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SoC (Shadows of Chernarus) australia

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you.. your fully geared you have everything you need to be a strong pressence on your own, you go into a city and set up camp waiting for the odd player to run past, how do you loot them safely? and do you survive when there isnt just 1, take into account over zealous survivors with makarovs or the odd undergeared bandit group. your chances of living through a cherno raid are low if your not carefull, this is what i want to stop! organization and strategy is the key to really clean up.

SoC is a soon to be formed bandit group that will be lead by 1 of 3 senior members, it will employ tactics, team work, communication & a cut throat attitude. the community will be tight nit and the raids will be organised, if you were to die there will be surplus no bandit on this squad will ever be without gear & support.

currently looking for members, forum is currently under construction.

-not accepting anyone under the age of 16.

-must be mature and want to bandit properly

-your role will depend on gear and preference\availabilty

Clan Server will be organized once the SoC has enough of a community.

If you are interested please express your interest below and i will contact you with further information, untill then keep to the shadows!

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Hey, I am interested in joining this, I am only 14 though, but I am very mature, and I live in Australia. Just consider me, even if I am only 14, it's not like you want to be some sortfascist dictator against under 16's(joke).

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I would be keen to get involved with an organised group of like minded bandits. Send me a PM or add me on steam, my steam name is scramb13r.

A bit about me then, I am 24 and am currently studying computer science at uni. As a student I have a heap of free time to play Day Z.

You mentioned gear, currently I don't have any because I just got killed >.< but gear is so easy to come across it's not funny. I have been banditing for months now, since the early patches of Day Z, I have been all over the map and know most of the tricks of the trade.

On a side note I have a working microphone and teamspeak/vent, I think voice comms is essential to a successful bandit group.

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I would like to join your band of merry men(and women?), robbing the everyone and giving to the us.

I'm well over the age requirement and I have average gear (AK74, all the tools for hunting, basic survival gear)

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Yo, I've been looking for a bunch of guys (aussie) to join and bandit it up.

I'm 20 so I think I fit with your requirement.

I like using snipers, enough said.

Hit me up if I will suit your group. I don't usually come onto the forums, so add me on steam; fireodx

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I'm 16.

I'll join up.

Steam: 1rgoodman

Got myself some half decent loot recently, but want some heavier stuff. I'll do whatever just hit me up.

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Have recently been experimenting with sniper rifles and working out ranges.

At 31, you guys make me feel old, lol. Had some fun with mate in town and me covering with a scope, that would be a lot of fun with more people.

Steam ID should be the same as the forum name.


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I'm interested in joining im playing lone wold since the game out and looking for more to do.

I have 3 accounts which i use as a reliable way to store items.

I have teamspeak/vent/mumble etc

steam ID is steveba50/steveba57/steveba67 any of those or PM here.


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also interested, yet to get into any sort of group .. also decently past the age requirement

Right now i've got some pretty standard shit, akm + hatchet + lots of painkillers + spawn bag + some other shit, havent been on this character long

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Looking for an experienced overwatch? look no further. Steam: ausmala

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looking to join. 17 years young mature and looking for tactical gameplay with enjoyable people. I have two current partners who i work with at the moment who may also want to join.

Add me on steam [sC] Triggy

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Hello Guys,

I like the turn out for this, myself and Klown(co-founder) have been organising a few steps to start getting people in. it seems like this may move past a 5 man bandit group in a city to full scale.

Please be patient as i will not be calling everyone in at one time, it will be too hard to follow.

I will be adding everyone who has left there steam ID on this thread or has PM'd me and i will add you to the steam group, the steam group will be used until the forum is up and running.

Just keep in mind this sunday i will be getting in contact with people to meet in game and start finding a place for everyone, untill then stick to the shadows..

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Hello Guys,

If you have checked this over the weekend you will know that I am adding everyone tonight to run some test's tomorrow. will be teaming people up in 2's and 3's i'm adding the following steam ID's if you ddnt place yours here add me notap or tulip11 and send me a message well talk then.







[sC] Triggy

[email protected]



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18 years old. Steam id - Dima_mk.

I'll be anything but a sniper.

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Just an update, SoC's Team speak is up and running and will be using a temp password for the time being, please feel free to stop by if you want more info on SoC banditry group!


password : socaus

forum is still under construction.. will update when completed

Edited by notap

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20 year old, Software Engineering student here.

I've been playing for a month or 2 now looking for a bit more excitement, merely surviving isn't rustling my jimmies enough :P

Current gear is m4a1,revolver and an Alice Pack

So atm Close quarters combat would suit, but realistically I'm a all rounder.

Steam = Waxxy24, Incognito24 I have 2 accounts

Hit me up with some sweet, sweet invites :D

Edited by Waxxy

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Hey mate iv'e seen klown around the place on servers and so that has peaked my interest in joining.

I'm a 19 yr old uni student currently playing with a group of guys but would rather run with like minded individuals than friends.

Steam: mircris

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I'm active and 23 Years Old. I kill on sight unless I know the player.

Gear, [CURRENT] Winchester 1866, M1911, Binoculars. SUBJECT TO CHANGE!! I'M AT THE NW AIRFIELD!!


I have no microphone, it's broken and speech can't be understood, getting a new one soon

Edited by boxy0127 - (WU)

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hey guys im 20 turning 21 next week im in the australian army i am currently ona promotion course so will only be available some nytes of the week but when im on i know my way around the map quite well been playing since beggining i have a fully geared char atm and looking to see where to set up camp on what server for i have tents aswell just let me kno

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I'm fully geared out. MK 48 mod with plenty of ammo, NVG's, almost full tool belt, backpack full of meds.

Pretty keen to join a bandit group. I'm a 19 year old kiwi who is pretty good at this game.

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17yr old male qld. The stalker vibe really draws me to this group (SoC). Tired of being killed because I cant see 360 degrees, been playing for a month 1/2 had a m16 rifle and a g17 side arm. Have a good sense of humour being part Irish, but when it comes to a raid ill be the last one to say something irrelevant. I want to be in a organised group. add me on steam. JuliusLayDying.

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