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Hey there,

I'm fairly new to DayZ and was wondering if any knew any good Private Hives in the US (Particulary Eastern/Central US)


EDIT: If it makes a difference i play through Steam

Edited by xMuRkz

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Balota Buddies and the BMRF servers are both held in high regard.  There are many more too, if you have a browse through the Private Hive section of our forums you may find something you like.  If they have a solid community behind them that's usually a good sign ;)

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Just be aware that Origins is a separate mod to DayZ made by different people with their own website and plays very differently   ;)

Edited by Fraggle

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Ya im not interested in Origins Just regular DayZ! So do i have to sign up on something to enter into their server or do i just join?

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It depends which servers you want to join.  Many of them will ask you to get "whitelisted".  It only takes 5 mins and it's one of the reasons their servers have barely any hackers.


If you PM Steak here:  http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/110591-steak-and-potatoes/  He'll tell you what you need to do to sign up with BB, as for the other groups you'll have to run a search.  Good luck.

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It depends which servers you want to join.  Many of them will ask you to get "whitelisted".  It only takes 5 mins and it's one of the reasons their servers have barely any hackers.


If you PM Steak here:  http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/110591-steak-and-potatoes/  He'll tell you what you need to do to sign up with BB, as for the other groups you'll have to run a search.  Good luck.


Actually, none of our servers are whitelisted as of this moment to bring in population, so he needn't get whitelisted. However, xMuRkz, signing up to the forums at www.balotabuddies.net is still recommended; it is there that you shall find all of the latest updates, etc.

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Dont listen to inception


Steak loves getting PMs

and he loves putting people through white-listing even more


;) he loves people

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1 more question sorry. Im trying to register on Balota Buddies forum (Never Been there) and it asks - What is Dean Hall's (the creator of DayZ) username? - can anyone tell me?

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Hey there,

I'm fairly new to DayZ and was wondering if any knew any good Private Hives in the US (Particulary Eastern/Central US)


EDIT: If it makes a difference i play through Steam



My server is hosted in the west I live in New York had it on GMT-5 currently on all day setting. You are more than welcome to try it out or use it as your permanent server. I am also looking for a level 1 admin since I need people to report abusers. 


Here's my IP address:


Chernarus [ / beta 103718][REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5]


My server is as regular just download Dayz (current version)

Edited by deergab

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1 more question sorry. Im trying to register on Balota Buddies forum (Never Been there) and it asks - What is Dean Hall's (the creator of DayZ) username? - can anyone tell me?


His username is "rocket"

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