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SoC (Shadows of Chernarus) australia

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Keen to join an Aussie bandit group.

Been playing for about a month, 27 yrs old, currently equipped with a DMR and M14 AIM, Makrov ghillie suit, plenty of ammo for all, food and drink, meds, map, compass etc.

PM or add me on steam 'jimmy_the_hand'

Also running dual monitors, not that big of a deal I know, but useful for map

Edited by JimmyTheHand

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I'm interested in joining an Australian group.

I've been playing for about 6 weeks now and know my way around Chernarus pretty well.

I have an M24 as well as 5 or so blood bags and an almost complete tool-belt.

Contact me by PM here or:

Steam: pie4850

Skype: win-by-default

Edited by WinByDefault

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Hey Guys,

Just an update, please add me on steam if you are seriously interested, i have attempted to add a few people very little follow up.

TS3 update*


password has been removed because there were some issues with the authentication, Klown and Notap (me) are the Founders though were starting to ramp up the team work, so feel free to drop in and talk

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Haha you guys SUCK

You guys attack and then disconnect the second people shoot back

You even disconnect after you died.

Fail bandit group, no honor, just noobs.

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Hey there ive been playing dayz for a fwe months now id like to join you clan im 21 and i have well id say experience at sniping alot but i also was a scouter for my friend and my dad is a scouter in usmc in rl lol so i kno some things im also familiar with marine tactics for taking out groups of "bad guys" yet im here to want to me one of the bad guys my skype is zibba12 if you are still looking for more people i kno i can be a very good asset to your group

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I'm interested in joining, I'm a pretty good shot and can take direction in ops, just PM me on here.

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Im interested in hooking up with you guys, got abit of sniper experience under my belt aswell as jsut basic attack and move tactics but always room to learn new things. Have played on and off for the past month or so and gear is normally medium to high depending on life

At the moment running with basic survival gear, AKS-74 Kobra, few canteens and food cans.

Steam name is same as forum name also you can PM if ya want

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Sure, I'll throw my dice in. I'm not going to say my age on a public forum, but it is a few years over 16.

I do want to bandit properly, the only reason I haven't in the past is fear of killing one man and having his three mates appear out of no where, I have taken out several players, although admittedly most of the time it was one player at a time and it was because I didn't want to give them the chance to shoot me.

In terms of tactics, I've been playing ArmA since it was called Operation Flashpoint, I've always loved hardcore shooters and have manoeuvred out of many sticky situations before.

When I talk about my gear it's only recently that I've gotten some decent stuff (DMR, M4A1, M14 (M14 currently stashed at my camp), M1911, GPS, and most of the standard gear except for NVG's). As for availability, it's most nights Monday to Friday, 6pm onwards (WAST) and weekends all night (It's currently 3.15am and I'm still online checking out day z stuff)

Anyway, if you're interested let me know, if you're not and you play on AU1 then be careful, and don't shoot at me if you can't take me down in one hit.

Edited by andrewbrownster

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Haha you guys SUCK

You guys attack and then disconnect the second people shoot back

You even disconnect after you died.

Fail bandit group, no honor, just noobs.

fucking EDIT = Son54 your really a thick one aintcha, if you would do your research you will see that there is another clan with SoC as there tag [soC] Brian is not us we are SoC :: Notap your ill feelings are towards someone else. so before shooting your mouth you downsyndrome monkey check who your talking smack about

Edited by notap
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Here is an update for everyone who is interested or even just the people who dont like us.

We have grown stronger, we have more members, more pressence and more guns I want to make it clear to anyone wanting to join we do play dirty and i do enjoy pissing people off, killing without looting just to bump up the debug monitor and so does everyone else i have recruited so far. there are those who don't like this and think it is low if your one of these please do not enquire.

for those who are interested as i can see there are alot of you there please add me to steam "notap" i wont be following the posts in this thread up just takes to much time and i have no idea when you are online so... hit me up ill give you a shot if you dont like it or we dont like you go our seperate ways, if you come along to troll we will kill you and take your stuff so if your up for hit get in touch, cheers


edit: gear is no longer a requirement we have more then enough to kit out everyone who joins

Edited by notap

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Hi Guys,

The SoC forum is starting to take shape i've been a bit lazy, please feel free to sign up and I will start posting updates there its at a very basic stage at the moment!


so if your interested sign up there and and put in the application so that i can start to manage the team as its getting to be bigger alot faster then i thought it would, thanks.

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Shadows of Chernarus

The SoC Australia Forum is now up and running, Please visit the Forum and register your interest. (read the information and rules before signing up)

*we are accepting all members as this is a Bandit group I also want it to Expand so if your interested in surviving the apocalypse let us know*

The Forum is relatively Strict you will need to sign up to see alot of the content, see link below.


See you soon you better hope its not through my scope!

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Haha you guys SUCK

You guys attack and then disconnect the second people shoot back

You even disconnect after you died.

Fail bandit group, no honor, just noobs.

I encountered 3 of them by accident when leaving elektro. 1 had a .50 cal, another had an M24 and the other, some kind of LMG. My friend and I approached from the back when one of them turned around and spotted us. 2 instantly disconnect without even a shot being fired, the other goes down like a man when I put a revolver bullet through his head.

Just for future reference, because you guys are clearly new to the game, don't shoot your loud guns in elektro then stay where you shoot them.

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You guys sound like a bunch of try-hard scrubs and I can't wait to see your noobie clan tags pop up when I murder you. No doubt you'll be hanging around the border of Cherno - myself & my buddies enjoy a good hunt. :)

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Interested. I'm a pretty good shot at long range and can be pretty stealthy.

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You guys sound like a bunch of try-hard scrubs and I can't wait to see your noobie clan tags pop up when I murder you. No doubt you'll be hanging around the border of Cherno - myself & my buddies enjoy a good hunt. :)

and you sound like a try hard key board warrior who thinks like all bandits hunting bandits that we will be at the coastal cities hunting noobies, there is nothing wrong with getting into the bandit spirit it's half the fun of this game champ and if you think you can take us go ahead and try as i'm pretty sure i'll wipe the floor with you :)

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Hey Guys,

This thread is here for information purposes only, if you are interested in joining up with us head to socaus.net.

the culture of SoC has changed as well a few other things, we currently have forum\server\ts3 up and a website is under construction as we are growing larger and are no longer just a rag tag bandit group, we will be hopefully be growing into a gaming community and exploring other games for fun and competition.

so to the troll i bit you farewell, if your up for a fight come find us were always keen for some interesting fights if you wanna come play for fun awesome come along.

FYI SOC clan server does not have a ping limit as it is ment for australians and the server is not ruled with an iron fist, we wont be hording vehicles nor using and admin power (or lack there of) to create an unfair environment.

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2 geared over watch and a geared rifleman looking to join your group (we are all from NZ) add me on


skype: icdeadpeople3

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