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What Problem do People have with dropping their Guns?

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So in the Forums i see a lot of people saying:"I won`t kill on Sight but if they tell me to drop my gun i will shoot them no matter what ,because i dont drop my gun"

I`m wondering why this is.So if someone stood behind you telling you to drop your gun you would rather like to turn around and die with a 9/10 Chance than just dropping it?There is litterally now way that this player could be hostile so there is no reason not to trust him ,is there?I mean ,you would be already dead if it was a bandit ,but he still can`t trust you.

Edited by Arcadian

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You've never been shot after dropping your gun, have you?

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or lost your weapon because it falls through the floor.

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It used to work.

Now it's too boring to shoot people on sight, so instead we come up with creative ways of fooling people then killing them anyway e.g. Park a car in a field near somewhere like Cherno and just act like you need help repairing it.... Lol!

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no and no.Also the chance that someone who first got BEHIND you then didnt shoot you and revealed himself by asking you to drop your gun makes it EXTREMELY unlikely for him to shoot you.Your chances are way better if you just do what he says.

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I would drop my gun, and most people I've told to drop theirs have died trying to turn

Usually say something like;

" you with the (insert weapon here) in (insert building here) drop your weapon, I'm friendly but if you do anything stupid I won't hesitate"

Few have dropped their weapons, ALL that tried to turn or shoot have died before they could

If they were a bandit, or wanted to kill you they may as well have already done it, there's a good chance they are just trying to feel safe as in control before anything happens

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Nobody has ever tried to rob me :(

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Unless I know they can see me or know where I am and I am rather vunerable. Only when it really isn't much of a choice like when I was in a deer stand with a friend and was trying to get down then someone said in chat "DROP YOUR GUNS NOW OR DIE" and began counting down. LOL had an l85 and m24 while my friend had some gun and a dmr in his pack. The person holding us up was a 10 year old kid. Rather embarrassing at first. My friend wanted to blast him even after he was showing us a car that was in the woods for us to have. Good thing he didn't or we'd be dead. After he "snuck" up on me again in Stary while I was looking for something we went to messed up helis. He fixed it instantly (yeah you can see where this is going) and fast forward awhile. Both friends I was with had him on skpe and was cool with him because he was a hacker spawning in shit. Yup 10 year olds scripting/hacking. They were all banned except me because I tried to get the admins B)

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I tell people to drop their guns sometimes.

Gives you a better chance of killing that guy without taking any damage. If you dont kill them with first shot or burst they might get a chance to shoot back.

Also if you tell them to drop the gun people realy belive you are friendly, because "you could have killed then alredy by now" :) Guess again.


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And this is why if you don't allow for some kind of mechanic to discourage straight up pvp/kos people will do it far more likely than not.

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The only way you take my guns is from my body, but that's not happening.

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The whole "If he wanted to kill me he would have" is totally stupid. Some people want to just mess with you, I do it all the time. :D

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So in the Forums i see a lot of people saying:"I won`t kill on Sight but if they tell me to drop my gun i will shoot them no matter what ,because i dont drop my gun"

I`m wondering why this is.So if someone stood behind you telling you to drop your gun you would rather like to turn around and die with a 9/10 Chance than just dropping it?There is litterally now way that this player could be hostile so there is no reason not to trust him ,is there?I mean ,you would be already dead if it was a bandit ,but he still can`t trust you.

What's the "problem" people have with this issue? You really need to ask?

Maybe because some people aren't complete mindless muppets who aren't going to: 1) just do what they're "told" by some meaningless stranger on the internet and 2) drop their only means of self-defense just to get a bullet in the brain for their trouble.

I love this whole thing where people have the balls to think they're high-and-mighty enough to actually "order" someone to do anything, never mind drop their weapon. I just could never understand how DayZ brought out that nonsense in people.

Some people really think who the hell they are. Last person who said that to me took a few bullets in the head and lost their shit due to their ego.

Drop your weapon... yeah... good luck with that...

It's really just a power trip on the intrawebz. If someone thought you were actually a danger, you'd already be dead. It's obviously just ego. If it wasn't, don't you think more people would simply be asking, "Friendly?", as would be the normal, as opposed to exuding such narcissim?

It's one thing to ask someone to lower their weapon, and you do the same, if they're friendly, and circle around one another. It's another to have some fool on the internet "giving orders" in a game telling someone what the fuck to do, like they think they're the friggin' Gestapo or DayZ police.

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Few have dropped their weapons, ALL that tried to turn or shoot have died before they could

unless you play on a newb only server, this is complete and utter bullshit. no one, under any circumstance, should drop their gun

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tbh if someone tried to rob me i'd let them. Hell it takes balls to actually look the person your robbing in the eyes, even virtually as most people hide, kill and then loot you. I honestly think i'd congratulate the person robbing me for doing something unique and not being a coward.

Weird world huh?

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If someone thought you were actually a danger, you'd already be dead. It's obviously just ego.

It's one thing to ask someone to lower their weapon, and you do the same, if they're friendly, and circle around one another.

No, i do it because im friendly and dont just go around killing people like most, i do it to find out if they are a danger, usually bloodbag them and leave after giving them anythin thye might need

If your going to reply and quote me, read my post

I know of a glitch that ALLOWS you to FIRE your weapon while its lowered, ive fallen for this before and managed to work out how to do it.

so NO, lowering your weapon means nothing, even without this, if they raise it your screwed.

The reason i tell people to drop their weapon is so i can talk to them without having to worry about being shot in the back, if they comply then I know I wont get much trouble from them.

It has nothing to do with anything else, I dont ORDER them around, all i do is disarm them in order to progress things along without bloodshed, its THEIR choice to live or die

I dont give a shit about ego, i do it for SAFETY, once im done i leave them to it

unless you play on a newb only server, this is complete and utter bullshit. no one, under any circumstance, should drop their gun

Really, so its completely impossible for someone to freak out that suddenly a gun is pointed at the back of their head and they have good stuff they want to keep that they might actually surrender

well you obviously got a lot of field experience with this, when i run with a group this usually always happens.

Thats right, 5-6 heavily armed guys go around a corner and bump into someone and instead of shooting we tell them to drop their weapon.....and wow they do, because any idiot can tell if they just comply they wont get killed because otherwise we would have cut them in half by now.

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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whether you play with 5/6 guys or 25 guys, im positive you havent killed every single person you've told to drop their weapon. a lot of the dayz stories i hear are chock-full of hyperbole, this one i think is no different

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Well then, clearly no matter what proof you get your not going to listen, your one of those who just likes to argue i see, why are you even in this thread to discuss this when your mind is already made up and nothing can convince you?

And yes because I've always had an automatic weapon pointed at them, a short burst if they twitch and they die, how hard is that to believe?

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So me and my friend got the drop on a chap before he did.

My pal hid in a bush while i only had the grass to prone in.

Bush: Drop your weapon. Now.

Camo man walks back the to talking bush and pulls winchester off back and points saying: Why?

I get up to crouch, pointing mine at his 4 o clock saying: Because there's two of us. Drop it. We would have killed you by now if we wanted to. Move toward the coast and we'll leave you alone.

Man drops his winchester followed by pistol on the ground and ran toward the coast under our directions.

So finally, someone who valued his characters life and realised he could get away without being killed.

My friend picked the WCH up and we went on our way.

We couldn't believe we'd managed to pull it off, and it's great when it works.

If I was in the same situation, i'd have done the same. It isnt hard to find a new weapon.

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I like being held up, and holding people up. If I get told to drop my weapon, I have a simple process for dealing with it. This is assuming you get jumped out of the blue, because I've never been told to drop my weapon by a player I could already see:

  1. Make small talk with the other player. This distracts them, and no one will shoot you immediately after they talk to you the first time. While doing this, you can move around, look around and try to get an idea where they're coming from. Some people will say 'stop moving', some people won't. But if you're walking in their direction, everyone says 'don't come any closer' and now you know where they are.
  2. Listen to the tone of their voice. Are they clear, loud, nervous, mumbling, aggressive? This is fairly instinctive, and enables you to get a fairly good read on what they want. And respond clearly yourself. Any weakness might make a player want to kill you because it's easy, or you're a bambi and don't want you to burden them. Using the above info, I have always been able to assess whether a player wants to help, make friends, rob me or kill me.
  3. For a friendly, I drop my weapon and cooperate. If they want to make friends, they'll usually tell me to drop my from my weapon and then run straight up to me. I avoid these people most of the time, because they are usually a burden. If they approach with more caution, they're a helper. Helpers insist that you stay well away from your weapon. I'm the most wary of them, because by their nature they have lots of gear and are generally skilled. They'll gladly help, but will kill you if you do anything wrong.
  4. If someone appears hostile, I don't cooperate. However, I don't turn and shoot. It requires more subtlety than that. When you've seen them, identified the cover they are behind or know the general direction they're in, turn away, but use alt-look to stay in view. This helps for two reasons: you can keep an eye on them, and you can immediately tell the skill level of the player if they notice and tell you to stop. Skilled players don't want you looking around, and beginners don't notice.
  5. If they tell you not to look around, drop your weapon and walk away from the weapon and the assailant towards the nearest cover. If they tell you not to move again, you have to get out of there ASAP. Those people will try to kill you. I've been hit once, but thankfully it wasn't a fatal shot and it didn't knock me out either, so I managed to get away. If they let you move, get to the cover casually before running away. You should ALWAYS have a second primary, and so you can use this gun in the meantime. Half the time anyway, they will not take your gun because they are trying to kill you, or watch you so you don't kill them. If they shoot at me or take my gun, I will always try to regroup later and kill them. If they leave my gun, I leave them alone. I've managed to kill 2 players who stole my gun, but one did get away with my precious CZ. The dude who shot me? Great story behind that...
  6. If they don't notice you looking around, take note of whether they are moving towards you or staying still. If they stay still, they will try to kill you. If they move then they want to rob you. For the robbers, I just run away and don't bother them. But if they stay still, I'll run away and laugh as their shots miss. But once you start running, all you can hope is that they're not a good shot. I've eventually killed all the players that shot at me.

So there you have it, a bit long winded, but a way to come out on top the vast majority of the time! As for that story, I'll put it in the next post.

Edited by WBK
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So I was right in between the two farm properties just north of Vysota, when I heard someone tell me to stop moving, and that he had a shot on me. I used my trusty guide above, and deduced that he was evil. I knew he was from the high ground to the north, or how else could he have seen me? I put my M14 down, and walked towards the dark brown warehouse. He told me to stop moving, so I decided to bolt. I heard a steady stream of AKM rounds, and one or two of them hit me. I made it inside alive though. I kept running out the other end and sprinted for the treeline. I could see that he was running after me, not staying in his spot, so I knew he couldn't hit me. Long story short, I got away, hiding under a pine tree near Nadezhdino.

I decided to follow him. I had my CZ550, and knew that I could outrange him. I followed him up to Zub, where I devised a sneaky plan. I'd been about 500m behind him this whole time, but I thought I'd make my play at the castle. So after he went in, I hid behind one of the walls and lobbed a smoke grenade inside the main building which he was in. I heard the screech of zombies, and heard him running out. So now I threw a frag I had in his direction, heading east out of Zub, but I over cooked the throw. However, this scared the shit out of him and so he turned around and went west. I threw my final smoke grenade to where he was headed so that any other zombies would trap him there. I popped around the east side and watched him get attacked by about 15 zombies. He managed to kill all but two before he passed out. I walked up, took out the other two zombies, told him I was the guy he held up and bandaged him up. Broke his legs with my reacquired M14 though, stole his morphine and left. I think he managed to climb to the top of the tower and suicide about half an hour later. The most satisfying revenge I've ever had in DayZ, without a doubt.

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I am always in two minds about this..


That first second after you have been shouted at or are shouting at someone.. *twitchy shit yourself moment* did they move because they are turning around to shoot at you ? do you take the chance they are just having a peek ?

Only time i got robbed was by scripteez so i complied because what was the use of shooting them anyway ? Last time i told someone to drop their weapons he went me and we ended up in a hatchet chase and only time i actually robbed someone i found them prone and did not alert them to my presence and stole all of his backpack items replacing them with shit he didn't need, left him unawares looking through his scope at nwaf.

Anyone tells me to drop my stuff i am definitely going to try and leg it unless he sounds calm and composed.

Of course there was the time i was involved in a shootout in the middle of a forest with a guy, he got the drop on me and we ended up in a running shootout, after being wounded and losing sight of him i complied with staying on the ground and my back to him when he caught me bandaging and on low blood. Guy was keyed up but came around when we chatted a bit and he realised i was not interested in kos.

It is a split decision call though depending on the moment.

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