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New UK Based DayZ Origins Server

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Tired of playing on an Origins server and after all your hard work the server shuts down never to be seen again? Or the Admin decides he if logging off for the day and you see something along the lines of “OK guys I’m stopping the server till tomorrow when I come back on”? Well so were some of my friends and I, so I have decided to start my own server that I can leave open all the time and keep it running with the help of my friends (Ranging from ages 25-35).

So if you are a mature player, by which I mean of any age but not going to whinge and whine about petty things, Bandit or Hero and want a server that you can put time into and not be concerned about the server shutting down then join us.

Server information:

Official DayZ Origins #GX Phantom One
Port: 9802

P1 Phantom

Skype: kennedy650
Teamspeak: PhantomOne.Teamspeak3.com

Edited by kennedy650
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Sorry Bone, after the site went down my friend said he couldn't find the threads, so i just copied and pasted from a different site I posted on without looking for my self. 

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Hello everybody I am one of the Admins for this server. am always willing to help any new players that join the server. it`s a great start for new players and veterans. there`s still lot`s of freshly spawned  vehicles and unused locations for base building. so whether you play as a Hero or Bandit your all welcome to join us.

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Tired of playing on an Origins server and after all your hard work the server shuts down never to be seen again? Or the Admin decides he if logging off for the day and you see something along the lines of “OK guys I’m stopping the server till tomorrow when I come back on”? Well so were some of my friends and I, so I have decided to start my own server that I can leave open all the time and keep it running with the help of my friends (Ranging from ages 25-35).

So if you are a mature player, by which I mean of any age but not going to whinge and whine about petty things, Bandit or Hero and want a server that you can put time into and not be concerned about the server shutting down then join us.

Server information:

Official DayZ Origins #GX Phantom One


Port: 9802

P1 Phantom

Skype: kennedy650

Teamspeak: PhantomOne.Teamspeak3.com


the server isn't showing up in commander?


Edit: it is now, I had to add the ip/port via the favourites menu.

Edited by DelayedReaction
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i am a regular player on this server, Great server good guy's get yourself on for a game  :thumbsup:

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the server isn't showing up in commander?


Edit: it is now, I had to add the ip/port via the favourites menu.

Glad you fixed it. I hope to see you on the server soon.

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i am a regular player on this server, Great server good guy's get yourself on for a game  :thumbsup:


Thanks sayWhat. :)

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How many players do you have on the server on average do the admins ever help new players give thm lifts or help

Hay man the servers still new so where still growing but we have about 15-20 regular players. and more joining every day.

I play as a hero so I try and help people out as best I can.

if you have any other questions then please do not hesitate to contact me on here or skype. DeathWatch Paul.

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Great server, friendly admins, friendly players overall a great server just missing a few extra people.

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Great server, friendly admins, friendly players overall a great server just missing a few extra people.

Thanks Micheal I`m glad to have you on the server dude,

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