Vicco 123 Posted July 19, 2013 My first plan was to just get a couple sets of survival gear and a few AB's in stashes. Figured that would keep me busy for a while. After about 30 hours and maybe 6 deaths I hadn't collected a full set of gear - axe, knife, matches, gun. Always missing at least one. And not a single AB. But it was a challenge, and I enjoyed it. Figured convincing my partner to join me on a low-pop public "official" server would work. I like playing the vanilla game on "official" servers but he hates the infection. So we normally play together on my server (it's DayZCC) with and AI. So we meet up on a French server, nighttime, and it worked pretty well. Gathered up a complete survival kit among us, with me carrying the Winchester and him using the axe on zeds as we looted. No AB's though. He got infected a couple km's from Berezino, so we make a run for the hospital there. I gave him all my meat to keep him alive. No sense randomly looking for AB's so why not just hit the hospital. No AB's there of course, and no blood bags. He had enough life left to get us to the grocery, so we figured he'd die there, and I'd guard/take his gear until he got back from a spawn, or he'd just quit for the night. There's 2 standing dead guys in the store. Loaded Czech backpacks. About 8-10 AB's, plenty of bloodbags, 2 bottom rows of inventory full with all equipment, NVG's, etc. One guy had a Mk 48 but no ammo, and the other a scoped Stanag round gun and plenty of Stanag mags. He grabbed that one. First he took an AB and I bloodbagged him. Anyway, we both logged off after taking all the gear. It was late, and I didn't have a plan for this windfall. That was about a week ago. I logged in once since then to make sure I wasn't dreaming, and that I wouldn't get kicked for having "illegitmate" gear. Didn't get kicked. So now I have a new plan. We'll log back in, I'll give him all that crap, except one AB, an axe, knife and matches. He'll log off, then I'll go about doing my first plan. He won't come back until I find sandbags and stash locations. Then we make another plan. Sound like a plan? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted July 19, 2013 Sounds like a plan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted July 19, 2013 Vicco..the planner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vicco 123 Posted July 19, 2013 Plans in DayZ should be kept simple. Here's a guy who SAID he had a plan. Go to the Cherno apartments and find a gun. Good enough plan. Personally I prefer barns. He then violates his own plan, and gets himself violated. Though I sympathize with his travails, and felt much the same when I first started playing, I have "true grit." So when my plans fail, I assess the plan. If it's a good one, I beat my head against the wall until the plan succeeds. No, it's NOT insanity. It's true grit. This guy doesn't have true grit. He made one more video, and was a KOS'er, then quit. Making vids at least. Didn't seem a good fit for the game. I'm hoping I can persuade my partner away from my pantywaist server and into official servers with me. He usually says, "What, you think I'm insane?" 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted July 19, 2013 I love it when a plan comes together Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastEmp 295 Posted July 19, 2013 I want to be in on the planning committee! Report back to us in a week and we'll help you formulate a new plan. sound like a plan? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vicco 123 Posted July 19, 2013 Part of my plan is reporting back here to HQ. I did the transfer with my partner. He has the Mk 48 and extra gear I had. I've got an axe, sidearm, one AB, matches, knife, map and plenty of food/drink. No NVG, and I forgot to ask if he got one from the bodies we found. Also misremembered the number of AB's. There were only 4 after he took one. But I always account for bad memory in my plans, so no big deal. Now my only game plan is get to the Stary military tents. Only place I ever found a sandbag, and I heard it's a good place to find AB's.Won't make cowardice reports, so it might be a while before I jump off for Stary on an empty server and have something to report. A healthy dose of fear is always part of my plan, and I expect my progress to be slow. So don't hold your breath. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastEmp 295 Posted July 19, 2013 If I was the type to hold my breath, Rocket would've done me in a long time ago... :) I think you've got a solid plan at the moment. Always take it slow. Rushing get's you nowhere in this game unless you're trying to make it back to your corpse before server restart... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beatSTV 631 Posted July 19, 2013 Why did it take me like 5 minutes to realise what ABs were I am retarded Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plexico 386 Posted July 20, 2013 (edited) There's 2 standing dead guys in the store. Loaded Czech backpacks. About 8-10 AB's, plenty of bloodbags, 2 bottom rows of inventory full with all equipment, NVG's, etc. One guy had a Mk 48 but no ammo, and the other a scoped Stanag round gun and plenty of Stanag mags. He grabbed that one. First he took an AB Probably dupers. Razor's glorious update has created one of the easiest dupe glitches in the history of DayZ and now everyone who knows how to use google is duping every can of beans they find. If you find a loaded standing dead guy(especially on a low-pop server), you can be sure that someone duped their body. Edited July 20, 2013 by Plexico Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vicco 123 Posted July 20, 2013 Last report the plan was to head to Stary looking for AB's and sandbags. Only change is my partner decided to join up.Partner and me logged in at the Berezino store, French server. I gave him the MK 48 to put in his backpack. I would do axe duty. He had the M4A3 CCO with plenty of SD mags. While shuffling gear he lost one AB when it glitched through the floor. 3 AB's left. Went to the hospital on the off chance of finding AB's. As I axed the window he distracted the zeds. There were about 10 zeds. One hit him. Infection. We waited on using an AB because we would do a bit more checking in town. The one good thing about infection is no more fear of infection. Nothing in the hospital. Nothing. We looped back to the store, then back to the hospital. Still nothing. Ran to the north store. Nothing spawned after doing some loops.. Checked all the military tents at the football field. All prone. Axed one zed. Only saw a couple smoke grenades. Got outside town and partner took an AB. 2 AB's left. Headed to Stary with a planned stop at the Polana store. A bit NE of Polana saw 2 heli crashes. They show well at night. Partner was wasting a lot of rounds killing the zeds around the helis, which I bitched about, but we cleared both crash sites of zeds. Found nothing except one pasta, one beans and one bandage from zeds, and an ammo box. Took some DMR mags. Polana store spawned nothing. Decided to try another server due to spawn issue and got on a German empty. Went to near where the crash sites were on the previous server and spotted 2 more. First we approached was a medical. Saw at least one med box with the binocs. Tons of zeds around it. 12-15. But maybe AB's here. Partner started wasting more rounds on them. I bitched about him missing the zeds. Server restarted with a 30 second warning.We logged back in a couple minutes. Helis were gone.Went to the Polana store and found a Pepsi and a can of pasta. As we ran out of town toward Stary, we ducked into a house to check. Nothing there. Brought along too many zeds and I got smacked a few times. Infected. Got out of town and I took an AB. 1 AB left. From Polana to Stary was good animal hunting, and no zeds. 4 pigs, a rabbit, and a chicken. I forgot to "gear" the rabbit and lost that meat.But we cooked enough we were both near full blood. Used our last drinks.Partner dropped the MK 48 from his backpack to put chicken in it. MK 48 disappeared. For a piece of chicken.My partner was tired of my bitching about his poor aim, so gave me the M4A3, and took out his axe. Good.I found out after we quit the M4A3 red dot is a foot and a half low when firing SD. I won't tell him about that until I one-shot maybe a hundred zeds.I'll try to say "One shot!" every time. Came down into Stary toward the store as our first stop, for drink or a canteen.There was a barn near town, and we thought we could use a Winchester, so we checked it out. Walking crouch approach, zeds spawned on the other side.He went inside to the right a bit ahead of me, I went inside to the left. I heard a smack, then my partner's axe working."Fuck," he said. "I'm infected." A silent crouched zed under the stairs got him. Just junk in the barn. We headed toward the store, and I had to decide if my partner should use our last AB, or I should just let him die.Easy decision, because I came up with a new plan. He took the AB. 0 AB's left.So here's my new plan. Fuck anti-biotics.Those players who like this piece of shit infection/anti-biotic balance can enjoy their fucking endless creeping around prone, and their tedious watching of "zombie patterns" to score the great prize of a can of pasta or a glowstick.They can wax uneloquent about how their utterly boring play mode is "immersion" and "survival" as they crawl around like fucking worms in a video game.I'll pay no heed to them, as always. I want to feel the wind in my hair. Not bugs on my face. Me and my partner are going hunting for bullets. Lots of bullets. As we do, we'll blast apart any fucking zombie that gets in our way.We'll play as a team, and if one of us gets infected, the other will guard the guns and bullets until the infected one respawns.Then we'll kill more fucking zombies as we hunt, not for anti-biotics, but for more bullets, and sandbags to make stashes.Stashes for what? More bullets of course. To kill more zombies as we hunt for more sandbags to hold more bullets.Pretty sure we'll also run across a shitload of anti-biotics too, but that's beside the point. Who cares about anti-biotics in this game? That's pointless.So that's the new plan. Sound good?Doesn't matter, because it's now the operative plan.I'll report progress. Out. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vicco 123 Posted July 22, 2013 Killed a lot of zeds at the Stary military tents. The M4A3 aiming is pure garbage when firing SD rounds, except at point blank range. And when the Zeds got in that range, they killed me. My partner watched my gear while I ran back from Balota. There were 2 others on the server (DE 1075.) As I ran through the forest north of Nadezhdino my partner said a guy teleported next to him, then disappeared. A minute later I was puppeted and brought back about 20 meters to stand in front of a kiddie, who had a pack of zeds with him. I Alt-F4'ed out as the zeds started hitting me. Told my partner to log out before he got kiddied, and we met up on another server. Lost my full Czech pack and all my survival gear. But he had taken the M4A3 and about 6 SD mags, and still had his full set of survival gear. There was nothing of use in the Stary tents or grocery. We made a run for Polana as we were out of drink, and stopped at a heli crash site. With full health and good temperature he got hit once by a lone non-"viral" zed as he axed him. Though we never heard the zed hit him. Infection. The entire take from the crash site was a bandage and can of beans. He gave me his Czech pack and put all his survival gear in it. But the axe disappeared. He died about a kilometer from Polana. I logged out in the Polana grocery, and he logged out in the forest north of Prig as he made his way north. So we came up with a new plan. Our last plan was finding sandbags to make stashes to hold ammo in while surviving, no PvP involved, low pop servers. And to kill massive amounts of zeds. That will still be in the new plan. I do want to get an idea of the sandbag spawn rate. The difference is we will now play on my server, and there will be no interference by kiddies. My partner did set a condition. We will each have a 24 slot Coyote filled with 24 AB's as the pack loadout. I reluctantly agreed. Hey, he's my partner. It helps that in about 20 hours of play on public servers I have not seen one AB. Naturally, there will be no action reports from my private server. If we go back to the public hive I'll report in a different thread. But until the infection/anti-biotic balance is adjusted, that's REALLY a "don't hold your breath" kind of thing. Out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wild_man 4442 Posted July 22, 2013 “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” :huh: ― Mike Tyson :P 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cap'n (DayZ) 1827 Posted July 22, 2013 Well, I don't plan. I run up North, usually following through from Dolina, to Polana, to Gorka, to Devils Castle, then head East to NEAF and eventually Berezino. I don't run into many people, but when I do, they're almost ALWAYS heavily armed. You don't find too many Winnie Kiddies on the North Eastern grid, as they're all stuck down South with their heads up their arse. No, I'm facing clan members, lone wolves(my own kind), skilled bandits and the occasional medic. However, I usually end up living two days a week via this route, and usually have some half decent gear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastEmp 295 Posted July 22, 2013 I'm a little surprised by how little gear you're finding on low-pop. servers... I'm not sure if you've read the thread about loot spawning, and how the system works... but it could be that you're inadvertently making it harder for yourself to find gear. It can take up to 10 minutes for loot to spawn in an area once you're within 200 meters of it (but not TOO close! if you're within 30 meters loot won't spawn regardless). I tend to spend quite a bit of time looting, trying to make sure that as much gear has spawned in as possible before I leave the town and move on.The same thing goes for heli-crash sites. I'd still love to hear reports on progress your making with your plan though. The concept of saying "fuck infection" and just storing up as much ammo as you can until the point when you can literally just mow down every zombie you come across is really appealing to me... Keep it up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vicco 123 Posted July 23, 2013 The "mow down every zombie plan" on public servers with won't be implemented. It basically already failed when I got kiddied and lost a lot of Stanag mags. Keep in mind I got all those mags off of 2 standing dead players.It was a fluke running across them, and they were most likely cheaters. Beside that, the infection rate is no fun at all, so even though I have plenty of patience, I do expect some fun. Gathering enough ammo to do "mow down all zeds in the way" while continually becoming infected would be a long, arduous and tedious challenge. I reject that. Others are welcome to play the infection game, and worm around in the dirt.As I said, we'll do the zed mow-down on my server. My partner confirmed that last night when I asked which game he wanted to play.He said, "We're not doing PvP or looking for friends. Beating our head against the infection wall is stupid." I couldn't disagree with his view, because I was feeling stupid repeatedly getting infected in the vanilla public game. BTW, I don't think anybody is making YT vids with The couple "DayZ survival series" vids I've seen ended quickly, with infection. So you can't make a vid series that has much continuity unless you want to make one that nobody will watch - of players crawling around all the time. If anybody can point to a YT series that doesn't end due to infection I'd appreciate it. So unless DayZ gets "fixed" I'm done with it on public servers. Don't even care about the gear I left behind, because gearing up is a big part of the game, and I'll enjoy that if I go back. Besides, I didn't really "earn" that gear.In the meantime we'll keep playing on my server, where infection is an issue we can control. Yeah, the challenge is less, but we had a lot of fun last night. He was killed by AI bandits twice, and by zeds once after being wounded by AI.The AI bandits killed me once. They spawn randomly, so we never know when we'll run into them as we explore and gather vehicles, guns and ammo. Good fun and good enough training. You have to use PvP tactics against them or they'll kill you. The "long-range" aspect of my planning for public server play was to eventually just be hunting for bandits. That plan is a bust now.The only thing I might try now on public servers is suicide runs into Cherno or Electro. Might score a weapon off a body and find a bandit to kill.Won't last long, because I'll surely become infected even when I avoid being shot. But it could be a brief bit of fun. DayZ is just not conducive to any sort of longer term "planning" except planning to endlessly crawl around in the dirt. Even that plan will get busted, as somebody said. You WIILL meet Mike Tyson. He'll spawn near you repeatedly in the guise of a zed, bust you in the nose and infect you. There is no fight doctor with AB's, and you will die. Also, in case anybody thinks I'm being all "special" about having "my own server," there's nothing special to having your own DayZ server. Look up DayZCC. It's free, and takes no more skill than being able to follow instructions. Not the same as playing on public servers with 50 strangers, but DayZ is a rich game and you can roll your own fun with it any way you like. There's no sense making reports on private game play. It's the public servers that provide the good reports.Same with YT. I don't watch stuff that isn't basically public vanilla. Used to, like Frankie's staged events. But not any more. Out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vicco 123 Posted July 23, 2013 I'm a little surprised by how little gear you're finding on low-pop. servers... I'm not sure if you've read the thread about loot spawning, and how the system works... but it could be that you're inadvertently making it harder for yourself to find gear. Yeah, I know how the spawns work - or should work. Long-time game farmer.No real complaints about loot spawns. Some servers are just plain broken, but that's pretty rare.Seems loot is more spread around in, so less in a given location.Means more travel to farm more locations.But every location exposes you to infectious zeds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 86 Posted July 24, 2013 My first plan was to just get a couple sets of survival gear and a few AB's in stashes.Figured that would keep me busy for a while. After about 30 hours and maybe 6 deaths I hadn't collected a full set of gear - axe, knife, matches, gun. Always missing at least one.And not a single AB. But it was a challenge, and I enjoyed it.Figured convincing my partner to join me on a low-pop public "official" server would work. I like playing the vanilla game on "official" servers but he hates the infection. So we normally play together on my server (it's DayZCC) with and AI.So we meet up on a French server, nighttime, and it worked pretty well. Gathered up a complete survival kit among us, with me carrying the Winchester and him using the axe on zeds as we looted. No AB's though.He got infected a couple km's from Berezino, so we make a run for the hospital there. I gave him all my meat to keep him alive. No sense randomly looking for AB's so why not just hit the hospital. No AB's there of course, and no blood bags. He had enough life left to get us to the grocery, so we figured he'd die there, and I'd guard/take his gear until he got back from a spawn, or he'd just quit for the night.There's 2 standing dead guys in the store. Loaded Czech backpacks. About 8-10 AB's, plenty of bloodbags, 2 bottom rows of inventory full with all equipment, NVG's, etc. One guy had a Mk 48 but no ammo, and the other a scoped Stanag round gun and plenty of Stanag mags. He grabbed that one. First he took an AB and I bloodbagged him.Anyway, we both logged off after taking all the gear. It was late, and I didn't have a plan for this windfall. That was about a week ago. I logged in once since then to make sure I wasn't dreaming, and that I wouldn't get kicked for having "illegitmate" gear. Didn't get kicked.So now I have a new plan. We'll log back in, I'll give him all that crap, except one AB, an axe, knife and matches. He'll log off, then I'll go about doing my first plan.He won't come back until I find sandbags and stash locations. Then we make another plan.Sound like a plan? You my friend are the new Hannibal Smith. If nobody understand my metaphor I might have to jump off a bridge. And no I'm not suicidal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maca (DayZ) 769 Posted July 24, 2013 You my friend are the new Hannibal Smith. If nobody understand my metaphor I might have to jump off a bridge. And no I'm not suicidal. I think DemonGroover may have hinted at it first. I love it when a plan comes together So no need to jump, but this thread needs the theme song. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastEmp 295 Posted July 24, 2013 I don't think the agents in my office appreciate me blasting the A-Team theme at max volume... But the thread deserves it goddammit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terminal_boy 860 Posted July 24, 2013 Have a general aim for how you intend to play the game instead. Having an actual plan is only going to end in disappointment 30 seconds after it involves another player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 86 Posted July 24, 2013 Why I didn't bother reading all the posts. I'm actually watching The A Team right now. The one where they go to a South American country to shoot a movie but they were told to leave but they didn't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plexico 386 Posted July 24, 2013 Why I didn't bother reading all the posts. I'm actually watching The A Team right now. The one where they go to a South American country to shoot a movie but they were told to leave but they didn't. Tropical Thunder..? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vicco 123 Posted July 24, 2013 I wonder if there's a subconscious urge for me to always have a plan when playing DayZ, due to brainwashing by the A-Team.I watched A-Team many times. Can't say I saw every episode, but I never switched it off when I ran across it.At first I kinda felt "Why am I watching this stupid shit?" Then I just said, "Hey, I like it!"Same with DayZ.My name happens to be Smith, so there was a vague "kinship" with the Colonel.To this day when a plan nicely works out, I do my best to say it like this, but no cigar. Usually, those around me stealthily walk away from me. Or say "What the fuck are you talking about?"Probably works better with the cigar.Doesn't matter if they get it. I get it. Some others do get it.Too bad I have to do so many retakes in DayZ to get a plan to come together.But it's all the sweeter when it happens. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites