second.

Anyway, for a bandit to get a hero skin would most likely involve what those 2 noobs were doing, and shooting each other in the foots repeatedly for Blood Baggings, which I wouldn't mind. A bandit ninjaing around as a hero would be cool, but he needs a way to maintain that skin without cheating.

Edited by Lido
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Anyway, for a bandit to get a hero skin would most likely involve what those 2 noobs were doing, and shooting each other in the foots repeatedly for Blood Baggings, which I wouldn't mind. A bandit ninjaing around as a hero would be cool, but he needs a way to maintain that skin without cheating.


Yeah It's actually not possible for a serial bandit to maintain a hero skin without cheating. There's not enough legitimate rescues to go around for you to gain enough humanity to retain a hero skin if you are a good bandit. 


I guess how the SA will implement clothing change will allow you to wear certain clothing that you want to wear – sidestepping the currently mandated skins. 

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There's no more auto-clothing for the SA; individual clothes will be looted.


And I know what you're talking about. bandaging up all of your bandit friends for a hero skin is bullshit.

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Shouldn't be a Hero or Bandit skin in the first place, unless they can think up a brilliant humanity idea that will balance it out (not "make people who kill others have blood on their chest, or dirt on their faces").

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Shouldn't be a Hero or Bandit skin in the first place, unless they can think up a brilliant humanity idea that will balance it out (not "make people who kill others have blood on their chest, or dirt on their faces").



Humanity won't be a visual factor in the SA.

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Humanity won't be a visual factor in the SA.


That'll make it easy to come up with a good plan for play.

Kill anything that moves.

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That'll make it easy to come up with a good plan for play.

Kill anything that moves.

I think it will make people hesitate to shoot less, but people will kill on sight anyways. Sort of dumb having to wear a bandit skin because you killed some guys who cant aim and were trying to kill you.

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That'll make it easy to come up with a good plan for play.

Kill anything that moves.



You don't do that already?

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