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Constructed my first sandbag stash, but just to confirm you cannot put tool belt items in to it. Map, Compass, Hunting Knife, It just swallowed them up without a trace.  

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Constructed my first sandbag stash, but just to confirm you cannot put tool belt items in to it. Map, Compass, Hunting Knife, It just swallowed them up without a trace.  

that's because those items count as weapons, but the normal stash dosen't support weapons. If you built second stash which requires 2x sandbags, you could put one tool in.

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that's because those items count as weapons, but the normal stash dosen't support weapons. If you built second stash which requires 2x sandbags, you could put one tool in.


Well i will give that a try but considering how long it took to find my first it may take some time to confirm.

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sandbags. Are you playing the normal dayz or dayz+?

Vanilla DayZ.


On a side note, I believe it's a problem with 1.7.7 that stash's are deleting.

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It is possible to build stashes in the official dayz servers? the ones connected to the hive? I thought that was only available on custom serves, outside the hive.

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It is possible to build stashes in the official dayz servers? the ones connected to the hive? I thought that was only available on custom serves, outside the hive.

Yes, it's possible in all DayZ servers, since it's in the new update.

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Yes, it's possible in all DayZ servers, since it's in the new update.


Cool! thanks for the info

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So you can put maps. watches, GPS etc into 2 sand bags and leave them on the ground w/out it dissapearing? But for weapons only a tent will do?

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So you can put maps. watches, GPS etc into 2 sand bags and leave them on the ground w/out it dissapearing? But for weapons only a tent will do?


Not quite, the larger stash can hold 1 weapon/toolbelt item, the smaller one none.


* [NEW] - 2 new stash sites. (tools required = Etool or Shovel. Items required = 1 sandbog for small, 2 sandbags for medium)

Small Stash = 12 object slots, 0 Weapon, 0 bags.

Medium Stash = 25 object slots, 1 Weapon, 0 bags.

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Can a stash be destroyed by other players, or can it only be raided?

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Can a stash be destroyed by other players, or can it only be raided?

The stash can only be raided, in my personal experience.

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