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Has anyone ever traversed from one corner of the map to the other?

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The map being as big as it is I'm curios if anyone has put the time in to do such a task.

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In one sitting? Yes, hit every major town and the airfields. Did it like on my second time playing the game way back when. Without internet resources (loot guide, map). A truly unique experience. That character lasted 83 days...

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I once circumnavigated the entire map, keeping to the edge of the debug plains in the West and North, and the coast in the East and South. Took me a couple of hours

Edited by (MUC) Feral

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Many,,,many times. I have worn out more shoes than Imelda Marcos has.

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Not in one sitting, but I make it my mission to go from Kamenka to the NE airfield, having many adventures along the way, and often dying.

My current char is east of Stary, having been dropped there by some nice gentlemen who picked me up at the NW airfield in a helicopter, gave me a gun and some antibiotics to cure my fever, and didn't kill me ... See? I have adventures.

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Only about two hundred and twenty eight times. I know the entire map like the back of my hand. I know the map better than I know my own home town, silly russian names and all.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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Yes, a number of times. On foot, by boat, air and road. When one route does not pan out, find another and another and another. Keep moving, stay paranoid and lock and load some beans.

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Had to if I wanted to be familiar with my surroundings.

The first time doing so is the best.

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Yes, but by truck. I only walked the entire west section and some of the north areas by Skalka.

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3rd life I ever had ( died within 10 minutes on first 2 ), I geared up with crappy gear and ran all the way from elektro to NWAF, then died on the runway :L

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Many a time, try my best never to visit the same city/town/village unless some unfortunate event causes me to backtrack.

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