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ORIGINS: Salvation City

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after having solo dipped in and out of the urals on sec b without breaking a sweat as im sure many of you all have done, we can understand and appreciate that the devs would only increase the difficulty level of things that happen there.

the 2 hueys that stay behind and patrol and guard the mayors house is perfect, spreading guards to places that used to be weaknesses makes us all have to think of new strategies and those machine gun mounted trucks, guards with nvg's were damn good curve balls as well!

but out of all seriousness..... no matter how large or small your group, whether you go in with makarov's or m24's, be it in the day or at night, it is seemingly damn near impossible to make any sort of progress without getting your ass handed to you. ESPECIALLY when theres a restart cycle on the server giving you limited time to make it through. id LIKE to think im a fairly decent pvp'er, but these guards are nothing less than BRUTAL and dont appear to have any downfalls at all. now ive heard several people be all "oh yeah ive done a full sec b sweep already" or "easy as pie, quick in and out" - and that may even be so, but i have yet to see any actual proof of footage of a full run where they made it in and took on guards, raided the urals, killed the mayor and got out safely. speaking of the urals, i thought loot was randomized and rare? the best ive seen thus far was a fal and a bunch of m16's or mini uzis... would someone please just humor me with a video of themselves or a group actually successfully completing a sec b run on this new update? i completely appreciate the new challenge and im sure all others do as well, but holy shit its just not even worth it after so much death.

my group and i have tried every possible infiltration method that island can offer us.. what has everyone else around here tried out, and how has it worked for you? - i look forward to hearing AND WATCHING all of your responses!

Edited by Stryder.us

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Just YOLOed it with a group of five, parked our MI17 in the middle of the shipping area, took several bullets to the engine and bailed. one man was shot in the head as we jumped out, died right away. A second was knocked out, legs broken. Me and one other made it to the hangars. He poked his head out, caught a sniper bullet. Died on the spot. Our injured man relogged as his knockout was glitched, and was on mainland. The two last men standing, my friend and I, tried to get to one of the urals. The server was desynching badly, and guards were running through the walls to take potshots at us. We said "Fuck it" and left.

TLDR; Holy fuck Salvo is hard now.

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after having solo dipped in and out of the urals on sec b without breaking a sweat as im sure many of you all have done, we can understand and appreciate that the devs would only increase the difficulty level of things that happen there.

the 2 hueys that stay behind and patrol and guard the mayors house is perfect, spreading guards to places that used to be weaknesses makes us all have to think of new strategies and those machine gun mounted trucks, guards with nvg's were damn good curve balls as well!

but out of all seriousness..... no matter how large or small your group, whether you go in with makarov's or m24's, be it in the day or at night, it is seemingly damn near impossible to make any sort of progress without getting your ass handed to you. ESPECIALLY when theres a restart cycle on the server giving you limited time to make it through. id LIKE to think im a fairly decent pvp'er, but these guards are nothing less than BRUTAL and dont appear to have any downfalls at all. now ive heard several people be all "oh yeah ive done a full sec b sweep already" or "easy as pie, quick in and out" - and that may even be so, but i have yet to see any actual proof of footage of a full run where they made it in and took on guards, raided the urals, killed the mayor and got out safely. speaking of the urals, i thought loot was randomized and rare? the best ive seen thus far was a fal and a bunch of m16's or mini uzis... would someone please just humor me with a video of themselves or a group actually successfully completing a sec b run on this new update? i completely appreciate the new challenge and im sure all others do as well, but holy shit its just not even worth it after so much death.

my group and i have tried every possible infiltration method that island can offer us.. what has everyone else around here tried out, and how has it worked for you? - i look forward to hearing AND WATCHING all of your responses!

Wrong section--should be in Private Hives.

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