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Arma 2 freezes constantly

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Ok before you say anything, I have searched and found multiple threads in regards to this issue. They all describe the same thing that is happening to me and a friend and we're both running on two different PC's. The issue is that we are running decent PC's and the game will load fine and as soon as we load in our game freezes every few seconds. The issue is not FPS related that I can tell, as this problem persists regardless of high or low settings.

The specific details are that we can be moving at any time of the day or night and the video freezes on us. The audio continues in the background but it almost seems like the whole server freezes for us (which I know is not the issue). My current system specs are as follows :

Current Date / Time: wednesday, June 20, 2012, 8:10:41 AM

Computer Name: IntPC-001

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 32-Bit (6.1, Build 7601)

Language: English (Regional Setting:English)

System Manufacturer: Intel_

System Model: DP965LT

BIOS: Default System BIOS

Processor: Intel® Core 2 Duo PC E6850 @ 3.00 GHZ (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz

Memory: 4096MB RAM

Page file: 2472MB used, 4688 available

DirextX Version: DirectX 11

Current Graphics card is :

GeForce GTX 560

I ran several programs that said my PC should run this game just fine, and it does on things like the loading screen. But this situation happens in single and multiplayer mode so i'm stumped. If anyone has any advice i'm open to suggestions. I've put the following in my 6 Launcher just as I was told on one thread :

-nosplash -noland -winxp -world=empty -maxmem=2047 -noCB -cpuCount=2

I'm not sure if running this in windowed mode will solve anything but if someone thinks it will help I will do it.

Thanks in advance

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Hi there,

I think we both are having the same problem, as it sounds familiar to me. See my posting here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16538

Well, u see i tried a lot of stuff and even more, f.e. unplugging all unnecessary usb devices.


It's the SixLauncher causing these freezes.

Just start your game via SixLauncher and as soon as you have double-clicked a server, instantly close SixLauncher, don't let it run while you're playing!

The game will start anyway, et voila, no more freezes for seconds anymore.

This worked for me and I hope it works for you, too.

Kind regards :)

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I will try this, I also tried Gamebooster 3.5 beta, this seems to be helping a great deal. I was able to improve my graphics to where it doesn't look awful AND I don't get the freeze frame as bad as I did.

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Sixlauncher is being retarded with me,it gives me installation error and dont start so i start it from the game and its ok like that.

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