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bodyguards pllz help

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hello i'm writing a scripted for my brother hes only 13 and not very good so i started looking for scripts that will spawn some bodyguards for him coz he only plays Multiplayer by him self or with me. ive pieced together something. it sames to work. the works bodyguards enabled puts up. but nothing spawns. im not shore if im ever adding the .sqf to the MPmission propley ether. her is the script

TitleText [format["Bodyguard Enabled"], "PLAIN DOWN"];

private["_spawnAIS", "_plrGroup"];

CIVILIAN setFriend [WEST,0];

WEST setFriend [CIVILIAN,0];

player addRating 50000;

_plrGroup = (group player);

_plrGroup allowFleeing 0;

_plrGroup setFormation "LINE";

"Functionary1_EP1" createUnit [[(getpos player select 0), (getpos player select 1), 50], _plrGroup, "_spawnAIS = this;"];

_spawnAIS enableAI "TARGET";

_spawnAIS enableAI "AUTOTARGET";

_spawnAIS enableAI "MOVE";

_spawnAIS enableAI "ANIM";

_spawnAIS enableAI "FSM";

_spawnAIS allowDammage true;

_spawnAIS setCombatMode "RED";

_spawnAIS setBehaviour "COMBAT";

_spawnAIS addweapon "M4SPR";

_spawnAIS addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

_spawnAIS addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

_spawnAIS addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

_spawnAIS addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

_spawnAIS addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

_spawnAIS addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

_spawnAIS addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

_spawnAIS selectWeapon "M4SPR";

_spawnAIS setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",1];

_spawnAIS setSkill ["aimingShake",1];

_spawnAIS setSkill ["aimingSpeed",1];

_spawnAIS setSkill ["endurance",1];

_spawnAIS setSkill ["spotDistance",1];

_spawnAIS setSkill ["spotTime",1];

_spawnAIS setSkill ["courage",1];

_spawnAIS setSkill ["reloadSpeed",1];

_spawnAIS setSkill ["commanding",1];

_spawnAIS setSkill ["general",1];

[_spawnAIS] join _plrGroup;

_spawnAIS addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this call player_fired;}];

while {alive _spawnAIS} do



_x addRating -200000;

} forEach allMissionObjects "zZombie_Base"; // attacks zombies yo

sleep 0.1;


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Logic would dictate that it would be easier to simply alter the spawn rate of zombies to give your brother an easier time on your/his server, as opposed to completely destroying the immersion with a complicated way of spawning bodyguards.

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Also keep in mind that if you've got AI players protecting your brother on your server for little reason, nobody is going to visit your server. Thus completely eliminating the purpose of playing.

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he dose not play online did you not read. he only plays MP by him self (No Internet) and if i play. at his house. the bodygurads will only hert zombies. if i turn down the spawn rate of zombies mite as well play dayz on MTA. hes not to keen on playing online but only by himself. i add sarge Ai to his server. to give it a SP feel but coop. the only thing about sarge ai. we can not add them to are group. or i'd just do that

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he dose not play online did you not read. he only plays MP by him self (No Internet) and if i play. at his house. the bodygurads will only hert zombies. if i turn down the spawn rate of zombies mite as well play dayz on MTA. hes not to keen on playing online but only by himself. i add sarge Ai to his server. to give it a SP feel but coop. the only thing about sarge ai. we can not add them to are group. or i'd just do that

I honestly feel you're barking up the wrong tree, in that case.

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I honestly feel you're barking up the wrong tree, in that case.

what are you babbling about. what tree. no metaphors. im just asking some one to look at my scripted. you will never see it or join the server its a lan server only. so my brother can stay alive long another to find him. thats it

or if anyone knows a scripted like what im doing pllz tell me.

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You might have better luck on the BIS forums or Armaholic.

Be sure to read all the rules and see if anyone has already made a thread like yours.

The guys over there are very knowledgeable, but like to follow their rules and keep things organized. Most of us are not very good at coding either. I suck pretty bad at coding in the editor myself :D

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what are you babbling about. what tree. no metaphors. im just asking some one to look at my scripted. you will never see it or join the server its a lan server only. so my brother can stay alive long another to find him. thats it

or if anyone knows a scripted like what im doing pllz tell me.

What I'm "babbling" about is that DayZ is not designed to be a single-player experience. You know people are allowed to express their opinions here, right?

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What I'm "babbling" about is that DayZ is not designed to be a single-player experience. You know people are allowed to express their opinions here, right?

will only if they read peoples post and not blindly reply.

i said to give it a SP feel its still MP omg. are the rules of this site to read post and blindly type. i respect your reply but read befor replying. the hole thing and think.

i add the ai coz it would just be him by him self. but he gets attacked my zombies and bandits. and gets in the way for bullets. the bodygarudes are only to kill what he can not see, look at his map, go throw his gear. the NPC do not attack players

thanks Vindicator

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will only if they read peoples post and not blindly reply.

i said to give it a SP feel its still MP omg. are the rules of this site to read post and blindly type. i respect your reply but read befor replying. the hole thing and think.

If you had read what I had said, you would know that I'm well aware of what you said, I'm just posting my opinion on it.

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fix it the AI's models did not exist. but then the Bot is active you can not pick up items of the ground FAIL

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