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Buying a macbook, need suggestions

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I know they aren't made for gaming, asshole.


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Okay, i'm a huge apple fan and I'm not a hardcore gamer or anything like that and I just like macbooks all around appeal.

Just from this first sentence, just seems like DayZ isn't for you.

Buying a pre built PC is bad and you should feel bad.

Vouch, never do this. Its a borderline scam.

Friends don't let friends buy pre-builts.

Edited by Grief.exe

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Going to go ahead and clear this up.

I didn't say gaming laptops, did I? Don't put words in my posts that don't exist.

The OP wants a laptop capable of gaming, if you would have read his post you'd know that. Inferencing skills; use them!

I know they aren't made for gaming, asshole.

I don't even have to explain this part.

But name me ONE other brand of laptop that lasts 7 years before anything starts dying or breaks.

Last time you said Toshibas would last 3 years, now it's 7?

I've owned three Toshiba Satellite laptops, all of them had hard drive failures within a month of purchase.

Maybe I was unlucky; perhaps. But their customer service is beyond horrible, and that's coming from my own personal experience. After days of contacting Toshiba, I finally got someone to speak with me. However, it took them over a month to ship a replacement laptop. Worst experience I've ever had with customer service to date.

edit: spelling

Edited by Death Dealer

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Last time you said Toshibas would last 3 years, now it's 7?

I've owned three Toshiba Satellite laptops, all of them had hard drive failures within a month of purchase.

Maybe I was unlucky; perhaps. But their customer service is beyond horrible, and that's coming from my own personal experience. After days of contacting Toshiba, I finally got someone to speak with me. However, it took them over a month to ship a replacement laptop. Worst experience I've ever had with customer service to date.

edit: spelling

Hard Drive failures have less to do with the laptop manufacturer and more to do with their individual manufacturer and their treatment.

They are very fragile, and if they are shipped improperly can cause failures.

Its actually very telling that you had 3 HDD failures in a row on your laptops. Its pretty easy to place the blame on their failure on yourself, Most likely you were dropping the laptop or treating it improperly.

Now if it had been a capacitor on the motherboard failing, that would be one thing. But HDD failure is another, especially in the situation your describe.

I haven't followed the thread or anything, so I don't know what argument you are trying to make, but its not like the build quality of the internals on Apple computers are anything special. They are made in the Foxconn plant as well as other cheap manufactureres. I would never personally place those parts in a computer I built myself or for someone else.

Edited by Grief.exe

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The laptops never left my desk after initially removing them from the packaging and setting them up.

If I damaged them, I would have known it, and I wouldn't go on ranting about Toshiba's products.

I don't see why everyone is bashing Apple. Sure, they're not good for gaming, but that's not their purpose. Apple computers are for projects like video editing, rendering, etc etc. For that purpose, they're a great computer.

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The laptops never left my desk after initially removing them from the packaging and setting them up.

If I damaged them, I would have known it, and I wouldn't go on ranting about Toshiba's products.

I don't see why everyone is bashing Apple. Sure, they're not good for gaming, but that's not their purpose. Apple computers are for projects like video editing, rendering, etc etc. For that purpose, they're a great computer.

I have a feeling it had something to do with their shipping then, since you said that they shipped you a new one each time.

Again, HDDs are very fragile and can be easily damaged during shipping.

As for your statement on Apple, I would argue that you can build a computer that could do those tasks significantly faster and at a significantly reduced price. The nice thing about Apple is its easy, and they have very nice screens. Objectively, that's about it.

Edited by Grief.exe

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Best suggestion ever:

Don't buy one!

Apple does not have access to technology that somehow eludes the various PC component manufacturers out there. They possess no enhanced ability in artistic applications (Adobe, etc) that is not granted by the hardware within, hardware that is readily available in any computer. The only thing that you are paying for when you buy an Apple is the picture of an apple and the feeling that you have joined some inner circle of tech savants, when in fact you've simply bought into one of the most overly-hyped tech companies in existence.

I have never recommended laptops to anyone for any purpose other than mobility. I have a cheap Acer that I tote to school/work simply so I can access basic office applications, browse the web, etc. You will always be hindered by lack of space and heating issues, problems easily solved by going with a desktop rig. Don't get frustrated with people here who are only trying to help you overcome brand loyalty so that you get greater performance for your dollar. If someone asked me how to tow a trailer with a Civic, I'd give them a similar response.

Edited by thengeance

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As for your statement on Apple, I would argue that you can build a computer that could do those tasks significantly faster and at a significantly reduced price. The nice thing about Apple is its easy, and they have very nice screens. Objectively, that's about it.

I suppose you're right.

Saw a Mac Pro at the Apple store for $1,800. You could easily build a much more powerful PC for that price.

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I know the Macbook you're talking about so you must be getting it used, how much are you paying for it? Do you need to use MacOS? The 9400m was a good videocard for it's time but I would not want to run Arma II on it. It could also be a bit prone to heating up and even overheating if you don't make sure the heatsink exhaust and fan is clean. This is one reason Apple actually switched to lower power video cards after this. It's a good computer I still have one working fine, installed 8 gb of RAM for $80, I had to replace the fan once, found on amazon for around $13. I open it up from time to time to clean the dust out.

But if I had around $800 - $900 to spend I'd build a small form factor mini-itx, putting around $200 - $250 in the video card. I would chose a motherboard that allows for a Hackintosh setup. Check out Silverstone cases like SG-05 http://www.silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=210&area= Much smaller than regular desktops, efficient cooling.

If you can get the Macbook for a good price and it works good and need MacOS then get it but running Arma II might not be as fun as it should...

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Mac is balls. Stupid name, stupid appliances stupid everything. You'll get more enjoyment out of eating dirt.

Mac is balls. Don't bother with it. Even if it is so cheap, save that money and put it toward a decent Windows that can actually do cool stuff, and not be balls.

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Mac is balls. Stupid name, stupid appliances stupid everything. You'll get more enjoyment out of eating dirt.

Mac is balls. Don't bother with it. Even if it is so cheap, save that money and put it toward a decent Windows that can actually do cool stuff, and not be balls.

osx and the case aren't completely terrible, the rest is though.

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Mac is balls. Stupid name, stupid appliances stupid everything. You'll get more enjoyment out of eating dirt.

Mac is balls. Don't bother with it. Even if it is so cheap, save that money and put it toward a decent Windows that can actually do cool stuff, and not be balls.

You have my beans for using 'balls' so eloquently.

Edited by thengeance

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