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IMPORTANT: Tents will be wiped in update

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Also ' date=' im not sure if this is actually working or not , but 2 days after the character dies the tent "should" dissapeer. With your new character you have to put up a new tent and move all the gear across to it from your old tent if you want to keep it.


No, the tents have been staying up even past 2 days.

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Server restart on EU81 last night' date=' all our tents and the one vehicle we had went missing.


It seems there have been problems with the server last night. Be patient, our stuff eventually was there again ... well and was lost after that again ... now checking if it's back again ... again ...

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we have tents that we keep trying to take down and when we come back there there again due to a server restart

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Was tent\car cargo wiped again? My car is still in it's hiding place but all gear contents are gone. Everything was there yesterday. Ofc someone may have robbed it... that's why I'm checking here :) .

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No, seems the UAZ might be bugged. It keeps wiping everything we have in it. The tractor keeps the gear though.

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My tent just went missing...server restarted and it was gone. I had saved it and it was not the first server restart today. :(

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4 days in a row, 4 different camps, after 4 server restarts. Tents contents completely despawn, sometimes the cars save stuff, sometimes not. One time the cars were gone, then another server restart they reappeared with no gear in them. Tents that are packed up respawn and we have like 20 tents laying around, but, all contents in the actual real tents were lost. This is 4 days in a row. It is 100% a problem and your camps are not being "robbed". Same problems happening with guns in backpacks after restarts and sometimes relogging in. As50 turned into 8 tin cans and a Bizon turned into 10 bandages...Nice tradeoff. Tried to carry 10 cans and see if it would turn into an AS50, but no luck so far.. I'll be sure to post how to turn cans into a 50 cal sniper if I can to make up for the thousands of hours lost to the problem everyone is having with stuff disappearing...

Go for it rocket lol

If it stops all the greedy bassabs hoarding off the maps where no one can get without a vehicle' date=' fair play to you.

Ill loose a bit of stuff but better that for the overall gain :P

Shame you can do a reset for all vehicles as well

In the three weeks probably ive been playing with my mates i have not yet seen one vehicle other than some daft beggar on a bike with 50 zeds behind him.

We have visited site after site looking for vehicles but not a single one, i guess because they are all sat off map where we cant reach them.

Definitely needs looking at imho.


we find plenty cars.

and i disagree, the big clans who build tent sities will likely have no problem dealing with this, they just put the good stuff in their cars, move spot, replace tent after wipe. nothing will change. while the usual lone survivor will get punished for their actions.

but so is life in alpha.

i just wish there was a better solution, like only wipe tents that have another tent within close range. i still don't grasp whats the problem with tent sities. if the off-map tents are the problem, well just prun tents and vehicles off-map? do it on a regulare basis, so it won't be worth the time to place a tent there to begin with.

It gets really old hearing people complain about people having a bunch of stuff..It takes tons of hours and coordination to put together a "hoard" of stuff on this game. If you want the stuff you are whining about, get with a group and try to hold it all down...but don't hate on the people putting in hundreds of hours in a group working together..If all the camps are off map, go find the damn thing and raid it...you coulda been looking while you were complaining in here. That goes for all the people whining about groups building up large inventories of cars and gear...its hard work and not easily done..

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Is it just me, or are tents really hard to place!

Please make it easier =)

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It gets really old hearing people complain about people having a bunch of stuff..It takes tons of hours and coordination to put together a "hoard" of stuff on this game. If you want the stuff you are whining about' date=' get with a group and try to hold it all down...but don't hate on the people putting in hundreds of hours in a group working together..If all the camps are off map, go find the damn thing and raid it...you coulda been looking while you were complaining in here. That goes for all the people whining about groups building up large inventories of cars and gear...its hard work and not easily done..


No one begrudges you your stuff, but storing it offmap is, if not an actual exploit (haven't heard anything from Rocket on this) so definitely outside of the spirit of the game. If you want to keep it, you should guard it, not store it in some magical, grassless fantasy land.

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It gets really old hearing people complain about people having a bunch of stuff..It takes tons of hours and coordination to put together a "hoard" of stuff on this game. If you want the stuff you are whining about' date=' get with a group and try to hold it all down...but don't hate on the people putting in hundreds of hours in a group working together..If all the camps are off map, go find the damn thing and raid it...you coulda been looking while you were complaining in here. That goes for all the people whining about groups building up large inventories of cars and gear...its hard work and not easily done..


No one begrudges you your stuff, but storing it offmap is, if not an actual exploit (haven't heard anything from Rocket on this) so definitely outside of the spirit of the game. If you want to keep it, you should guard it, not store it in some magical, grassless fantasy land.

So you can actually get off the map area? Didn't even know that. I thought people were whining even about that if you just hoard vehicles / other gear into a middle of a forest where people can't find it (well, so they say at least).

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