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DayZ nox caedibus part 3 (The Escape) Cinematic

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It was pretty good, although i felt it really dragged a bit. That whole helicopter scene could have been way shorter, but it was better than a lot of the other cinematics out there. I really wish it had some dialogue but Its really hard to do it convincingly. But all in all a great effort.

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It was pretty good, although i felt it really dragged a bit. That whole helicopter scene could have been way shorter, but it was better than a lot of the other cinematics out there. I really wish it had some dialogue but Its really hard to do it convincingly. But all in all a great effort.

Ya i got a rumor of dragging things out hehe.

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Well now you have something to keep in mind for the next one you do :-)

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Well now you have something to keep in mind for the next one you do :-)

Try to get some dialogue in the next 1, just need to find someone that have a movie start voice :thumbsup:

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Good video on the hole, I can see you put alot of time into it. I would say lay off all the slow motion as it makes it feel too sluggish, and definitely add some dialog.

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Good video on the hole, I can see you put alot of time into it. I would say lay off all the slow motion as it makes it feel too sluggish, and definitely add some dialog.

Cut the speed in half looks better when frapsing, full speed dos not look good in the long run, thats why its slow mo, but again it get a bit to much when its no dialog.

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I liked it. The only thing I noticed is that in the shot at 2:20 the walking is too synchronized between the three characters.

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I liked it. The only thing I noticed is that in the shot at 2:20 the walking is too synchronized between the three characters.

I had to make em walk like that, since there where vehicles on each side, if i made a wp for all 3 they will all choose a diff path, so had to make em follow the lead npc.

Npc's u know, they work for free, they dont listen to u all the time haha :lol:

Edited by Drbane

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Really nice video, nice to see ppl put some effort into the cinematic's, not just make the same as every one else dos :D

And ofc some dialog would be nice.

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