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About kennedy650

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  1. Hello mate I have a server and teamspeak: IP: Port: 9802 TS PhantomOne.teamspeak3.com
  2. kennedy650

    Looking for Origins Group

    Where bouts are you from Jrock?
  3. kennedy650

    New UK Based DayZ Origins Server

    Sorry Bone, after the site went down my friend said he couldn't find the threads, so i just copied and pasted from a different site I posted on without looking for my self.
  4. Tired of playing on an Origins server and after all your hard work the server shuts down never to be seen again? Or the Admin decides he if logging off for the day and you see something along the lines of “OK guys I’m stopping the server till tomorrow when I come back on”? Well so were some of my friends and I, so I have decided to start my own server that I can leave open all the time and keep it running with the help of my friends (Ranging from ages 25-35). So if you are a mature player, by which I mean of any age but not going to whinge and whine about petty things, Bandit or Hero and want a server that you can put time into and not be concerned about the server shutting down then join us. Server information: Official DayZ Origins #GX Phantom One IP: Port: 9802 P1 Phantom Skype: kennedy650 Teamspeak: PhantomOne.Teamspeak3.com
  5. you was on our last one Paul, you was with another Paul but that server had issues so closed it and started new one.
  6. You have a Makarov, 1 mag, bandage and painkillers. If you do want gear we have collected a lot since starting.
  7. You have a Makarov, 1 mag, bandage and painkillers. If you do want gear we have collected a lot since starting.
  8. Hi, Me and a friend have just started a new DayZ Origins server and we are looking for players to join us. We will be going on Sector B raids and building all level houses and the fort once we get the blueprints. Players must speak English, have a certain level of maturity and work well in a team. If you are interested in joining the server and clan please add me on Skype, username kennedy650. Regards, Phil/P1 Phantom
  9. kennedy650

    Tactical Squad (Recruiting)

    I agree, I'm bored of running around with no real objective and i'm yet to drive/own a vehicle so i would like to do that.
  10. kennedy650

    Tactical Squad (Recruiting)

    Xardorian you got Steam or Skype?
  11. kennedy650

    Tactical Squad (Recruiting)

    Sent Skype message to you Bitzieee.
  12. kennedy650

    compass missing in

    I seem to find lots of matches and no compasses since update.
  13. kennedy650

    Looking for DayZ friends!

    i'm quite keen on joining, steam account: Kennedy650
  14. kennedy650

    Need Medical Help

    No I bandaged myself, took morphine and painkillers just need blood.
  15. kennedy650

    died again!!!!!

    Anyone playing UK servers?