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"Player" was killed

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The longer i stay alive, the more that little white sentence eats at me.

I quickly ponder as to who they are and how they died... A Noob being eaten... a hurt survivor who couldnt find blood in time... a nasty bandit that had it coming... a game glitch that was unforgiving...

I've been in the game my longest run now (4 days), before that i held three days only to cop one bullet from a waiting bandit at the airstrip.

I dont trust anyone now and not even having side channel would change that i think.

The question now is, do i let you shoot first and maybe die righteous, or become unbiased in slaying human and zombie alike?

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The longer i stay alive' date=' the more that little white sentence eats at me.

I quickly ponder as to who they are and how they died... A Noob being eaten... a hurt survivor who couldnt find blood in time... a nasty bandit that had it coming... a game glitch that was unforgiving...


Me too. I always think about them, what they where doing, what their hopes where...trying to survive...and now they are dead. It could be me, I always think. It makes me become extra carefull. I know death is lurking around every corner. It just comes down to my skills and plain luck to stay alive.

I want to live too. I will never shoot you first. So, if you decide to 'shoot first' from now on, you'll probably kill me someday. And then I'll be one of those 'deathmessages'...elias died. Maybe then they should add to that message: 'he was killed unnecessarily, because he was no threat to anybody'

I wish you the best of luck with your choice, hope you'll go with the righteous one :-)

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I also thought about that. I also wondered what the intention for this mod is.. if there was a "preferred playstyle".

For example: if you want people to go find groups and cooperate then they need some way to communicate. of course i can play with friends over teamspeak. but if i see some random guy looting a barn in the wilderness i cant know what his intentions are. shure i can watch him for a bit, try to get closer and then use the voicecom or type.. but that is incredibly dangerous. he can spot me anytime and decide to shoot me.

on the other hand, if you want people to go alone, be scared maybe even to the point of saying "ok, from now i just shoot everyone" then that point is reached now. with no communication, no "bandit skin", no "humanity indicator" there is nothing but my decision keeping me from shooting other players.

it simply comes down to this: "do i value the stuff i spent collecting the last few days higher than someone elses virtual life?"

for me, that answer is now almost always "yea, lets kill him and get out of here" or "yea, but i can sneak away."

its not that finding stuff is hard.. and even when i got killed (on my 9. day alive) after finding a heli wreck with an m14 and fm i didnt really care. i was just annoyed that i would have to run around for at least an hour to get a compass and a weapon of some kind.

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it simply comes down to this: "do i value the stuff i spent collecting the last few days higher than someone elses virtual life?"

Thats exactly my point. To me, another players life is not as important as my own, but i am empathetic to the fact it may have taken him a while to get this far (especially if its far far inland).

It sucks that there isnt a better way of displaying ones intentions anymore, but i guess that just adds to the "real world scenario". What will you become?

Glad to see there are others that see the same as i do.

Ahwell, head down, bum up, keep surviving :)

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