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DayZ Standalone Roleplay Servers

DayZ SA Roleplay Servers Yes or No?  

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  1. 1. DayZ SA Roleplay Servers Yes or No?

    • YES
    • NO

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Hey guys, this is a question/poll I have wanted to come up with for a while now. What would you like? If there would be Roleplay servers in Standalone DayZ that would make possible alot more player Interaction for players who want to have even more immersive experience, like imagine instead of being KoS'd you would be taken as a hostage, asked questions an what later? Roleplay server that would be a good for players who want more interaction with other players, and could tell stories, make friendships and kill-lists for the hated and propably the best: be in character. Like maybe you would find yourself group'd up with 2 random strangers. What IF this all would work? Is It Yes or No for Roleplay servers?

Anybody has any plans or ideas about Roleplaying on DayZ Standalone?

Edited by Aporis
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I actually was thinking about this last night. I think there should be role servers as there are those of us out there that do so on normal servers. Wouldn't hurt to have it. =D

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I like the sound of that. Brought back memories of my very first online role playing game. You would be PKed there just as much as in any other game but with a lot more style because usually the guys attacking you would threaten you first or try to rob you and stuff.

That would be so much more fun than just being killed in Elektro fresh after spawn just because some 13 years old thinks he's super skilled if he shoots you with his DMR.

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Well, we can do that now but people decide not to do that.

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there could be some specific server rules about Roleplaying controlled by server admins.

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I like this idea, as I usually speak in character when attempting to avoid combat with another player. But as far as KOSing being eliminated on RP servers? I doubt it. If anything, players looking for easy kills would go there thinking their prey would be weaker and less fit for PVP.

I would just continue to pretend they're roleplaying psychopaths that trust none and kill all in their path.

Any ideas on how admins could enforce players to roleplay on these servers without restricting player freedom?

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I like this idea, as I usually speak in character when attempting to avoid combat with another player. But as far as KOSing being eliminated on RP servers? I doubt it. If anything, players looking for easy kills would go there thinking their prey would be weaker and less fit for PVP.

I would just continue to pretend they're roleplaying psychopaths that trust none and kill all in their path.

Any ideas on how admins could enforce players to roleplay on these servers without restricting player freedom?

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There's nothing better than a well run RP server. I've never tried it in DayZ though (only tried a few Taki-Life servers and a minecraft server), but I imagine it would work quite well. I'm hoping some rp servers pop up once the standalone gets up and running.

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I like this idea, as I usually speak in character when attempting to avoid combat with another player. But as far as KOSing being eliminated on RP servers? I doubt it. If anything, players looking for easy kills would go there thinking their prey would be weaker and less fit for PVP.

I would just continue to pretend they're roleplaying psychopaths that trust none and kill all in their path.

Any ideas on how admins could enforce players to roleplay on these servers without restricting player freedom?

How to get rid of KoS? Like one guy goes just to elektro to kill a ton of people, KoS. that also could give a story, like some people would maybe group up to kill him and make Elektro once more a safer place to loot.

So Kinda even KoS'ers have an important role on the Roleplay servers story line, yes this has been edited as i realized my old idea is props gonna happen. (getting kicked in some servers for too much kos or breaking the immersion)

Edited by Aporis

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On a separate hive? sure

On the same hive as normal no rules servers? Too much potential for those on the RP servers to gain an advantage over the rest of the hive, many would consider a server with no kill on sight to be an easy mode server.

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Well first measure could be to make such a server whitlisted to keep those out that are just there to annoy people by PKing them.

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On a separate hive? sure

On the same hive as normal no rules servers? Too much potential for those on the RP servers to gain an advantage over the rest of the hive, many would consider a server with no kill on sight to be an easy mode server.

Also agree with that: There should be a seperate Hive for the RP servers.

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Considering private hives aren't planned initially, no. It's not really feasible on a public hive, plenty of servers do this currently in the mod though so obviously there is potential there.

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Well first measure could be to make such a server whitlisted to keep those out that are just there to annoy people by PKing them.

Indeed a Whitelist sounds good and active admins could keep up the order.

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Player killing should NOT be restricted on roleplaying servers. I can even think of ways to justify spawn killing through roleplaying (prejudice border patrol, psychopathic killer, yada yada)

It's amazing how many people fail to understand that this game would be sooooo boring without the threat of bandits (including KOS).

Sorry if that last bit was off topic but its getting old listening to people beg for something that would essentially kill the game...

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Let's all just hold our horses until the standalone is released. We don't really know how much all the new features, as well as an engine change, and just the shift from being a mod in general, is going to affect our play styles. Zombies are more threatening, areas can be taken over by players now, crafting and construction are going to be significantly more robust, items are going to be rarer, ect. My point is this: if enough danger is presented to us by the game world, then we might start naturally grouping up together against it. Not to mention, bandits do provide a lot of the danger. When it comes straight down to it, the apocalypse is pretty much... well that. The apocalypse. So it's every man (or small group) for their own.

That being said, I think the idea of RP specific serves is a good one, and one that will probably happen naturally. And yeah, I think they will work, to an extent. Of course you can't remove people from the server if they are Bandits. But on an RP server, the survivors could roleplay and fight bandits. Players who join specifically to kill other people would naturally become outlaws, sort of.

Let's just guess that 70% of the people who join an RP server are there because they want to roleplay as survivors. (Let's be honest here, DayZ is a roleplaying game. People who kill other people are just playing the role of people who kill other people) And 30% of them are griefers who want to take advantage of roleplayers, a.k.a, bandits. The "survivors" will naturally coagulate and kill bandits. And that's nothing against the griefers, because they play an important role of providing one more common enemy for RP players to bond over. Not to mention, we can consider the possibility that well run RP servers could establish bases (run by admins and server trustees) that would operate as a sort of trading post and safe zone. This can work.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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Player killing should NOT be restricted on roleplaying servers. I can even think of ways to justify spawn killing through roleplaying (prejudice border patrol, psychopathic killer, yada yada)

It's amazing how many people fail to understand that this game would be sooooo boring without the threat of bandits (including KOS).

Sorry if that last bit was off topic but its getting old listening to people beg for something that would essentially kill the game...

You missunderstood me, i dont want KoS to be completely gone thats why i said it could include an amazing story if you get killed you shoudl try to gather up some men to kill that baytard over elektro.

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id be game for this... but you know having a RP server will be a magnet for the worst of the worst KoS asshats just out to ruin someone elses day ?


so i suspect you'd have to have alot of active admins handing out lifetime bans in a hurry.

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id be game for this... but you know having a RP server will be a magnet for the worst of the worst KoS asshats just out to ruin someone elses day ?


so i suspect you'd have to have alot of active admins handing out lifetime bans in a hurry.

Wow someone resurrected this, And a whitelist too!

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Aporis, on 18 Dec 2013 - 1:37 PM, said:Aporis, on 18 Dec 2013 - 1:37 PM, said:

Wow someone resurrected this, And a whitelist too!

i know weird huh , esp. since its talking about a SA rp server, and you know.... SA is out..


but yeah totaly weird.. <_<

Edited by Siberian

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