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itamar (DayZ)


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I believe that may just be a wave, at a slightly unfortunate camera angle.

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Y it is an unfortunate angle, but still there could be some work done with this wave .

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Wow.. one of those guys is a tool. I leave y'al too guess which one. Maybe its you :P

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Hahahaha, what the hell.

That isn't a dodgy camera angle... That's a straight up nazi salute.

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I may have gotten teary eyes due to laughter at the point where they "jump humped" the zombie and it just.. froze in shock.

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http://imgur.com/93UsBDL for a direct picture of it.

All I can see is a videogame character raising his right arm.

I really don't know if OP is trolling. I really don't know if someone can be dumb enough to actually think this is a nazi related...thing. I really don't know if we have to consider every person with his right arm raised in the air as a nazi.

Minus 50 points of hope in humanity. Thanks a lot.


Anyway I'm pretty sure The devs will add a SHAKY animation to the arm in their next build so it won't be MISINTERPRETED. OR INTERHERPDERPED, whatever.

And I sincerely hope we won't see the rising of a new totalitarian ideology using a shaky raised arm as a rally sign before the game's out.

That could be the best troll ever, though.

Edited by Hexares

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Why are these two guys such douchebags? I found it painful to watch.

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When he runs the gun isnt even in his hands, its hovering next to him.

When he falls down the stairs he glides like a buterfly slowly and gracefully :)

I saw clips of ppl falling from building and gently landing on ground, no concideration of mass or gravity.

I instaled Operation Flashpoint from 2001 that i have home and did some comparing to Arma 2 and Dayz.

Basicaly same game, only graphics are improved lol

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