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Question about SA Alpha access from a new person (when it's released)

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I have been keeping tabs on DayZ since last fall when it was released (though I thought it had been out a LOT longer, stupid me).

I decided to finally make a forum account to ask who will be given the opportunity to buy Alpha when it gets released in the next month or two? Will it be on a first come, first serve basis, or will the devs be opening it first to the more prominent people?

I ask because I never got ArmA2 mainly because Planetside2 was coming out and didn't want two games to have at the same time. Well I've gotten bored with Planetside 2 because of terrible development and design decisions which are ruining the game. So I thought I'd check in to see how the SA is going and see what it'll take to get an alpha purchase. I like supporting indy game devs because the games end up being a lot less about eye candy or cash grabs and more about fun (something the gaming industry has seemed to forgotten about in the past five years).

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Teh standalone is goiing to be released on a specific week, no-one knows yet when, but that week is going to be in between tomorrow and 2 months thats for sure. Please take your time to check my thread that has all the info you need about standalone.

Edited by Aporis
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Teh standalone is goiing to be released on a specific week, no-one knows yet when, but that week is going to be in between tomorrow and 2 months thats for sure. Please take your time to check my thread that has all the info you need about standalone.

I know it'll cost money for everyone that gets it but will it be a closed Alpha or open Alpha?

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closed alpha testing has already began, so its open alpha :)

APO-EDIT: Closed alpha started 29 of may 2013

Edited by Aporis

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At OP be prepared to have a lot of information come straight at you, once you open Apris Thread. Have to acknowledge the amount of work his put into it.

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I already read Aporis' thread. Wasn't that big of a deal, just took some reading. I am really excited and want to play the SA Alpha, mainly because I have no game to play anymore leaving my three hours of free time after work (before dinner) completely void.

I really can't wait to get to play this Alpha. May I inquire (for anyone with the closed Alpha), about multi-screen support (resolutions over 1920x1080).

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I already read Aporis' thread. Wasn't that big of a deal, just took some reading. I am really excited and want to play the SA Alpha, mainly because I have no game to play anymore leaving my three hours of free time after work (before dinner) completely void.

I really can't wait to get to play this Alpha. May I inquire (for anyone with the closed Alpha), about multi-screen support (resolutions over 1920x1080).

I would help but I only have one screen.

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I have 4x24".

Nice lol. I'm not sure you'll be needing them for a game like DayZ though tbh :/

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they are gunna open it up to everyone..

i suspect giving out a limited number of keys, and having negative reports, might kill momentum going forward.

this way if everyone is buying it on the same day, by the time word spreads they will have already sold enuf units to no longer need to fear.

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Nice lol. I'm not sure you'll be needing them for a game like DayZ though tbh :/

What? I can't get a full 180° of peeing my pants? ='(

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they are gunna open it up to everyone..

i suspect giving out a limited number of keys, and having negative reports, might kill momentum going forward.

this way if everyone is buying it on the same day, by the time word spreads they will have already sold enuf units to no longer need to fear.

Where will we be buying DayZ alpha from?

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Where will we be buying DayZ alpha from?


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What? I can't get a full 180

Yes you can unless the support has somehow dropped in the development.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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