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King Mustard

Currently worth buying Arma 2 to play DayZ?

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I recently heard about the free mod DayZ.

However, I now realise you need Arma 2 to play it.

I was considering buying Arma 2 for the £3.99 that it currently is but the Steam page for the DayZ mod states:

"The Day Z Mod requires both Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead. For the best experience (including high detail textures for all models used in the DayZ Mod) purchase Arma II: Complete Collection."

Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead are £9.98 together, which is getting quite a lot of money to play a free mod, but the second part of the quote above even suggests the Complete Collection, which is currently £12.49, which is a lot to pay to play a free mod.

Now I have also found out that DayZ is becoming stand-alone soon for, I believe, £15 (and I have no idea when that will be released).

When the stand-alone version is released, will the free mod still be updated for Arma 2 and be compatible with the stand-alone version? If so, I'll pay the £12.49 now. If not, I'll wait.

Edited by King Mustard
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The standalone game will be completely independent of ARMA II, regardless of what expansions you might buy with it.

Value-for-money-wise, ARMA II & OA is really all you should consider purchasing at this stage, as the high-def textures for models applies only for the ghillie suit, camo clothing & hero skins [if I recall correctly]. Not that big of a deal if you ask me, you can still see those skins in-game but they will be pretty low-res. Do a quick search of the comparison skins to get a better idea of whether you can handle the low-res textures or not.

I'm fairly certain the DayZ mod for ARMA II will continue to be updated/enhanced, even once the standalone game is released.

If spending either of those amounts is a concern for you, trust me when I say the experiences you'll have in DayZ mod will be worth every penny.

EDIT: Here's an idea of the model textures for the hero skin:


Edited by Grunner
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Yeah, you should buy ArmA II. Because no one knows when the standalone will be released (probably not very soon) and your ArmA experience will have a slight impact on your DayZ gameplay.

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ArmA 2: Combined Operations (ArmA 2 + ArmA 2 OA) is on sale for $12.49 right now on Steam.

Grab it, quick!

Edit: You can also grab the PMC and British Armed Forces DLCs (for hi-res textures) combined right now for only $8.

Edited by Death Dealer

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if you JUST want to play dayz then wait the SA is not far away (2 mouths max) and will be WAY better than the mod (it will still be alpha and may be quite broken)

but arma 2 is a good game on its own and there are loads of other mods for it so it is worth £12.49 in its own right

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Buy it. What else are you gonna play ? 

Edited by MegasZ
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Last interview the developer say they will release the standalone next week.

Now you know why their is a steam sale at the moment for Arma 2, milking it out before it's gone forever, because hey who is gonna buy that game when the standalone comes out, that's right.

Arma game is not worth it, to buggy and full of angry adult "gansta" men.

Save your money for standalone, next week or maybe weeks ...

Or buy Counter strike GO, game runs perfect and fun and you will not get loose all your time like arma games does.

I have all of these games and played many more so i speak from expierence.

Well you're downright stupid, they said they set a week when to release it, but he never mentioned that week.

So please, don't say false facts. I watched that Rezzed interview aswell.

Also, CS:GO has nothing to do with this thread.

Edited by Hosty
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I recently heard about the free mod DayZ.

However, I now realise you need Arma 2 to play it.

I was considering buying Arma 2 for the £3.99 that it currently is but the Steam page for the DayZ mod states:

"The Day Z Mod requires both Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead. For the best experience (including high detail textures for all models used in the DayZ Mod) purchase Arma II: Complete Collection."

Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead are £9.98 together, which is getting quite a lot of money to play a free mod, but the second part of the quote above even suggests the Complete Collection, which is currently £12.49, which is a lot to pay to play a free mod.

Now I have also found out that DayZ is becoming stand-alone soon for, I believe, £15 (and I have no idea when that will be released).

When the stand-alone version is released, will the free mod still be updated for Arma 2 and be compatible with the stand-alone version? If so, I'll pay the £12.49 now. If not, I'll wait.

It can't be compatible with SA because SA is a game, and DayZ is a mod for Arma2. But it will be kept updated even when SA is out. Also get Combined operations, not Complete edition!

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To answer your question OP, yes it is worth buying.

Two main reasons, number 1 is to get some practice in, get used to the mechanics, SA will be a bit different but it's the same engine so some things are bound to be similar. Get as much practice in with as many different types of guns as you can, heck just learn how to survive without having to rely on dangerous runs to the big cities. There is SO much you can learn by playing now which will no doubt benefit you when the SA is released, plus you could actually be having fun NOW instead of waiting.

Secondly, there are so many different maps and servers available, you can find straight up spawn with everything PVP crazy servers, survival based, carebear PVE servers, base building etc etc. You should give yourself a chance to experience it all before SA comes along, there is a lot of fun to be had and some of these great servers will close when people rush to the standalone, it would be a shame to miss out on it.

Just my 2 cents.

oh and aside from the mod, ARMA is a great game on its own anyway.

Edited by AntiHero
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Buy ArmA II and OA right now. Think about it. You get ArmA II, Operation Arrowhead AND DayZ. Thats 3 games, for what, 10 euros? Totally worth it! :)

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When the stand-alone version is released, will the free mod still be updated for Arma 2 and be compatible with the stand-alone version? If so, I'll pay the £12.49 now. If not, I'll wait.

DayZ mod might be ported to Arma 3 when Arma 3 is enough near the initial release so there won't be any patches that brake mods. But that's Q4 earliest. A2 mod is already near to the "real" experience IMO.

Also DayZ will be alpha as fuck at first for some time so it might be frustrating for some time.

There's DayZ coming and Arma 3 is already in beta stage so it's hard to say really if you should buy.

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To answer your question OP, yes it is worth buying.

Two main reasons, number 1 is to get some practice in, get used to the mechanics, SA will be a bit different but it's the same engine so some things are bound to be similar. Get as much practice in with as many different types of guns as you can, heck just learn how to survive without having to rely on dangerous runs to the big cities. There is SO much you can learn by playing now which will no doubt benefit you when the SA is released, plus you could actually be having fun NOW instead of waiting.

Secondly, there are so many different maps and servers available, you can find straight up spawn with everything PVP crazy servers, survival based, carebear PVE servers, base building etc etc. You should give yourself a chance to experience it all before SA comes along, there is a lot of fun to be had and some of these great servers will close when people rush to the standalone, it would be a shame to miss out on it.

Just my 2 cents.

oh and aside from the mod, ARMA is a great game on its own anyway.

So you're saying pay at least £8.50 now and play now, then buy the stand-alone edition in a few weeks time for something like £15, when it's most likley the same game? No chance :P

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Well you're downright stupid, they said they set a week when to release it, but he never mentioned that week.

So please, don't say false facts. I watched that Rezzed interview aswell.

Also, CS:GO has nothing to do with this thread.

We will see next week who is the stupid one ;-)

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So you're saying pay at least £8.50 now and play now, then buy the stand-alone edition in a few weeks time for something like £15, when it's most likley the same game? No chance :P

Well it's your call, that's IF the standalone is released in a few weeks. Standalone won't be the same game, it wont have all the maps that the current mod has, it wont have some of the features that the different servers have. I'm just saying that in my opinion, it's worth getting, I will probably still be playing the mod alongside the standalone for this reason, it's nice having the variety of being able to play Lingor, Namalsk, Tavi, Fusion etc etc

£8.50 is a bargain for what you get,

Edited by AntiHero
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You should go ahead and get the full package while you can afford it(A2, OA, and all DLC's for $20). Plus, you can play ArmA 2 which is pretty fun as long as you appreciate it for what it is and don't expect a twitch shooter(like CS: GO). I have a lot of things against those of our community who haven't even touched the base game. Go to the ArmA forums and you'll hear even WORSE from them. Trust me, its a crime to neglect a game this good just for a mod that's as good. If you don't like, that's okay. Its an acquired taste. But it'd be ignorance to ignore the base game. So I'd recommend you try it out to(and ArmA 3 is pretty sweet).

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As far as I know there has not yet been a final decision on the exact price for which the standalone game will be on sale.

As far as I have managed to grasp, the standalone will be a different game to the mod but similar in nature. I hope they don't get rid of the mod because I can't imagine not being able to play it. The standalone will have different controls and look different and it'll be on a different version of the Arma engine.

I don't understand why people ask if they should play dayz the mod or wait for dayz the standalone. They're not really the same thing. Though I see the mod devs are adding things that Rocket has said in interviews will be in the standalone, like all this ruddy infectious diseases and antibiotics and having go to the lavatory, and "crafting" as they call it (which in my country and the US means making your own birthday cards and jewellery etc and quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they made us do that in game too!) and I will stop now or I'll get negative and that's not why I'm here. :thumbsup:

All I can say is I love the mod - though I don't always like the changes the devs have implemented - but I still love running up that beach, looking for an axe and can of food or drink. Why wouldn't you want to play it. Look at youtube videos and see how much fun it can be. :)

Edited by Sula

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£8.50 for three games. Only you will know whether that's good value for money or not.

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I couldn't hold out and bought it today although I do think the fact that arma 2 is on sale because the sa will be released soon, not next week but def by the end of july.

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We will see next week who is the stupid one ;-)

Just wanted to say, you're still the stupid one.

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We will see next week who is the stupid one ;-)

Yea, you're the stupid one.

(two weeks passed now.)

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Yea, you're the stupid one.

(two weeks passed now.)

Is like a headshot from lee enfiled. :P

I don't think he coming back for more :D

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To answer your question OP, yes it is worth buying.

Two main reasons, number 1 is to get some practice in, get used to the mechanics, SA will be a bit different but it's the same engine so some things are bound to be similar. Get as much practice in with as many different types of guns as you can, heck just learn how to survive without having to rely on dangerous runs to the big cities. There is SO much you can learn by playing now which will no doubt benefit you when the SA is released, plus you could actually be having fun NOW instead of waiting.

Secondly, there are so many different maps and servers available, you can find straight up spawn with everything PVP crazy servers, survival based, carebear PVE servers, base building etc etc. You should give yourself a chance to experience it all before SA comes along, there is a lot of fun to be had and some of these great servers will close when people rush to the standalone, it would be a shame to miss out on it.

Just my 2 cents.

oh and aside from the mod, ARMA is a great game on its own anyway.

Beans for you! Hopefully the Steam summer sale will start tomorrow (Thursday the 11th) under the facts that a SSS always starts on a Thursday, and if it does not start the 11th, it will be the latest summer sale ever. Steam enjoys mid month anyways, I dont think they want to wait till the 18th, because Amazon and that other website just ended their summer sales :D

I will have to pick up Combined Ops regardless of the reduced price, there is no way I'm patient enough to wait for that extra bit of sale over the top of the already reduced price from the SSS.


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