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Devon206 (DayZ)

What Do You Think About DayZ DLC's?

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Hey guys, do you think that rocket and the devs would make a new map? Or do you think that the community would fill in this aspect?

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They might help make a map with the community, or the community supply ideas.

I would like to see a DLC with a big map and then some smaller miscellaneous things too.

Edited by dulix11

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I'd be happy to pay for a quality map.

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He said he would like to make a new map at some point. I hope any DLC is along the lines of the PMC, BAF, ACR packs in that it's (a) actually worthwile and (B) you can get "Lite" versions so everyone can play.

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  On 7/8/2013 at 5:19 AM, Gews said:

He said he would like to make a new map at some point. I hope any DLC is along the lines of the PMC, BAF, ACR packs in that it's (a) actually worthwile and ( B) you can get "Lite" versions so everyone can play.

Would be nice to have some weapons packs too! Maybe even some custom sound ones.

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  On 7/8/2013 at 5:30 AM, Devon206 said:

Would be nice to have some weapons packs too! Maybe even some custom sound ones.

I would hope sound packs would come as standard updates as well as weapons. I'd think totally new weapons = totally new map, since that's the way BIS seems to do things with its DLC packs.

Way more than DLC though, I'd like mod support at some point. With that, possibilities are endless... and free!

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Sure, aslong as we do not have to pay ten bucks for one map/skin/miscs. *cough EA cough*

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I'd love to see a map based purely in a large city. Think London, accurately mapped - underground stations, parks, attractions, the lot. tons of zombies and high player numbers would be superb.

Not going to happen though. Damn!

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I think Taviana is an overall favorite out of the maps besides chernarus. I wouldn't pay for it though

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dlc is worth more than just a map something like an entire expansion is worth it like Napoleonic wars for mount and blade warband this is good dlc. battlefields dlc is crap and not worth it for what you're getting.

Edited by Blondedash

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I would gladly pay a reasonable fee for quality, developer built DLC. That being said, I also think the mod community is going to shoulder a lot of this burden, considering how many mods there are for the mod. lol

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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Rocket has said they have considered making official tools that community map makers could use. could be a long way off though i'd guess.

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